
Instructor Le Yi's Fist

Feng Hei Lang narrowly dodged by melting into her own shadow using [Shadow Manipulation]. She gasped. 'JEEZ! SHE'S SO FAST!' She reappeared behind Instructor Le Yi by using her shadow.

Instructor Le Yi didn't even miss a beat. She swerved back, her palms moving towards her like a dance.

Feng Hei Lang instinctively moved conjured a shadow barrier in front of her. However, Instructor Le Yi broke through it by using her own fire ability.

Feng Hei Lang took a deep breath and started to dodge Instructor Le Yi's fist. 'Okay! I can dodge this! I HAVE learned some self-defense when I was younger.'

However, she seriously underestimated Instructor Le Yi. Feng Hei Lang could not keep up with her speed and she couldn't even track where she was striking next.

Instructor Le Yi's hands looked like a blur to her. One scratched her on the face, and the next second, it hit her in the stomach.

Feng Hei Lang gasped in pain. 'There's no way I can do this! Even in human form, she's at least twice as fast as me!' She took a deep breath and got back into a ready stance.

'Maybe if I can learn a movement technique then I would have a chance?' Feng Hei Lang almost fell over when a screen appeared in front of her.

[Do you want to learn [Flashing Strikes] and [Blinking Steps] for 30 Comprehension Coins?]


Without even hesitating, she clicked "Yes." 'C'mon! Be useful!' A warmth filled her body as information rushed into her head. Feng Hei Lang lifted her paw up to her head. 'Ouch! Is this what Comprehension Coins are for? To comprehend techniques?'

All of a sudden, Feng Hei Lang could tell every move that Instructor Le Yi was going to make. As Instructor Le Yi struck again, she managed to dodge it by parrying her hand.

Feng Hei Lang started smiling. 'Okay! I can see her movements! I just need to counterattack!' She continued dodging Instructor Le Yi's blows and formed a shadow sword whilst doing so.

Feng Hei Lang could only make one currently, since her mind was preoccupied with something else.

She waved her paw and vines rose out of the shadow, trapping Instructor Le Yi in place. Then, she shot the sword forward, right at her arm.

Before the sword even grazed her, Instructor Le Yi broke out of the shadow vines and held her hands up once more.

Feng Hei Lang started panting. 'That's not good...I used up too much of my energy reserve for that attack. It might be good to try [Flashing Strikes] now!'

She leapt towards Instructor Le Yi, head first, and then melted into her own shadow. Feng Hei Lang then reappeared in Instructor Le Yi's shadow.

She started punching, up, right, down, right, left, up, down, up, left... They were all random and unpredictable. Feng Hei Lang grinned. 'All right! This technique is pretty good!'

Her smile faded when Instructor Le Yi caught her paw in her hand. "The test is over. Not bad for a novice fox. Hei Lang, you pass."

Feng Hei Lang sighed in relief. 'I really passed! I can't believe it! I thought I was so dead!'

She stepped off the stage, and Xing came bounding into her arms. He started licking all over Feng Hei Lang's snout. She giggled and pushed him off. "I'm fine, Xing. Did you behave?"

Xing nodded earnestly. 'Mommy! Xing behave well!' She giggled again and patted him. "I'm sure you did!"

Kang Lei walked over to her. "That was just...wow. I've never seen someone last against Instructor Le Yi for so long. She's known for her speed!"

Feng Hei Lang wasn't listening, as she was busy doting on Xing. She passed him some small beast cores. "Are you hungry? Here, have some of this!"

Kang Lei sighed and bonked Feng Hei Lang on the head. "Listen! The exam may be over, but the ranking isn't."

She tilted her head. "Ranking? I thought there was only an exam? AND DON'T BONK ME ON THE HEAD!'

He bonked her on the head once more and she pouted.

Kang Lei chuckled and said, "After the exam, the students are each given a rank from Bronze, Silver, Gold, Diamond, and Platinum. Obviously, like no one gets Diamond and Platinum, but depending on your ability, you would probably get Bronze or Silver. Gold is really rare for first-years."

Feng Hei Lang's eyes shone at the thought of a badge. "That's cool! But wouldn't take cause a hierarchy to happen?"

He shrugged. "It's not like the instructors care. The badges are mainly a symbol of our status. Some instructors are even bribed to give some students lower or higher ranks."

She shuddered at the thought. "God, that doesn't sound good. I should probably not stand out, so that no one bothers me..."

Kang Lei laughed. "Not stand out? You already failed at that! Everybody here has their attention on you!"

Feng Hei Lang sighed in reluctance. "I really should have thought that over before going and breaking the target in the first part of the test."

He nudged her gently. "Don't worry! No one would dare harm you with I, Kang Lei from the Imperial Azure Fox Clan, at your side!"

Fang Hei Lang's jaw dropped to the ground. "EHHHH?! YOU'RE FROM THE FOUR GREAT FAMILIES?!"

Kang Lei covered her snout with his paw. "Shhh! Don't be so loud!"

She tightened her mouth. "Sorry, but I had no idea! I thought that you were just, you know, a normal fox!"

Kang Lei gasped at that. "You seriously had no idea?! And I thought that my blue fur would give it away! I'm pretty sure that almost everyone here knows. Almost. Never expected that the beautiful black fox I met in the forest had no idea." He winked at her.

Fang Hei Lang rolled her eyes. "Wow, excuse me for my ignorance."

Instructor Le Yi clapped her hands together. "Now, the rankings shall begin! All ten foxes who passed, come up to the stage!"

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