
I am the Demon Princess Lilin

"Your Majesty, I would advise you to get in the castle in disguise and stop the coronation from happening."

Just when I thought that I could rely on him, he says something silly like this! Or perhaps he is just hoaxing me. 

"Listen carefully to me, Fae! You know that it is impossible for me to conceal the Anti-Angels powers that are running in my veins. Even if I go there in disguise, the lame King will be able to sense my presence. How can you even suggest such a silly strategy like this to me?"

"No, your Majesty! You have got it all wrong. You can conceal your powers and shapeshift into a different person."

I got more and more confused as I kept on listening to him. "Okay, now tell me how I can conceal my powers?"

He trembled and said," Your Majesty! I am sorry to say this. You have to come up with that by yourself. I will assist you in some ways. But I can't meddle in the cycle of nature as it is against my principles."

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