
Misunderstandings And Argument

Whoever is this.. he is kissing me so roughly and passionately.. and I try to pull away from him.. but he hold both my hand and than move back to side of mind.. so I can't push him.. and stay there the way he want to..

My eyes wild open and I look at him.. and I seriously don't know what to said to him.. how can he do this to me when he know that when we talk already about it.. I didn't kiss him back.. I don't feel like kiss him or anything. He did bite my lips hard and get in my mouth and give me his best kiss ever he did kiss like this.. and it is make me hot.. before he do somthing else..

Someone come part both us away.. and started to punching him.. and Noah fall down in floor.. he get in top of him and started to punching after punching.. looking at this.. I got scared more..

I look at everywhere.. everyone is looking at this scene when my eyes lead in my sister I know she is also shock and hurt looking at this.. and she did hate me after this I know.. which I don't want that but it did Happen damn it Noah...

MIA and Holly both come to me.. and I look away.. I see that Nick will be kill him if anyone didn't stop him..

I walk to there.. and try to pull away from Noah.. but he don't want to he jerk my hand away.. I about to fall but I try my best and hold myself to anything happen to me.. I didn't stop.. I can't just stand here and look them kill each other and don't do anything about it..

" Nick what the hell you are doing.. get off to him.. you will kill him.." I yelled at him and than push him away to Noah.. why they are even fighting..

" You stay out of all this.. I will kill this Bastard..." He said angrily.. and this is not right time.. I don't want that something happen.. I can't see them fighting..

" I am not going to stay out of to this.. back off.. right now.." i said again go close to them. And pull away to him.. but he is so so strong that I can pull away from Noah..

" Nick I said now..." I shouted to him loudly.. and than he stop and look at me angrily.. and stoop front of me.. I Ignore him.. help Noah .

If I can any see in his face it's only blood.. I can't even see his face.. damn it Nick what you done with him.. I help him to get up.. and he did accept my help.. and than I us my hanky to clean his face.. even I did ask girls to get water to wash his face..

" What the hell Lena.. what is going on with you..." Nick said.. Ari also come and join him..

" So is that right or I can accept that he is always be your first and last.. " he said to me angrily.. everyone is looking show for us.. I don't know what to say. but I do get angry that can't he see what he did with Noah..

" Are you blind Nick.. why you did this.. what he did that wrong that you done with him.." I shouted at him.. ignoring all stiars.. if they want gossips.. let's give them one..

" What he done with me.. is this the question.. didn't I told you..." Before he said somthing I cut him off..

" Shut the fuck up Nick.. stop talking shit.. I get bored of this your attitude.. you hate me right.. once you talk to me other time you insult me.. I tired of this your behaviour.. can't you just stay away from me.." i said to him getting irritate by this.. I don't want to know this to my sister that what is actual going in between me and Nick.. I can't.. I don't want to know her that.. that.. I just can't.. no...

" Yeahh I hate you... I fucking hate you so damn much lena.. you never will be change.. you are bitch.. you are sult.. you know how to use boys.. how to play with there feeling.. you are a heartless person lena.. and I never can I never will be forget this..." He said loudly that everyone can hear this.. that how much he hate me.. and how much it's hurts me.. when he said those words to me..

" You are saying this.. whom use girls for your own benifits and insult them.. you are saying this huh.. who don't how to treat people.. who bully his own best friend.. oppss ohhh ex best friend in her whole life. front of whole school.. you will tell us that who's who huhh.. who give you right.. specially talk about lena.." Noah said to him.. I know he is too angry.. and he is ready to kill him.. but I hold him tightly that not going to happen again..

" What is going on Elle tell me.. " Ari ask me.. and i don't know what to said.. how to explain her..

" Your little sister fall for this dick... That's going on.." Nick said to her.. and Noahh ready to punch him.. I pull away even Nick also come forward to do that.. but I touch his chest to push back..

" Don't fucking touch me ever again.. " he said to me angrily..

" I will not going to touch you if you stay there your own.. " i yelled back..

" Is that true Elle.. you said that there is nothing going on.. it's long gone.. than what is Nick said it is that right I mean true.. " Ari ask me.. I look at her.. I want to tell her explan her.. but I don't know how to..

" What if she is.. what's matter to you.. in whole life you are aashole for her hate her never give her respect.. than why do you care.." Noah snap her.. and I did see Ari sad and broken face..

" How cheap your sister is.. she even hide this to you to Anna.. I thought she only play with boys.. but now she didn't even leave you too.. " Nick said to her angrily..

" Shut the fuck Nick.. if you don't know anything you cant said anything about this.. " I snap at him..

" So tell me.. I do want to know.. tell me that you don't love him.. tell me front of us.. we all want to know.. " he said to me.. I know why he is doing this to me.. I don't want to give chance.. I can't.. I don't want to..

" This is none of your business Nick.. whom I am loving with.. whom I am not.. just stay out of to all of this.. " I said to him..

" Ari... Please belive me.. can we talk this about at home.. " i said to her..

" No I do want to know this.. here.. right now.. we all want to know.. " she said to me..

" Is that true lena.. " Noah said looking at me.. I look at him and didn't said anything to him.. I look at my sister she is waiting for my answer.. when my eyes meet with Nick.. I know he is angry but i do know why he is doing this.. and i am not going to give them fucking satisfaction.. I don't want to hurt my sister.. but she also not giving me chance to handle this..

" Yes... It's ture.." I said looking at Nick.. and his face drop.. his angry eyes.. the way he looking at me.. hurt broken and sad.. but I can't help it.. I am doing this for us.. to my family to my friend's..

" You are still loving him.." Ari ask me.. my eyes meet her. I want to clear things out.. I know after this we both are not going to be same like before.. hope one day she will understand me.. I want to say but no words come out. I just shup up and look away from him..

" Yes.. I love him.. and i always will be.." I told her.. and than walk away..

I can't lie more.. when I see that Noel also there looking all of this.. but no emotions I see in his eyes.. after this confection I know everyone will be hate me.. I know..

I run to washroom get in one of toilet boot and get in lock-in the door.. started to crying.. why I am doing this.. I know I am hurting my sister.. what still she feel when she know this.. she already feeling something to Noah.. and here I am broke her heart.. I am bitch.. like Nick said.. I am heartless.. I don't have heart...

That the same time.. someone is out side come I do hear steps.. and it's none other than my friends..

" Elle open the door.. are you okky.." Mia said to me.. and I didn't said a word to them..

" I know Elle you are in please answer us.. are you okky.." Holly said.. I don't control more and again started to sobbing..

" Please Elle don't cry... come out.. please we are worried for you baby. ." Mia said..

" Lena.." I heard another voice and it's none other than Noah..

" What the hell Noah.. it's ledies washroom you can't come here... " Mia shouted to him.

" I don't care about that.. is she oky.. where is she.. Lena.." he again said..

" She lock herself in there.. we keep calling her but she didn't answering.. " Holly said to him..

" Lena.. Lena please come out.. you are making me worried.." he said to me.. I don't want to make anyone worried.. I just don't want to see anyone or talk with anyone..

" Lena.. please I request you.. are you okky.. " he said I know he is worried about me.. and I don't want that..

" Go away Noah.. I dont want to talk with you or anyone.." I yelled at them.. and wipe my tears..

" Thank god you are okky.. Lena please come out I want to talk with you.." he said to me.. I know what he want to talk to me.. now or later we both have to talk about this.. but not now..

" I don't want to talk with you Noah.. go away.. leave me alone.." I shouted to him..

" Fine fine fine.. don't talk to me.. at least come out side.. we all are worried for you lena.." he said to me.. I don't want that everyone worried for me.. why I am giving them tansion.. it's my fucking problem which I created.. and I have to face this alone.. what did my friends do that they have to suffer this with me.. I am the one who done this.. they don't have any idea about what happening..

" Lena.. lenaa... Are you hear me.. please come out.." he said to me..

" Elle.. beby please.. no one will judge you or even we don't talk about this.. we can.. we can ditch school.. and go to somewhere and spend time like girls time.. " Mia said to me..

" Please come out Elle.. we love you.. we never hates you.. no matter what.. we always here with you.. please don't said us to leave you.. you are our best friend and we know that you needed us.. we also needed you.. baby.." Holly said to me..

I didn't heard more.. I know they are worried about me.. and I also know that no matter what they are always by my side no matter what.. they do understand me of I explan them but not right now.. right now I also don't know what to tell and how to expln them..

I unlock the door and come out.. three of Mia Holly and Noah are waiting for me.. they Sigh when I come out.. and hug me.. I do hug them back..

" Thank god.. we thought you will never come out..." MIA said..

" You are okky.. that's the matter.." Holly said...

" Lena.." Noah said.. we broke the hugs.. and I look at him..

" You okky.." he ask me.. I nodded with my head.. try to avoid him.

" Okky than girls you can take her now.. and please make her normal like she use to do.. I will talk to her later.." he said to girls..

" Take your time lena.. we can talk whenever you want to talk.. i am not going to force you for anything.." he said and leave us..

I nodded with my head.. and look at girls.. they give me sad smile.. we all are left the place immediately after that.. we spend time in our old time they do know how to my mood change.. and after that I do forget about what even happen between Ari Nick me and Noah.. and I don't want to think about it..

I spend my whole day with girls.. we eat we shopping well I don't like shopping but they force me.. we also did little bit make over.. I done my nails I don't want to but girls force me.. like this we spend our time.. and finally I got relax and normal like I use too...

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