
Chapter Forty-Eight

"What could be more important than peace?" A man I didn't recognize from the crowd said in a loud and annoyed tone.

"That is King Ruth from Halifax Your Majesty." Frank whispered to me.

"King Ruth, I'm sure you can appreciate more than most that a Kings job is never done and relaying everything to your Queen would only add to the days challenges." I say and hear some chuckles. "I will do my best to be entertaining gentlemen until the King can join us. And of course we have refreshments, music, and entertainment to occupy us in the meantime."

One crisis averted but trying to keep up with their tedious conversations and trying to stay engaged was quite tiring.

"Ari." I hear and turn around. I see Osamu starting to rush to me only to be scolded by his advisor. I see people around us starting to stare and talk.

"Queen Ariana." He says and bows.

"Prince Osamu." I say and curtsey.

"Sorry, everyone is staring now. I was just excited to see you." He whispered and looked down.

"It's ok, let them stare. I'm used to it by now." I whispered back.

"Is King Thebes not joining us?" I asked in a normal tone as I scanned the room.

"He-he sent me in his stead. He'll be here to sign the treaty."

"That's just as well, you were always better company. Have you met the Halifaxans yet?" I ask and he shakes his head. "Let me introduce you, they'll be an important ally for Cordona especially if you start peace talks with Estonia next."

"T-that may be a ways still." Osamu says.

"That's ok. It's important to build those relationships ahead of time."

After I introduced Prince Osamu to the Halifaxans, I heard the trumpets playing - Aidan must've been arriving.

"Please excuse me gentlemen." I say. I went over to the door way to greet Aidan after his presence had been announced.

"Sorry for leaving this burden to you." He said then kissed my cheek.

"Th-that's alright, I managed." I said.

"Is that the young Prince?" Aidan asked as he looked around me at Osamu.

"Yes, King Thebes will be here for the treaty signing apparently."

"That's still two days away. And we're stuck babysitting until then." He scoffed.

"Oh he's not that bad." I said.

"He is if he keeps eyeing you." Aidan says and wraps his arm around me.

"Are you jealous of the young prince?"

"We are not having this conversation. Now lets go mingle." Aidan said in a serious tone. I was only joking but I could tell it bothered him.

"I have been doing plenty of mingling."

"Then just stay by me and smile while I mingle."

Dinner was ready soon after and we all migrated to the dining hall. Dinner was delicious but I still scanned the tables to make sure everyone enjoyed it as much as I did.

"These flowers are lovely, are they native to Britania?" The Halifax advisor asked as he touched the flowers in the middle of the table.

"They are - they're found in the mountains to the East exclusively."

"How lovely." He said.

"We should take some back for the young princess." King Ruth said, not looking up from his plate.

"I'll have the servants bring some to your room." I said.

"I hope the rooms are as magnificent as what I've seen thus far in this palace." King Ruth said.

"Th-they've all been recently re-done. You're the first guests to stay in them since they've been completed." I said.

I was nervous - I had no idea what I was doing when I re-decorated the rooms. I hoped they'd be up to everyone's standards. I've never even seen a King's room at a real palace - I had no frame of reference but the guest room I stayed in at Cordova.

After dinner we had dessert - a fluffy and delicious chocolate cake with raspberry icing and chocolate ganache. Lastly we enjoyed some music and wine before I saw the guests to their rooms in the guest wing on the second floor.

"I hope these rooms are to your liking." I said nervously as the servants put the guests belongings into their rooms.

"They will suffice." King Ruth says and turns around. "Thank you for a wonderful evening, you are quite the host Your Majesty." He placed a kiss on the back of my hand and flashed a smile at me.

"Y-You are too kind Your Majesty." I said in return.

"I had no idea Britania contained such beauty. I must discuss trade agreements with the King before I depart."

"I am sure he would be amenable to that."

Everyone went into their rooms expect for Prince Osamu, he stood out in the hall staring into space. I was curious so I went over to him.

"Is it not to your liking?" I asked.

"Oh no, it's fine." Osamu said.

"Then...what is wrong?" I asked.

"C-can we talk somewhere?" He whispered.

"Oh um," I said and looked around, "follow me." I whispered. I take his hand and took him down the hallway and to the balcony on the same floor. I didn't say anything at first but soon I have to break the silence.

"How have you been?" I asked.

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