
World Domination and Vampires

So the school is destroyed and Damien just creates CHAOS a organisation hell-bent on destruction and disarray killing everyone who dares to disagree with them soooo imagine the Nazis and after 3 months the whole world is under Damien's hands and he is the number 1 Fuhre- Emperor of the world so to sum it up (I got bored so why not?) also he's been ruling for about two years now.

The Supreme Emperor Azrael (He goes by that name now) sits in Dominance (A Castle fortress he Made just look in comments) on his desk looking at the pop up 'Finally' he thought


Take Over The World is completed Reward: New World.

Player will be transported to the New World and will be able to go back to this world also time will still progress in the old world while player is in new world and any money can be converted to new worlds currency if player desires. Also the player has 2 choices when being taken to the new world.

Would you like to go to The New World?

Before leaving to another world Azrael calls in his second in command and the one he will be leaving in control Beliel "Yes Sir! what do you require?" Beliel says while saluting Azrael "As you know I will be leaving for quite awhile and will leave you in charge, Do I need to remind you of Project SS?" "No Sir I will carry out the Project SS in your absence and will Rule as great as you have Sir!" Beliel replies 'I still do wonder why and were he is going but I will not question his choices as he has led us to great prosperity for 2 long years' Beliel thought not knowing that Azrael could read minds (Project SS is basically making super soldiers I mean that's what SS means there is also a space Terraforming project and Reality Shifting Project but that's not important right now) after Azrael got ready he looked in the mirror he was wearing a black coat and had an arm band which had CHAOS imprinted on it in blood red,his left eye was Golden Yellow and his right eye was a Deep Black, he had a eye patch covering his left eye,he had black gloves and his hair was black with white tips, his usual main choice of weaponry was dual wielding a sword and a gun, after that he looked at the pop up again and soon got transported.

1. Reincarnation: You will randomly reincarnated but you will keep all your stats and powers and your money and weapons will be in your inventory.

2. Transported: You will be teleported randomly in the world in a random place and time

3. Summoned: You will be typically isekaid but other people will be isekaid with you.

Azrael thought for a moment and decided to do reincarnation because he wanted to kind of restart this time so he picked it.

[Are you sure?]

"Yes" Azrael said and soon he was reborn again and he has the same name Azrael and he was born in a nice family this time with a little sister named Elizabeth his parents Tom and Carla actually loved both him and his sister so this was new for Azrael as his parents died when he was very young and Azrael grew up to study Medicine cause his father was a doctor and he wanted to follow in his footsteps. One night Azrael was walking back home and when he arrived he was shocked to see that his house was on fire, he looked to see if his family were safe but could not find them, he also saw a figure running away from his house with blood dripping from him, Azrael followed the unknown figure and was in the deep forest when the figure attacked him and it turned this figure was a vampire and the vampire pulled out a gun and started shooting Azrael, Azrael dodged the bullets and uses his Omni powers for the first time since his previous world to bind the Vampire and he decides to look into its memories and sees an entire Vampire society and Hierarchy exists in this world he also finds that the Vampire had killed his family because a person who knew Azrael's father wanted Tom dead so the vampire was sent kill Tom. After learning about this new information Azrael decides to kill the guy who ordered his father's death and to do that he had to learn more about this Vampire hierarchy and so Azrael got a mission.


Kill The Vampire.

Reward: Vampirism

Azrael killed the vampire beheading it and ripping its heart out just to make sure and completed the mission, he became a vampire and noticed something about his status.


Vampirism Level: 1

Hierarchy: Newborn

Thirst: 100%

Strength: 999

Speed: 999

Vitality: 999

Specialty: ???

Taste: ???

Karma: Neutral

His stat had changed into Vampire stats and he decided to check it out later when he noticed that officers were now noticing the fire so he fled deeper into the forest and he found a cave where he stayed and slept into the night.

After some years Azrael basically just lived in the forest now and became accustomed to living there and developed skills he learned while living in the forest and his vampire powers had evolved.


Vampirism Level: 10 MAX

Hierarchy: Ancient One

Thirst: Irrelevant

Strength: 99999

Speed: 99999

Vitality: 99999

Specialty: Animals and Survival

Taste: Outcasts and Animals

Karma: Killer

He still hasn't given up on his passion for medicine though and became very well versed in it but he hasn't seen many humans since he had only been able to survive of the blood of animals and people who wander to close into the forest and one day he actually decided to go back to his old town having not seen many humans in a while and Azrael wanted to know what is currently going on in the world and walked into town he was given some odd looks since people didn't recognize the boy they thought died in a fire years ago and they thought Azrael was some traveller in their town, As Azrael looked around he saw a crowd near a church and there was a priest who looked liked he was talking to the crowd and as soon as Azrael saw the priest he quickly realised that the priest was a vampire, He got closer to the crowd and a person next to him says "isn't pastor John so great?" he said in a excited but Azrael also noticed that the man was being mind controlled,He looked at Pastor John and John did notice him and was quite shocked 'Shit I didn't know an Ancient One was here!?' John thought 'I should interrogate him and find out more about this Vampire hierarchy' Azrael thought while reading John's mind, Azrael walked up to John and said "Pastor John is it? can I talk to you in private?" Azrael said 'Maybe he doesn't know' John thought while replying "Of course" leading him and Azrael inside the church "And release those people from your hypnosis while your at it" Azrael says while following John 'Nevermind I'm fucked' John thought with a worried smile on his face. They walked into an office when John and Azrael sat down face to face "I'll cut to the chase and ask the question Why were you controlling those people back there" Azrael said with a serious look on his face "Well I-" John was cut off by Azrael "And don't even think about lying since I can literally read minds" 'Well there's no way of backing out of this one' John thought and with a sigh John began explaining everything a couple years ago John had established a church which has actually been disguised as a vampire feeding zone, he knew that it was illegal to do so and that he was breaking vampire rules but he thought he was safe since he was the only vampire in this town plus it was quite isolated,so John gathered Christians and fed on them by luring them to the church then he used Hypnosis to get them to spread the word of the 'Nice Pastor John' to attract more people and to also grow his vampirism powers but he did not expect someone of high ranking to appear Azrael who John knew was an Ancient One a powerful status in the Vampire Hierarchy and they hated people who broke the rules and in one case they starved a vampire of blood for months turning them into a blood fueled frenzied ghoul and then they killed the Vampire with holy water (Holy water against vampires is a very painful way of killing one of hurting one) As John finished the story he got down on his knees and begged Azrael not to tell the Society otherwise John would endure a fate worse than death. Azrael looked into John's memories and his story checked out, Azrael also got knowledge about the Vampire Society cause John was a made a vampire by a high ranking one, Azrael decided he would not tell the Ancient Ones about John but he made the church into a vampire feeding zone to a Vampire Turning Zone cause Azrael wanted to test out his powers and after gathering some people Azrael got to testing and his abilities were Wall Scaling, Hypnosis,Immortality,Shape Shifting,Healing Factor,True form, Telepathy,Atmokinesis,Telekinesis,

Pyrokinesis,Soul Absorption, Blood Rising,Blood Bond,Animal Control,Cell Manipulation, Electrokinesis, Flight, Necromancy, Dream Manipulation and Soul Absorption and all the weaknesses did not affect him so he's become op again. Azrael was walking down the street when he wanted to test out his vampire creation he looked around searching for a likely candidate and he found someone interesting, he used his Omni powers and looked into who she was and he found out that her name was Edeline Raven also she worked as a nurse healing soldiers in the war Azrael followed her and then out of nowhere Elizabeth was grabbed by a mysterious figure and Azrael saw fangs, it was a vampire Azrael swooped in and beheaded the vampire saving Edeline she was on the floor clearly injured from the Vampire he checked her and saw that an unusually amount of blood was taken and she was at the brink of death Azrael bit his wrist leaving a bite mark "Drink if you want to live" Azrael said to Edeline who wasted no chance and began drinking Azrael's blood after Edeline consumed the right amount of blood Azrael broke from her grasp and then she began the physical Death as Azrael waited in the shadows until she turned it was the darkest hour of the night as Edeline awoke a Newborn becoming a vampire.

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