
The New Family Member (***)

It was me and Shanaya coming out of the school gate. Today she was clinging on to me much more than any other day. It may be due to the intimate moment we had.

We saw Maya and Natasha standing there but a new member also joined them, it saw Sania who was standing with both of them. She had a smile on her face but I could see something different behind that expression. She looked sad, it may be due to her finding how her father lived while making her life worse.

We quickly reached where they were standing.

"Looks like something special happened, someone's so clingy today", as soon as we reached Maya started teasing her daughter.

"I.... am so happy today", this time Shanaya did not back down and replied while tightening her grip around my arm.

"I didn't knew my daughter is so shameless".

"He... hello Ritik", a soft whisper came from behind.

" Hello Sania, did everything went well?"

"That... yes, I saw his true colors today, he came with the other wife and looked happy leaving me, I.... sniff*"

"Hey... don't cry, you've got your whole life ahead and that too with a new and better family"

"Yeah.... I do", smile formed on her face.

"Her father is such an asshol....", Natasha talked about how it all went.

This morning she informed Sania's father about the legal custody exchange she wanted. He was more than happy and decided to do it today only.

They went to the court and easily the custody was transferred. Natasha completed all the procedures and from that moment on we had a new member in the family. Natasha bribed some officials as it was almost impossible to have full legal custody of a child if his/her father or mother is still alive and well.

Everyone was happy but I was lost thinking about a very important thing,

'How the fuxk am I supposed to enjoy the newly discovered lovemaking process with Sania living with me and Natasha everyday'

( A/n - Sania the cockblocker)

After that Maya took us to a hotel to celebrate the occasion, Sania denied the offer but Maya insisted saying that it will help her forget about her past and help her move on.


We were sitting in the centre of a 2 storey family restaurant with 2 beautiful girls on both my sides while 2 beautiful and hot ladies in the front.

If one ducks down, he can see Shanaya holding my hand under the table. It was not something aggressively intimate but it showed the ever increasing affection she had in her heart for me.

Maya and Natasha were talking about something while Sania and Shanaya also started talking among themselves. I was sitting between them but I was like an invisible wall. Sania started opening up after Shanaya started talking with her. They both had different likings but after sometime as girls normally would, they started chattering on different things.

Maya told us to order whatever we wanted but Sania looked at the menu with hesitation, I took her hand gesturing her to give me the menu. I ordered one of the most expensive dishes in the restaurant but Sania tried to deny it. I tightened my grip around her and looked straight in her eyes,

"Listen Sania, Shanaya and her mom are much more than relatives for us and as the newest family member the same goes for you and thus from now on they are your closed ones too so don't think of anything and just ask for whatever you want with them, and above that they are loaded so with them you should never worry about money, right aunt", I looked at Maya with a smile.

"Well, that's an exaggeration but at least we can eat here to our fullest and not worry too much so don't worry about anything and just order anything you want", she said with a simple smile.

"We... well, thank you big sister", she bowed in resignation.

"my-my I am an old lady, why be formal calling me sister and all", she said giving the ara ara vibe from Japanese anime.

"Well, I told her to call me big sister or sister as it can be possible for her to be the future bride of our house, isn't it Sania", Natasha said with a teasing smile.

Sania dropped down her head down to the lowest and her face turned red with what Natasha said.

"No auntie, I won't allow it", Shanaya got up from her seat, stomped her foot and shouted.

Maya did not react and just watched the drama while giving me a teasing smile.

I was having an awkward expression not knowing how to react.

"Well, it's just a possibility Shanaya, who knows what happens in the future", Natasha continued with a smile.

"It's all because of you, get up and move away, don't sit with him", Shanaya and her aggressive nature. Only a slight instigation was able to make her loose her mind.

"We... well, why would... I", this time Sania did not back down and said looking straight in Shanaya's eyes.

"You....", Shanaya pointed her finger at Sania and glared.

"Don't be angry and sit down, it's just a joke, why escalate it to such limits", I took Shanaya's hand and told her to sit down.

"You... you are also taking her side, did you get so attached to her in one day", she said while looking at me with an ugly expression.

"Come here... breath in and out, just relax and close your eyes for a second", I attached my forehead with her and told her to do this.

It was our secret, she was a little aggressive with everyone other than me and our friends and thus very prone to instigations and it was me who always calm her down with this method.

"But...", she said with a sad expression.

"Just do what I say Sana", I insisted.

She closed her eyes and breathed in and out and opened her eyes after about 10 seconds.

"Everything's OK", I asked her.

"Ye.. yes, but you don't have to do it in front of everyone, I was just showing her....", she tried explaining with a red embarrassed face.

"Don't think of anything, just enjoy the day, it was her first day with us and look at what you did to her, mom was just joking and you escalated the things so much, you should apologize "


"No buts.."

"Well, I'm sorry for shouting at you but don't be too attached with him or you'll see", at least she apologized.

"Thank you Ritik for helping me", Sania did not bet an eye on her and hugged my arm. I knew she was showing Shanaya that now she also got a place beside me but what could I had done, I just let her do what she was doing.

"No, Ritik helped me in calming down my anger so he treats me better, isn't it Ritik", Shanyaya hugged the other arm of mine.

"Hahaha..." "Hahahaha.."

"You're really special Ritik, calming down Shanaya so easily, even I have difficulties making her silent after she gets aggressive."

Natasha and Maya both laughed looking at the small cat fight between Shanaya and Sania for the mouse Ritik.

I didn't knew how to react and just smiled bitterly.

Shanaya was the one who got embarrassed and hid her face in my chest.

Sania was the one who always got shy quickly and thus quickly moved away but still held on to my hand under the table.

There were not many people in the restaurant but still some started staring at us enjoying the moment and having fun. It was really a scene looking at 4 beautiful women enjoying their time with a young boy.

After some time the food came and we started eating. Sania also got mixed well with us. She still held some reservations but all n all we all enjoyed the time with the new member in the group of four or we can say from then on it became five.

We shared about the things at school while Maya and Natasha talked about some other things like clothes or some new fashion products in the market.

After sometime we decided to part our ways and go back home. We were three people now so Sania sat in the middle while I was the last one sitting behind Natasha and Sania on the scooty.

It was 4:30 in the evening when we came back and thus Natasha decided to not go to shop that day. She called and informed Ayesha about it.

"Should we watch a movie today. We have nothing else to do anyway", I gave my opinion.

"Good idea, what do you think Sania",Nataha asked.

"We... well, whatever you want sis..", I understood she still held some reservations and thus was unable to give her opinion.


I and Natsha were inside a blanket while Sania was sitting on the side. The movie was a horror genre with a lot of jump scare scenes. It was gore with a lot of blood. The movie started with a car going through highway with jungle on both the sides. Suddenly a bike which was being driven by some ugly looking old man came from the front and crashed into the car. The man from the car came out and as soon as he came out, a man who had a face like mashed potato jumped from the side and hacked his axe on the man's head. The man on the bike got up as if there was no pain even after having such a major accident. He cut the head of the car owner and kicked it to the side while taking the body inside the jungle.

I saw Sania shivering on the side. I understood that the life during these 5 years made her heart weak and thus movies like that would definitely scare her.

Natasha was also hugging my hand tightly inside the blanket.

"Hey Sania, Isn't it chilly outside, come inside the blanket", I asked her.

"W... what, no... I'm alright, I'm enjoying the movie"

"Hey, I'm not telling you to lay beside me, you can lay down beside Natasha and don't hold any reservations, we are one family now so do whatever you want but for now come inside the blanket", the blanket was very large and thus could accommodate the three of us easily.

"Ye.. yes, OK", she got up and lied down beside Natasha inside the blanket.

Natasha turned to the other side facing Sania and hugged Sania's face pressing it lightly on her chest.

"I know it is difficult but leave your past behind and don't think about anything, you're starting a new life so just enjoy it with us, I also know your feelings for Ritik but for the feelings to develop, you have to spend time with him, make him enjoy his time with you and then you can develop your relations with him, it is not easy to forget the past, but it is easy to develop the future, take small steps and make your future bright with me, Ritik and even Shanaya and Maya. We are your new family so don't hold any reservations with us."

Slowly I could hear Sania sobbing while hugging Natasha. Sania's hands were also around Natasha.

"Sniff* my mother left me and then after all these years of suffering even sniff* my father left me sniff* what did I do to suffer sniff* with all this sniff*"

"It was their bad luck to loose a gem like you and it was my good luck to have you, don't think of anything else and just start anew with us"

"Ye.. yes, can I call you mom sometimes", Sania asked.

"Well, it's up to you, but if you ask me then I would prefer sis, I'm only thirty you know"

"hehe* well, OK mom", Sania got out from the hug and kissed Natasha on the cheek and then started watching the movie.

1 hour later,

I was hugging one hand of Natasha while Sania was hugging the other one.

My head was just beside Natasha's neck.

The movie was gore and like any other gore movie it had some sex scenes. It was not too explicit at the start but slowly it turned to something mature. Natasha and I watched movies like these but it may be something new for Sania and thus she always got scared with those jump scare scenes of those devil like humans.

I wanted to enjoy my time with Natasha but Sania was still beside us. I tried to do what I can and started sliding my lips on Natasha's neck.

At first I only tried to touch her neck with my lips. Slowly giving her sensations of my lips on her neck.

After 4-5 minutes of doing it when I did not get any response. I started getting wilder by staying on her neck and exhaling hot breathes for 3-5 seconds. Again no response.

This time I suckeled on her neck for 8 seconds and then Natasha turned her face giving me a look of resentment. I understood from her look that she knew but was unable to react due to Sania.

I slowly crept my hand towards her boobs under the blanket.

After about 30 seconds I started fondling them. Sania had her eyes on the T.V. screen while I was doing something explicit with the closest person to me.

I did not like the feeling of the top and slowly put my hand inside her t-shirt.

Slowly creeping my hand inside her tee I put my hand above her boobs. At home most of the time she never wore a bra and thus I could feel her naked breasts directly without anything between my hand and those soft heavenly pieces of flesh.

I started fondling them slowly changing them to several shapes which not even god knows what they were. Natasha was fidgeting when I started playing with her nipples but what could she do, if she started moving too much then Sania might doubt what we were doing so she laid there with resentment clearly showing in her eyes.

After some time an R-18 scene started in the movie. It started with a kiss and then slowly the things went on to sex. Sania's face was red but her eyes were glued to the T.V. She didn't knew another R-18 scene was going on beside her as Natasha's face was flushed with all the continuous teasing I was doing.

Natasha was looking at me with hesitation as if thinking of kissing me but her morals came in between her decision.

I looked at Sania who's eyes were glued to the television. I saw the scene going on in the movie and shook my head. Teenage, it is really.... fascinating, even a poor and shy girl is attracted to such.. explicity.

I knew it was difficult for her to be distracted thus I pulled Natasha's face closer and took her lips overlapping my lips with hers.

She trembled for a second but I think in heat of the moment she forgot there's someone beside us and started answering me aggresively.

Due to her response some sound was made due to which Sania turned her head to our side. Natasha's back was facing her so she could not see the incredible look in Sania's eyes but I saw her looking at us with amazed eyes. The moment she saw me looking at her, the very next moment she turned her head towards the t.v.

I was also embarrassed and lightly shook Natasha as she opened her eyes realizing where we were. She turned her embarrassed face towards Sania and looked at the flushed pale white face of Sania looking keenly at the television.

She let out a sigh* and got up moving towards the kitchen. It was 7 in the evening and thus she told us she'll prepare the food.

Sania asked her still with some hesitation but she denied her right away saying from tomorrow it will be Sania's duty so today, she wanted to do it alone.

After about 5 minutes from when she went inside the kitchen, I also got up and moved inside, due to embarrassment Sania and I did not say a word during those five minutes.

Inside the kitchen,

I was having a raging hardon while I moved inside, I got behind Natasha and pushed my hardon and started rubbing it on her ass while hugging her from behind.

"I want it mumma"

"Why are you being so childish Ritik, you know we just took her in, if you react like that in front of her she might develop even greater psychological trauma against us"

"Sorry, I cannot control my desires correctly but I love you so much, we only did it for one night and then this happened, I cannot stop myself from desiring such an exceptional thing after enjoying it for a whole night"

" Actually, you're correct but we have to control it, atleast until she understands our relationship, but I can help you with this", she moved her hands towards my crotch lightly rubbing it over my pants.

A current ran through my body as she started pressing my hardon over my pants.

I took two steps back until the wall came behind me for the support.

She got down on her knees and slowly opened my pant.

I knew what she was trying and thus gave her full control of the situation.

Slowly sliding my pant and then my underwear my raging boner came out hitting her face.

She giggled lightly and licked the tip of my cock.

Another current ran through me as I felt powerless.

At first she started licking the tip around the glans but slowly she took the cock inside her mouth. I could feel her hot mouth around my cock as her tongue danced wildly around it.

After some seconds she started moving her face to and fro while licking my penis with her tongue.

After about 2 minutes she continued sucking and started playing with my balls. She started moving them all around with her hand without stopping sucking for even a second.

Five minutes later, I was on the verge of cuming and as if she could feel my dick pulsating, she quickened her motion and fastened her movements and after about thirty seconds I ejaculated inside her mouth. It was massive as if a volcano erupted and thus she was unable to take the whole load spilling the rest on her hands, not letting any of it drop on the ground.

My boner was not even a little bit down or you can say it was even more hard after seeing the sexy scene of Natasha sucking the rest of the semen from her hand and then licking my cock to make it clean.

She got up quickly and after washing her face and drinking a glass of water she looked at me with a smile.

"How was that?? "

"I... I want more"

I got near hear and took her in a tight hug. She was horny, very horny, I could feel her tightened nipples from above her tee but still she fidgeted in my hug.

"Ritik, she can come inside anytime, it is already very dangerous for me to do that and if she caught us doing that then she'll definitely run away from home"

"I don't want to understand anything, I want you mom and only you, I know it will be difficult to handle the situation after but I cannot control my emotions now, I want you"

That being said I quickly took her lips while taking her tee off. She struggled for some seconds before letting me remove it as the atmosphere got too intense to back down.

"Wa.... wait a minute, atleast close the door", she pushed me lightly before saying this.

I quickly ran to the door and closed it lightly so as to not make a sound to let Sania get aware of what we were going to do.

Coming back I turned her to face the wall and came behind removing her pant as well as panty swiftly. I sat down and moved my face between her soft thighs and started kissing around her petals. I felt her tremble as I started kissing her legs. Slowly moving upwards I kissed her thighs along it and reached her secret gates of heaven which only belonged to me.

"mnnhhh.... Ritik, don't tease me anymore"

With those words I quickly took out my tongue and licked between her soft lower lips. Slowly I continued my motion while quickening my pace. After about a minute or two I started rubbing and playing with her hardened clit. I could feel her tremble each time I pinched her clit, her moans were like sweet melodies I could hear for life.

"Mmnnhhh... aahhhnnnn... like tha...t, pinch it mor..... w.. wait...."

With that shout she pushed me away as her body fell down swiftly. Her face was upwards looking at the ceiling and with a red flushed face a steady jet stream came out of her nether region, she was squirting, my mother who was always strict but gentle towards her workers, always looked pure with apparence, always acted elegantly is squirting by her own son's mouth.

She turned towards me and looked at me with the gaze of a hungry tigress.

"I've been craving for it from yesterday but now my craving limit reached its peak, give it to me baby, give your dirty mother a hard and loud fuxking and mess up her pussy"

I put her down making her lay on the cold floor but none of us gave it any thought, I was only thinking of giving her a great session of lovemaking while her whole mind was on my cock.

She herself positioned my cock above her pussy,

"Push it Ritik, mess up your mother's dirty pussy"

I pushed my waist with full power and my whole dick got inside her in a swift motion.

I looked at her flushed face as she breathed loudly.

"You're not dirty Natasha, nothing of you is dirty, you're the purest thing in the world"

With those words I overlapped her lips with mine while she put her hands around my back pulling me tightly.

I started thrusting inside her with full force while pressing her chest to my heart's content. Even when doing all this our mouth never disconnected as we enjoyed the session.

I was thrusting hard and deep inside her with full force while she was also moving her ass around while pulling me tightly in her embrace.

"Mnnnhhh... ah.... go... slow... too... fast... you're too fast.... I'm comi...."

After about eight minutes of continuous fast thrusting Natasha came hard while pulling me tightly and making me stop my thrusting.

"Mumma's so weak, she got defeated so easily", I said with a smirk.

"You think I lost, I still have a lot of energy"

She pushed me away letting me lie down on the floor and got on top of my still raging but now glistening cock with her fluids.

She positioned my cock and slowly sat on top of it taking it deep until all of it went inside her.

She looked at me with a smirk and a flushed face.

"Well, are you ready to cum my boy"

"We'll see who will be the first to it"

Without saying another word she started motioning up and down on the cock. She was biting her lower lip so as to not make any loud sounds but still some moans left her mouth here and there.

After a minute she came down crashing her hot and sweaty boobs on top of my chest.

"Tired??", I asked with a winning smirk.

"I thought you'll like to taste these jugs of mine"

I groped both of her boobs and started playing with them while she continued her motions.

I started fondling them and after half a minute I took one of the nipples inside while pinching and playing with the other.

"Mnnnn... you... you did not get bored of them even after.... all these years"

"How.. can I get bored.... of something like these, they... are the best plush toys.. a child could have... but you never let me play.. with them during my.. childhood.."

"Oh... I have such... a naughty son...", I said as I felt her grip tightening around my shaft.

"Fuck... mom.. that's cheating.... ahhhhhh...", I was trembling with excitement as I felt the grip around my dick tightening. I was on the verge of cuming and I knew she could feel it.

"That's... a technique..."

"AHHHH..." "MNNHHH..."

With these shouts both of us came together. We tightened our grip around each other as if making our body melt into each other. I could fell her whole breasts getting pushed in my chest. She bit my shoulders while I sucked on her neck.

After about a minute of continuous trembling and biting Natasha moved away from top of me. She was breathing heavily while I had a satisfied smile on my face.

"Mom.... my erection still Isn't going down even a little, I think I need a lot more than this"

She got up and started fixing her disheveled hairs. While doing that she put her hands up and getting the right chance I got behind her and started groping her breasts while rubbing my still risen erection on her ass.

"You really are a helpless case", she said with a sigh* while looking at me with flushed face.

"Go get a shower!", she said strictly.

"But mumma.....", I pleaded while groping her boobs.

"No buts, go now or.....", I knew that silence so I quickly took my clothes and started wearing them.

"You really are a party pooper, mom", I said in an aggravating tone.

"If not this then what should I do, go with your flow and ruin the image that I created in front of Sania, such a bad influence you are Ritik, even I got caught in your act", she said rubbing her forehead and started picking her clothes.

"Fuck, this boner will kill me", I shouted putting my hardened dick inside my underpants.

"You really need a lot of girls or you'll kill a girl by just having sex, it would be such an awful as well as awesome way of dying", Natasha said and giggled lightly and listening it I too started giggling.

After that I quickly got out and looked at the flushed red faced Sania watching T.V. intently. At that moment I knew we got caught but I let it slide as the first thing I needed to do was to take a shower.

After me Natasha also showered and then all of us sat on the dinner table enjoying the freshly cooked food.

Everything was normal other than Sania sneak peeking at me and Natasha a lot of time and getting red the next moment we caught her.

Later that night we slept where Natasha was in the middle and Sania and I were on the two sides of her. Sania was still a bit reserved but nonetheless she hugged Natasha and slept soundly till next morning until it was the time to wake up and go to school.


IMPORTANT Author's Section ---

50k words completed so I wrote the longest chapter with 4.5k+ words.

If you want to do some more research on the scene then go for 389921.

Perverts will understand what that number depicts. If you don't know then ask in comments and some fellow pervert will tell you.

Sofa's image in the comment section.

Such hectic day, wrote this 4.5k words chapter the whole day, then checked for an hour and then uploaded it, so show more love than normal.


Happy week to all and thanks for the support, without those powerstones I would have stopped very early.



Just made a pat*reon

patr*eon. com/drunken_undrunk

remove spaces and *.

Please support, 4 chapters ahead there.

4 more will be added some days later.

That will make it 8 chapters ahead of here there.

This poor soul needs your help now.

A simple help will actually do a lot for me, Thank You.

4.5K words in a day, written, rechecked, edited, all done ready to publish.

I do so much for this and it still doesn't get recognition.

You can't understand how I feel right now.

Anyways, thanks for those giving powerstones and supporting the work.


drunken_undrunkcreators' thoughts
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