
Chapter 105 Rip TV

So I'm just sitting there on the couch in my house, staring idly at the ceiling, doing absolutely nothing.

Rimuru- "Uaaaaaaaaa...…."

Milim is sitting on the floor a few meters away from me, mashing a console controller while staring intently at the large TV screen in front of her.

*Button mashing sounds*

*Pew! Boom! Zaap! Other generic game noises!*

*Roblox death sound*

Milim- "Gyaaaa!? I was so close too! Why did that dumb monster have to appear there nanoda!?"

(A/N: I'm gonna try and add the "nanoda" Milim always says to her sentences. Let's hope I won't forget any time soon.)

I watch as Milim rages at the TV while throwing the controller into the wall. Not at the wall, into the wall. Like, it's literally embedded into the wall now.

She's been living here for quite a while now, freeloading and just destroying shit or enjoying herself to the fullest, most of the time destroying shit while enjoying it.

Not once has she ever thought to return to her own home.

And to be honest, it's been a total blast for me too. Not just me, Mikoto and Illya also really enjoy her company. Yes, she's a handful now and again… and again… and again…


But everyone loves her. The Kijin, the regular citizens, the hobgoblins, everyone! Although Rigurd always has this strained face when he gets the several pages long list of things he has to replace because of Milim… Meh, I'm sure it's nothing.

In any case… should I rescue her pet dragon? Although I've thought about it before in passing, it wasn't anything serious. But I'm free right now, and…

Rimuru- "Hey Milim…"

Milim- "Hmm?"

Milim looks over her shoulder at me, her anger completely dissipated.

… I might get punched in the face for this, but here goes…

Rimuru- "You wanna revive your pet drag-"

I didn't even get to finish before I invoke [Spatial Ruler], turning myself intangible as the spare controller sitting to the side phases through my head and gets embedded into the wall behind me.

I mean, I knew this was a sensitive topic, but god damn.

Rimuru- "Wait wait wait wait! Let me talk! Hear me out!"

I wave my hands in front of me, trying to pacify a Milim that is staring at me with cold eyes.

Rimuru- "You know that I know some weird things, and I just so happen to know about a certain dragon- Woah!"

I dodge to the side as a game console comes flying at me. Deciding I should just cut to the chase before my house gets flattened, I straight out say what's on my mind.

Rimuru- "I know how to save it!"

Milim's eyes widen as she slowly lowers the TV that was raised over her head. She doesn't say anything and just stares at me with serious eyes. Taking this as permitting me to talk, I continue.

Rimuru- "You already tried to revive it once, and technically, you succeeded. So in a way, I wouldn't be 'reviving' it. The dragon went crazy because its astral body was damaged during its revival... I can fix that."

I deliberately choose to leave out the information that Milim was a contributor to the dragon's insanity. Due to its damaged astral and spiritual body, Milim's malice seeped into its soul, causing it to become this mindless monster.

A Chaos Dragon.

I'm not sure if Milim is aware of this information, but I don't think she is since she doesn't specialise in the soul, unlike Illya. And Illya is a Manas derived from the Third Magic, Heaven's Feel which specialises in the soul.

Although Milim DID live for a long time, so she might have found out during those years, but I still decide not to say anything.

In this case, by proxy, interfering with the astral and spiritual body is a matter of course for Illya, since they are also related to the soul. That's why she was able to easily fiddle with Phobio's memories since, in this world, memories are written on the spiritual body.

Anyway, Milim drops the TV on the floor (it broke), runs up to me and grabs my hands, bringing them up to her chest.

Milim- "Really!?"

Her eyes are sparkling with excitement and hope. Without even hearing my answer, she begins dragging me out of the house.

Milim- "Then let's go nanoda!"

Rimuru- "Wait wait wait! Hold on a moment!"

I feel like I'm saying "wait" a lot today. Milim looks over her shoulder with curiosity and impatience.

Milim- "What now? Hurry! We need to save my friend nanoda!"

She begins waving her hands around in a small tantrum.

Rimuru- "Well, I don't even know where to find it, and I'm not confident at healing your dragon's soul myself."

Milim- "Eeh? Didn't you say you could fix him?"

Milim's eyes begin to moisten as I feel like she would burst into tears any moment.

Milim- "*Sniff*"

… Goddamn, she's cute.

Wait, not the time.

Rimuru- "Well, I need Illya's help for this. She's the expert on souls."

Milim- "Then let's go!"

And so, 5 minutes later, I find myself in front of Illya. I am covered in dust and debris due to the path Milim took to get here which went through several buildings.

Oh well, not my problem.

Clone Rimuru- "*In the distance* FUCK YOU RIMURU!"

How the fuck Milim doesn't even have a speck of dust on her clothes is beyond me, but I digress.

Mikoto is outside of Avalon, having her occasional stroll/massacre in the forest and Illya was… what was she doing?

I look at Illya to see her with her cheeks stuffed with food and both of her hands are full with even more food. She freezes and stops chewing while staring at me with wide eyes.

So cute…

Shizu, who for some reason was also with Illya, is running away.

Illya turns to Shizu and shouts after swallowing.

Illya- "Traitor!"

… Was she using her cute looks to get free food from people? I mean, Shizu does that all the time…

I'll ignore this.

Illya turns back to me and hides the food behind her back.

Illya- "W-what is it, Onii-chan?"

I just stare at her with blank eyes before I sigh and point to Milim with my thumb who is standing to my left, looking at the food poking out from behind Illya's back with an intense stare.

… What happened to saving her friend?

Rimuru- "We're gonna get her pet dragon."

Milim- "He's not my pet! He's my friend!"

Milim says while now even bothering to move her eyes from the food.

Rimuru- "Right, sorry…"

Illya's expression turns serious before she nods her head.

Illya- "So are we going to teleport there?"

Rimuru- "Unfortunately, I don't know the exact coordinates of its seal, so we have to go there manually."

I state with a shrug.

Ranga- 'Oh oh! This is where I come in!'

Ranga's excited voice reaches my mind from my shadow where he rests for most of the day.

Milim- "I can just teleport us though…"

Milim plainly states.

*Sad Ranga noises*


Name: Rimuru

Race: Origin Slime

Protection: Crest of Space

Title: Highest Tier Spirit, Leader of the Monsters, Onii-chan, King of Avalon, Master of Headpats, Procrastinator King, The Nutcracker

Manas: [Manas: Illyasviel]

Ultimate Skills: [Belzebuth, Lord of Gluttony] [Ahura Mazda, Lord of Creation] [Scathach, Lord of Runes]

Unique Skills: [Spatial Ruler]

Intrinsic Skills: [Infinite Regeneration] [Universal Shapeshift] [Universal Sense] [Enhanced Replication] [Universal Thread]

Extra Skills: [Lord's Ambition] [Thought Communication] [Control Natural Elements] [Control Magic] [Control Gravity]

Resistances: [Cancel Pain] [Resist Melee Attack] [Cancel Natural Elements] [Cancel Ailments] [Resist Spiritual Attack] [Resist Holy/Demonic Attack]

Equipment: Yamato, [Raphael] Skill Orb, Limiter Ring


A/N: MC gonna save Milim's pet dragon!

Milim: *In the distance* He's my friend, not my pet!

AN: Right, my bad.

MC: I already have a plan ready. Milim will unseal the dragon, I'll keep it busy and Illya will recover its soul. It's a simple plan but it's quite unbreakable.

AN: Why dont you just have Milim keep it busy?

MC: Well, I dont think she would want to hurt the dragon, so...

AN: Didnt she obliterate its physical body in the novel though? Although it did regenerate...

MC: ... Shut up.

Let me know if I missed anything.

Also consider dropping some power stones!


DJDANcreators' thoughts
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