
Star - Date Night Part 2




I would never forget that first sight of the beach, my first glimpse of the ocean. It was beautiful. The sun glittering off the bright blue water. The sheer size of it all. It was amazing and wonderful and I couldn't be happier that Artem had brought me here.

Then, he went and said something that made my heart race. 

"Artem, that is so beautiful. Is that the ocean?" I had leaned forward in my seat to look out at the glorious site.

"Yes, it is." His voice was soft, smooth, and made my stomach do funny things.

"We're at the ocean? This is where we were going?"

"I wanted to have a picnic on the beach with you and watch the sun as it sets over the water."

"That sounds beautiful." I turned to look at him then, a grin on my face and my eyes wide.

"Not nearly as beautiful as you." I felt like my heart was going to explode with how fast it was beating, I felt like my stomach was doing flips and jumps too.

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