
Frustration Escape

A segment? Crescent would be the happiest if this isn't too random for her to get suspicious rather than be happy. She knew Median Telecommunications wasn't too generous to give her anything without a return profit. So, what's with all this stuff?

She walked to in fro in Mr. Wandley's office, her hands folded around her chest waiting. She was told that the executive was still on another meeting and was asked to wait inside. Her heart was pounding with anticipation and had her eyes occasionally darting to the clock in the wall, counting down every minute that passed by.

"Miss Garza," Mr. Wandley welcomed her with a smile. "Congratulations. I was told you had been waiting for this break for a long time,"

"So, it's true?" She inquired, eyes sparkling with curiosity. 

"Of course, it is," the executive expressed, nodding enthusiastically. "Believe it my dear. This is your time to shine,"

"I don't understand Mr. Wandley," Crescent expressed her greatest concern. "This is too random and I know for a fact you will not give me this unless I have something that you guys can benefit. So now tell me, what do I have that you suddenly put me on a segment,"

"Talent. That's what you have," The man smiled dismissing her concern. "You are in a five-year contract with us remember? We just thought we should put your long stay with us for a great cause. Congratulations again Mr. Garza. Now if you excuse me, I have a lot of things to take care off. As for your new segment, the head of the program will approach you soon,"


"Off now you go," He dismissed her, clearly not wanting to entertain any of her suspicions. Without much of a choice, Crescent left the office frustrated. Her mind was bursting with too many questions and the fact that Mr. Wandley mentioned her five-year contract only intensified her mistrust. What is the higher leadership planning? Why is it that she felt like she was being set up?

"Your name is on papers," Georgi immediately approached and handed her a newspaper in her hand as soon as she saw him. It didn't take for her to notice her name written on side, being mentioned in an article as a new host of a new show. "The fact that they are making publicity about this makes me scared. No one. Not even Davina had a publicity when she debuted and they are making one for you. What did Mr. Wandley say?"

"He is tightlipped," She replied very disturbed about this whole ordeal. "I don't know anymore Georgi. I felt like any moment from now, something is going to erupt. I'm well dreading that moment,"

"Speaking about that moment, it is now," Georgi announced, "Davina is here,"

"O God not now," she said exasperated as she heard someone approaching with all claps from her back.

"Congratulations to our dear Miss Garza," A bitter compliment that came out so loud filled the whole office. I t took everyone's attention and they all prepared for a brawl. Everyone in the office knew about the sudden twist of events in Crescent's career and how Davina was hunting her all morning because of it. 

Crescent cheered herself up before she turned to face her rival. She put up a dignified and proud face as if she was all happy to the core and Davina should just go to hell with her jealousy. "Thank you, Miss Chu. For sure you won't take this on me, after all I only got one show while you starred in almost everything in our department,"

"I'm glad you still know that fact," Davina scoffed as she gave her a fake congratulatory smile. "But I was wondering what you did differently this time that they got you a spot. Did perhaps Miss Allen introduce you to some of her friends in the higher ops? I was told you just came from Mr. Wandley's office,"

Crescent was already expecting this. Its not new for someone in their ranking to suddenly get some favors in exchange for some private services.

"If only I was half beautiful with Miss Allen, then sure why not," She replied calmy although right at the moment what she really wanted was pull off Davina's fresh from salon hair. "If you guys didn't mind doing it, then why should I not?"

"What? What are you trying to imply? That I'm one of those sluts?" Davina was provoked. Her eyes turned teary read with anger that Crescent felt like it could be the end of her.

"Those are your words Davina," She pushed. "I am not condemning anyone for seizing opportunity that came their way no matter what kind of opportunity is that. However, you know full well yourself that those opportunities don't come my way. Didn't you decided a long time ago nothing about me is pretty to be offered something?"

"You! Don't act as if you are clean! We all knew this segment was given to you because of that Montarini Corporate," Davina accused. "Were you not so proud telling everyone that the prince was interested in you?"

Crescent eyes grew big at such accusation which she found very amusing. "I can't believe you have not moved on from that," She chuckled hysterically that only got Davina's face redder, "We all know that was a joke. Ha ha ha,"

In a moment that office was filled with Crescent's laughter that only intensified much to Davina's dismay. Her shoulder shook as tears formed at the corner of her eyes and her contagious mirth spread to those around her. 

Davina felt more annoyed as the glee in the room progressed, she felt like everyone had laughed at her and so before she could even cry out of frustration, she rushed to the door away from everyone's sight.

"God Davina, you are so entertaining," Crescent hollered, still laughing. Truth was she wasn't sure why she couldn't control her laughter; perhaps enough frustration took a toll in her that her insides needed some outlet and found its escape through a good laugh.

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