
CH830: Learning from Past Experience


CH830: Learning from Past Experience

It took a moment or two before the pain in Fatima's body subsided and she was able to move freely again.

In that time though, she switched the Soul possession combination from the previous combination which put a significant toll on her body.

{Tortoise's Defence} + {Tree's Vitality} = Frame Recovery.

The Tortoise Defence ability coated Fatima's bones and outer skin in a layer Will and Primal energy to reinforce them. Tree's Vitality worked along this coating to revitalise and heal the damages done to her outer skin and bones.

This allowed her to recover quickly and move herself out of the precarious position she was in, standing at the front door.

Fatima rolled past a hostile who was by the door and threw a punch at her. She grappled him from behind and quickly used him as a shield to take the gunfire from the other hostiles further into the warehouse area.

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