
011 Unwanted Attention (Part Two)

James let out a large sign and moved to the first row of shelves and started at the very first book the library had. He was not going to take time to pick useful books. He did not waste time trying to figure where specific book topics were.

James continued to read book after book. He did not stop to take breaks. He was dead serious about finishing the quest as fast as possible. He did not know if the book he needed was on the second floor or on a floor above that. He wanted to have as much time as he could to be safe.

Finally there was the matter of every minute he wasted in here was a minute he would be further behind the other players. Now he was really feeling behind the curve. The hours he missed this morning did not feel like much but now he is missing at least a full day.

* 100 of 1,500 books completed *

* 125 of 1,500 books completed *

* 222 of 1,500 books completed *

He spent what feels like ages reading. Other players came and went. No one stayed in the library for more than an hour. All the while he was just over 7 hours deep into the quest. He had a long way to go.

He took a small break to talk to Edward to ask a few questions.

He asked Edward if anyone else took the quest. Apparently a few hundred players accepted the quest but he was the only one still activity working on it.

James also asked about the highest number of books read by a single player. He was told he was in first place and the person below him was only 42 books.

He was not too surprised. It was madding to take 2 minutes to reach each book one at a time over and over again. He was told that no one but him stood to read. Everyone else took their books to the reading tables. James figured it took much longer than 2 minutes to reach each book using that method.

He returned to reading.

* 499 of 1,500 books completed *

* 500 of 1,500 books completed *


* Ding*


Title Gained

Name: Junior Librarian


1. + 10 intellect

2. Allowed two free visits a month to the library.

3. + 10 Library Favor



James was shocked that he got a title. After reading its effects he was no long as annoyed about the amount of books he had to read through.

[If I got a title at 500 books I wonder if there are more titles I can get from reading books. This one was a junior title meaning there should be at least a senor title as well. I must keep reading!]


After a mere 16 hours of in game time another system wide announcement rang out.

****** ( Announcement ) ******

Player Blaise has received the first title!

He has received 10 gold and 100 nation fame.



This time, James was not totally oblivious to the player private messaging system.

* Beep, Beep, Beep, Player Talon has sent you a message *

[A message? I wonder what he wants.]

James looked for the message interface had he was so shocked he fell to the floor. Luckily he was alone in his section of the book shelves.

[62,582 private messages from unknown players? What the hell is going on!?]

He ignored those messages for now and saw that there was a separate section for private messages from friends. He opened the message as saw it was an invite for a voice chat. He accepted it right away. He needed to find out what was going on and Talon might be his best bet.

"Hello? Talon?"

James could only hear laughing on the other side of the voice chat.

"Hahaha, Hello there Mr. Famous! You have been busy I see!"

"Talon I really do not know what you are talking about, could you please explain what is going on? I just found out about the private messaging system and it says I have over 62,000 messages from strangers."

"Well that is simple. But first, do you not read global notifications?"

"No, what are those?"

"I have no clue how you can manage so much but not know the game's core system yet. Look for another chat group that says [Global Notifications]."

James found what Talon was talking about and felt lucky he was still sitting on the floor. Else he might have fell to the ground again. He saw the two announcements with his name in them.

"Haha! I can guess from the awkward silence you finally read the announcements. Aren't you rich now? Not even the large guilds have more than a couple gold pieces. I reckon you could buy up the whole auction house!"

James's mind was flying hundreds of miles an hour trying to figure everything out and his actions.

"Why did it not ask me if I wanted include my name in the announcements?"

"An hour into your statue show the developers made a forum post giving more information about the system that is managing the game. One of the pieces of information was that no one can hide their identities from global announcements. All that effort you took to stay low-key vanished into thin air. You worried?"


James examined his [Mask of Illusion].


Mask of Illusion


Time Left: Less than 13 days, 17 minutes, and 32 seconds.



"I would be lying if I said I was not totally worried. I feel like I should be fine though. No one around me is paying attention to one another. Then there is my mask, it can hide my name for another 13 days."

"Oooh, you finally disclosed some information, huh? I thought you said you'd keep it a secret?"

"I see you as a friend. You helped me get out of a pursuit and now you are giving me a heads up about my ignorance. I believe you deserve to be trusted more at this point."

"Stop, you're going to make me blush. Hahahaa! Anyway do you need me to keep watch? Where are you I can stop by to make sure there is no one searching for you in your area. Also are you wearing your mask?"

"No, I am not wearing my mask. It would be too much attention. I am at the library right now. I'm working on the damn quest that was announced to the whole player base... Like I said I think I will be safe here. I guess most of the people looking for me already visited here in the past; I doubt they would pay the one gold to search this place."

"That does make sense. Alright I will leave you to your own devices. Could I ask a question?"

"You could, but you know my cost."

"You get a question in return, right?"

"Yes, still want to take the deal?"

"I do, what is your question? It would be an honor to answer a question from the oh so great Blaise!"

James cringed from Talon picking on him, "You know you are meaner then you look sometimes. How are the other players progressing? I assume the top guilds have the highest leveled players right now."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. Blaise, you really out to look at the tutorial for the user interface. Look for the [Leaderboards] and you will find your answer. Now it is my turn, what are the titles like in this game? Are they useful or just for show?"

"This is the second time you mocked me about not knowing my way around the user interface. I will have to learn it so you can leave me alone about it. The title I got was called [Junior Librarian]. It gives me +10 intelligence, the ability to enter the library for free up to two times a month, and lastly favor for the library. Before you ask, you can get it too but you will have to read 500 books though."

Talon gave a whistle, "Dang, you are nuts! Are you really thinking of completing that librarian's ridiculous quest of reading 1,500 books?"

"I have to; that SSS quest most likely requires me to get access to the second or third floor of the library."

"I guess you won't give me any information about the quest you are taking, will you?"

James thought about it for a while. [If I tell him I might be able to get him to keep an eye out for information regarding Roland..]

"I can tell you my overall task but that is all. When it comes down to it I want to finish a bulk of it on my own. I am tasked to find a NPC called Roland. He is some kind of big shot so it should be obvious if you have the right guy. If you hear anything could you let me know?"

"I respect that you want to accomplish most of the quest on your own. If I find anything I will let you know." Talon took a break to laugh at James then continued, "I will leave you to your nerdy task. Enjoy your reading Bookworm!"

Talon hung of the video call before James could reply.

[Well, now I will have to be extra careful while out and about. I hope this mask gives me enough time to move around freely.]

James proceeded to open the [Leaderboards]. He opened the player ranking list.


Author (Guardian) - Level 8

Alexander (Swords Master) - Level 8

Talon - (Archer) - Level 7

Tempest - (Fire Mage) - Level 7

Reaper (Battle Priestess) - Level 7

Hardy - (Earth Mage) - Level 7

Rend - (Assassin) - Level 7

Jack - (Archer) - Level 7

Violet - (Priestess) - Level 6

Scarlet - (Assassin) - Level 6


James recognized the names he saw. Most of the 10 names here pro-gamers who are from the top guilds. Reaper was an infamously known as a violent and sadistic killer, which is surprising considering that the player is a female. He was real surprised when he saw Talon's name on the list. He was even in third place.

James figured he would be a strong player but did not think he would be on the leaderboards since he was a rouge player. That also was the same for Reaper, she has always played solo.

[The levels are lower than I thought they would be. It is discouraging knowing I will be stuck in there for a full day. The experience points either must be low for the difficult of grinding for experience is difficult. I must hurry; I do not want to be left too far behind.]

James continued on his painful quest, he was only a third of the way done.

* 672 of 1,500 books completed *

* 702 of 1,500 books completed *

* 750 of 1,500 books completed *

He was finally at the half way mark. He left drained. The book's knowledge was so shallow he felt like there was no reason anyone would want to actually read so many books. If not for his SSS quest he would have long since left this hell hole.

[This knowledge is barely useful. Most of it is just the bare-bones of knowledge for professions, plant and other resource identification, or general class information that you can find quicker online. I saw I will never return to this library after I find what I came here for.]

He continued until he hit the 1,000 book mile stone.


Title Gained

Name: Junior Scholar


1. + 5 intellect

2. Grants the skill [Identify]


He gained a new skill! He pulled up one of the only menu items he know how to check, the skill window!


Skill: Identify

Level: 1

Grade: Rare

Skill Information:

[Active]: Displays information about the items examined, The amount of information displayed is determined by the level of the skill. Higher the tier of the examined item requires a higher skill level.

Cost: None


He thought it was a useful skill, [I wonder how many people have this skill, it is rare but I would imagine it will be a stable for players to have. I guess reading so many books does have it's perks. I just wish it was not as boring.

He figured he has roughly 33 more hours of reading to go.

[No time to waste!]

* 1,252 of 1,500 books completed *

* 1,347 of 1,500 books completed *

* 1,412 of 1,500 books completed *

* 1,499 of 1,500 books completed *

All he needed was one more book!

[Sooo close! I wonder if I will get a title again?]

He picked up the last book he needed and quickly read it!

He waited for a notification to see if he got a title or not.

Several minutes went by but the only notification he got was an update.

* 1,500 of 1,500 books completed, please return to Edward *

Chapitre suivant