
Opportunity To Visit The Grand Repository Of Etara

With the revelation, Lucius and Kiana had a lot to think about now. Even priest Maleck didn't know what the next step should be. But after about five minutes of silence, he decided to speak up.

"I know Young Lord Asher does not want his gift to be revealed as of now and wants to keep it a secret. But I do recommend that the Young master let his gift be recorded in the grand repository of Etara." Priest Maleck said.

Lucius thought over it and didn't know if it would even be worth it. But he still decided to inquire a bit more.

"Priest Maleck, if I were to record my gift at the Grand Repository, will I get a chance to look at the other gifts? I've heard that the records at the Grand repository of Etara are vast and contain a lot of knowledge." Lucius replied.

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