
Government's Initiative

Knock* Knock*

" Come in", I said and with that answer Sumit came inside.

" So you did take more than an hour, I told you right. You were beaten by your own confidence...", Sumit mocked me while coming inside.

" I was just thinking about what to do now, I had already finished reading it more than an hour ago", I said with a straight look even though knowing it was impossible.

" You.... lying with such a serious face. Anyways, what's your perspective here? I don't think it's feasible, our company has a long way to go and directly transferring it to them just doesn't make any sense", Sumit said while sitting in front of my table.

" Well..... you see, here.. here.. here.. and here... here also, you see how they tried so many points to slowly dissolve it and eat it whole. It is nothing but a pit hole filled with sinking sand. Once we go down we'll drown and drown until we finally submerge. If we simply sign it after a normal reading then we will only become mere puppets trying our best to push this whole company in the government's hand albeit bit by bit", I said while flipping the pages and showing Sumit some of the most absurd clauses and conditions.

" I just don't understand why they would do something like this, even if they think of us as fools then too do they really think there's no capable person in this big unicorn", Sumit said with a little laughable look.

" It's not as simple as it looks like, do you really think there's no financial support to the government. There are companies that more or less are like ATM's to the political parties and you really think that those 100+ billion dollar companies would let go of this cash cow of ours. It is no less than surety that UPI will expand and with that our mobile company will also progress. There's no looking back now from this point on, if they don't slander or push us down then this is their only way to eat us, slowly but surely", I said after taking every condition into consideration.

" I too think so, looking at the world progressing so fast it's almost definite that our company's not gonna stop advancing and with time on our side it will only be faster and faster. It's almost an unwritten prophecy that if we play all our cards right then this will be a $100 billion company in the future, so thinking it straight it's not wrong for them to do everything in their arsenal to eat up all this hard work of ours", Zara said in my approval.

" How can it be like that, even if it's true then also it's hard to think of the next step. It's really difficult to turn down the government's order otherwise it's not wrong to say that with this we are going against the whole country on not following this deal", Sumit said with some hesitation in his voice.

" Well... what Zara said is right but... you don't need to be afraid Sumit, you really thought I won't be ready for this. The day I decided to build this shit up I knew I was gonna face the rulers of the market someday. It's a dog eat dog world where nobody gives a shit if you die by a heart attack on the road, so looking at it like this it's not hard to predict this move of theirs. Let's wrap this up now, they want this 50-50 then let's talk about it and see what their terms really are about, arrange a meeting with them", I said it all as if it was pretty normal for a company to get a direct government call for their rights and finished it all up with a grin.

" You... you really think they would send their representatives like this..", Sumit asked with a

surprised look.

" The representative would not be governmental, that's what I can be sure of for now. Rest of it, let's look at the meeting first", I said with confidence.

" How can it be?? A non-government officer for a government funded idea and that too such a heavily funded one", Sumit asked with shocked face.

" Brother Sumit, we've only been dealing with private companies till now but it's kinda obvious that if those big private market rulers sent some government official then corruption would not just be a surety but a necessity and if we keep that in mind then corruption in a longer term only brings blunder. It is very normal for them to send private or their own delegates to handle this matter", Zara shrugged it off as if it was pretty normal for it to happen.

" I knew our system's corrupt but such deep infiltration.... I didn't expect it", Sumit said with a lost smile.

" It's not just about the system Brother Sumit, it is about the politics that is played here. In US there's almost a direct interference of private companies in the election but here to not hinder people's mindset, the source of the funding in politics is always kept in dark. It's kinda normal to think it as a long term investment cause if our party turns up as the government then that funding could give us more than a hundred fold earning", I said with a simple smile.

" ughh... fuxk it, I need some refreshments now, all this shitty corruption talk is too much to handle at once", Sumit said while getting up with an agitated face.

" Don't pressure yourself too much Brother, I am also here to handle situations like this. Don't struggle too hard with everything and try to face everything calmly", I said with assurance shining on my face.

"Yeah, all this pressure and work might have made my mind rust a bit... I think I am in a dire need of a holiday", Sumit said while scratching the back of his head.

" I too think so, anyways let's return to our works now. It's all about the future and past of what remains to talk", I said to make Sumit dismiss.

" Yeah, let's move back to our work then..", Sumit said while going out of the office.


" Aren't you too confident in dealing with the government or that so called big funder of their's", said Zara after Sumit left.

" It's not over confidence babe it's just about understanding the situation and the ability to have whatever benefits I can from any severe condition", I said with my hands behind the head while leaning back on the chair.



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