
Chapter 51

Returning to the bedroom, Mitchell seethed at the cat's words, but his anger receded in the face of Francine looking so small and helpless in the big bed. Of course, he should have known her tongue was in fine fighting shape.

"Are you guys done pissing on Naomi's walls? Or would you like to each grab one of my legs and pull me apart like a wishbone and see who gets the bigger piece?"

"You must be feeling better. You're trying to rip a strip off me," he remarked in a dry tone as he sat on the edge of the bed beside her. "Move over, you bed hog."

"No. I'm the injured one here."

"Excuse me? Do you think I'm wearing this bandage because it's fashionable?"

She peered over at him, her eyes lingering more on his nude torso than his bandage, which made him puff up his chest. "Wuss. My bandage is bigger than yours," she sassed, but she inched over a bit.

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