
The Falling of Stars

The grass was still somewhat wet and crisp as Nesrin softly walked under the moonlight. She barely heard Izekiel as he followed her. They spoke no more after he told her about Lillian's summon and Nesrin preferred it that way.

At least, now she can pretend he was like his normal quiet self. 

She lifted her gaze at the endless sky. It was hard to clearly see the stars but she can see the starry heavens in her memory, the gentle night breeze brushing her bare skin, and the delicate scent of the storm.

There was an odd calmness inside her mind, after going through so many things the past couple of months, Nesrin felt like little things can surprise her now. And despite all that she tried to achieve, in the end, she couldn't do anything.

That was a bitter truth she must accept and now that she was nearing the end of it all, her heart was left sinking inside a feeling of nothingness.