

"No, I don't deserve him. I know my place, Qiang," I said. 

"Nah, Ying Jie, I think it's just your insecurity showing right now."

"Insecurity?" I frowned when She Qiang said that. I didn't think that I have an insecurity of some sort. It was just me knowing my place and my worth. Someone like Yang Menghuo should find someone from the same social status, not just a random woman on the street, or in this case, on an app. 

"Of course, maybe you have been thinking so humbly for so long, Ying Jie. But you have always been saying to me or to anyone that you don't think any decent man would come at you, especially at your age. So you would just focus on building your career and taking care of your little sisters and parents."

Shi Qiang made it so specific that her words actually choked me a bit. Because it was really spot on. 

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