
Chapter 176

For the third night in a row, the thumps and grunts resumed, overcoming the nighttime symphony of the jungle. Carlie wondered what it meant, or if it even concerned her and the two other girls taken from camp. It wasn't as if anyone told them anything since their captors last dumped them in their prison, a nice prison as cells went. Light, airy, and clean, it actually proved more comfortable than her tent and sleeping bag, but nice accommodations didn't excuse the locked door and loss of freedom.

The last time she'd seen someone other than her roommates was when Golden Grin and Mr. Kitty took her freakn' ass back up that crazy tree and into the hut nestled among the boughs. When she'd finally dared open her eyes again, lest the view make her puke, her golden-eyed captor caught her gaze, the mirth in it easy to read. Language barrier be damned, he understood the waggled middle finger's intent when she flung it his way.

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