

At that moment, the light of Evolution shone and pierced through the heavens. As if trying to tell that the Occidental Region was growing and growing without any plans on stopping. After the light of Evolution, the reactions were quite interesting. A lot more interesting than the Daemon Monster Evolution of the Inquisitors. 

After they had entered through the Daemon Monster Category, the Former Daemon Beasts were quite shocked and surprised. They didn't expect the evolution to happen so fast and were a bit frozen while being in their human forms. They were also ignorant of the Humanoid Ways, which made them look like kids after the Daemon Monster evolution. 

The Inquisitors took care of the new citizens. It would take time for them to adapt, and they also needed to get trained. Persia had a lot of plans for the future. Since she had built the foundation of her nation, it was time to place the lifeline. After all, a body was nothing without blood.

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