
Welcome To Ashun





"You can come in now!"

'Here we go...'

Kil thought to himself as he gave a small deep breath before turning and entering the classroom. It hadn't been long that he was waiting outside, in fact, it had only been a minute or so as his new homeroom teacher for this school was busy saying a few things, mainly about just that there was a new student, being him of course.

Upon having entered into the main school building where a majority of the classrooms were stationed, he had been brought to the principal to get his schedule, the principal being a man in his late fifties or so. When Kil first saw him, he had this rather serious expression, though the saying is that you should never judge a book by its cover.

The principal was actually a really nice guy.

He had not only been given his new schedule, but also the uniform here at the school. The dress code also seemed to be a bit more lenient as they apparently allowed students to wear jewelry, though you had to have some restraint of course. He was glad that they allowed him to wear his signature black hoodie.

His uniform now had consisted of him wearing his black hoodie underneath the white fancy dress shirt that had gold and blue rings along the bottom, collar, and also sleeves. You couldn't see his arms though due to his jumper's long sleeves. The school shirt also had the school's emblem printed onto the shirt pocket.

The rest of the uniform consisted of a pair of simple sleek long black pants along with black leather shoes. To finish it all off, they were allowed to bring any kind of bag that they wanted to use to carry their supplies, though it had to be appropriate though. Understandable. He had his basic black and white backpack, which was pretty big so it was easy to carry everything he needed.

His laptop.


Pencil cases.


During his conversation that he was having with the principal before having been introduced to his new homeroom teacher, the principal had explained to him numerous different rules that they had here at the school. Kil listened to them carefully and nodded after hearing each one of them, they were pretty basic and easy to understand.

They go as follows.


Ashun School Rules:

1) Students are expected to attend classes assigned to them and to also arrive at said classes prior or at the stated time.

2) Use of electronic devices aside from computers for school work is completely prohibited. However, students are more than free to use phones and more during the breaks.

3) Eating during class is completely prohibited.

4) Students will not be able to leave the school campus and into the main outside city until school is over. In other words, students cannot leave the school ground between 9am to 3pm. However, you are completely free to leave and enter any time on the weekends.

5) If you are caught harassing another individual within the school, or outside of school ground, severe punishment will be promised.

6) Family members and/or outsiders are not permitted to enter onto school grounds unless given permission by the principal of the school.


Those were only a few of the rules, the important ones at least. The other things were pretty basic and all. After listening to the rules, his homeroom teacher had arrived and had introduced themself to Kil. His new teacher was a man probably in his mid-thirties with neatly combed black hair and wearing a fancy black suit with a grey tie.

His name was Mr. Rukawa.

When he had first met him, Kil could feel the air around the guy. He had this strong presence of a professional, though it was also rather gentle as well. He didn't want to be rude, but his old homeroom teacher was honestly quite... unique. She stumbled quite a bit and would often make numerous mistakes that affected both her and the class...

As they walked around the school and towards the classroom that would be acting as his homeroom, he had managed to get a good look at the school's interior. It was quite modernised and was built from a clean white metal along with having escalators instead of stairs, there were also elevators set up as well, probably for those that may be disabled.

Someone in a wheelchair would probably have a hard time balancing themselves on the escalator steps... wouldn't be pretty if there was a mess up.

The school looked like one of those massive shopping malls if he was honest, but to a far greater and advanced extent. There were a number of screens set about to give directions if you got lost, a glass roof that seemed to reduce the amount of sunlight that came through, and also quite a bit more. It was far greater compared to his old school.

This was Ashun after all, they're top-notch.

Back to the present, Kil walked into his new classroom and could immediately feel all the curious gazes sent towards instantaneously. He saw Mr. Rukawa standing at the front of the class in front of his desk, though Kil rose an eyebrow under his hood when he saw what appeared to be some kind of rectangular device set up next to the desk.

It looked like some kind of small screen, though it was blank.

"Alright, just take hold of the stylus there and write onto the screen your name and introduce yourself." Mr. Rukawa spoke as he gestured towards the stylus that was attached to the device he had noticed when coming in. Kil nodded his head before grabbing it and quickly wrote his name on the screen, which wrote in black.

Kil was a bit interested when he saw that this small screen was connected to the large screen at the front of the room as his name also appeared on the large screen. Kil then looked up at his new classmates, which he counted to be around twenty or so students in the class. He noticed their curious gazes, which he was a bit surprised at.

It wasn't because they were curious gazes, it was the fact that it seemed that none of them really seemed put off by his choice of clothing. He had his entire appearance covered by his hood yet none gave him any weird looks, unlike his old school where he had noticed people already ridiculing him for being a 'delinquent' and being 'shady'.

"Oh, and can you please remove your hood when introducing yourself. I don't mind if you decide to keep it on from now on, but please just remove it for now." Kil just nodded his head before hesitantly removing the hood. When he did, he noticed their eyes widen considerably. He ignored the looks though as he introduced himself with a small bow.

"My name is Shinmara Kil, it's a pleasure to meet all of you. I hope we can get along."

"Is that all you would like to say?"

"Yes, that's all."

"Very well then. You may take the seat at the back next to the window." Kil nodded his head before walking over quietly towards the seat that he was assigned. When he got there he noticed that the desk was decent in size and had a white colouration much like how the school was designed, along with a cushioned black chair.

'Protagonist seat acquired...'

Kil joked inside his head as he placed his bag down beside his desk as he sat down, he noticed a few students giving him some looks, though any nasty looks. Kil then placed his hood back over his head as he gave a small sigh. He wasn't sure if the curious looks he was getting were a good thing or a bad thing, so he was kind of nervous...

"Hi there. Nice to meet you."

"Hm?" Kil heard a rather calm voice soon after he had sat down. Turning his head, he saw that the person that spoke to him was the person who was seated beside him. The person that spoke was a male, obviously his age, with slightly tanned skin with slightly messy silver hair along with a pair of blue eyes. "Oh, nice to meet you... I'm Shinmara Kil."

"Nagano Ryuusuke, it's a pleasure to meet you!" Ryuusuke smiled as he extended his hand towards Kil. Kil just accepted the gesture as he shook hands with the guy. Kil wasn't interested in the people of his own gender, but he had to admit that the guy was good-looking. At least think he was, he wasn't sure how to judge. "You can just call me Ryuusuke, or Ryu. I don't mind."

"In that case, you can just call me Kil..."

"Mm, very well then, Kil."


Homeroom went by pretty quickly as all that really happened was Mr. Rukawa was mentioning a few basic things, though nothing that Kil seemed to really need to know since nothing special was apparently happening today. It was just going to be a normal day of classes, well, a normal day of NEW classes for Kil.

Though, after Mr. Rukawa had finished saying whatever he needed, he allowed them to just talk for the rest of the homeroom until classes started. Instantly, Kil had been surrounded by many of the students as they barraged him with countless different questions, it was to the point that he was honestly unable to answer a single one.

Thankfully, Ryu was nice enough to calm them down. It seemed that he had quite the influence and was rather popular since he did so quite easily, maybe he was famous in the school for whatever reason. Either way, Kil was glad that he stopped them. He didn't people approaching him, but he, like any other person, had limits.

"Before all of you head off to your classes, can someone please guide Shinmara to his first-class?"

"I will!" Ryuusuke immediately answered as he rose his hand in the air. Mr. Rukawa nodded his head in approval as the bell coincidentally went right afterward, thus a number of students all stood up after packing their things in their bags as they began leaving the room to get to their first classes, though not before doing something surprising.

"Good luck with your first class, Shinmara!"

"Hope you enjoy your stay."

"Don't hesitate to ask us for help!"

"Uh... thanks." Kil felt a bit uncomfortable after hearing all of them saying something as they left the room. It seemed that every single person here at the school so far was a pretty nice person, nothing compared to those at his old school, especially Manabara. He then saw someone place their hands on his desk as he looked up to see who it was. "Oh, Ryu."

"Ready to get going? We should all be having math first up, so let's get going. The mathematics classrooms are located on the second floor, so we'll need to take the escalators down. You don't have any disabilities, right? Do we need to take the elevator?"

"No, I don't have any..."

"Then let's get going then."


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