
Free at last

"What are you going to do? Gut it like a fuckin butcher?" asked Fen Hao forgetting how people in Equino actually made money. Normally, these low-level monsters wouldn't even catch their eye when they played Gods of Equino but if the concept was the same then this thing could be their meal ticket.

"Yes, now get your axe and come help me," replied Jin Lin as he stabbed into the squishy skull of the creature. The low cracking sound of the skull had Fen Hao feeling some type of way but this is what the young master had to resort to to survive.

He watched with an ugly expression as Jin Lin dug out the utryon's beast core. All the blood and brain matter made him want to retch but when he saw the shiny blue beast core the wave of nausea was instantly washed away.

Beast core could be used for making elixirs hence one could sell them to the system, NPCs or players with alchemy skills but that might be a different case in reality.

Jin Lin tossed the beast core to him before he started skinning the creature. He was also uncomfortable doing this but the leather-like skin of the utryon could be used in making low-quality clothes hence they could also sell it.

The claws were also an ingredient for some low-level elixirs the only problem was that utryons aren't edible. They would lower one's hp instead so it was better to stay as far away as possible from this creature's flesh.

The two worked diligently and stripped all the value out of the creature but despite putting in all their effort the sunset while they were still working on it. Since it was already dark outside and the whereabouts of the pair hunting them down wasn't known they decided to camp here instead.

Their first official day in Equino ended terribly and that didn't change even at night. It turned out Equino nights were cold enough to freeze water pipes. It's a good thing they had Jin Lin's tiny blue flame which had grown a little otherwise they would have turned into human popsicles by the time they woke up.

Other than the terrible weather nothing else bad happened but because they had taken turns to stand watch they barely had enough sleep equivalent to the amount of energy spent during the day. The fact that they hadn't eaten since morning made things even worse.

The system did sell nutrient supplement elixirs but even when they sold the beast core to the system they still couldn't afford even the low-grade elixir. They could have sold the skin and claws but the system couldn't accept these. This meant they were left with no choice but to physically sell them in a nearby city.

By the next morning, their hungry tummies were performing a symphony in protest as they trekked through the caves and tunnels looking for a way out without alarming the enemy. They were hot, hungry, thirsty and exhausted but this wasn't the time to focus on their weaknesses otherwise they would die in that cave.

Lucky for them it seemed the universe was merciful because they accidentally found a stream that could possibly mean a way out. Jin Lin didn't seem to care at this point whether his body was compatible with Equino's water sources. He was thirsty and had blood all over him which meant he didn't give a shit at this point.

The two drank water upstream before washing away the filth from crawling through tunnels and fighting a troublesome low-level creature. Following the subterranean stream, they finally managed to find an opening large enough for them to crawl out. It's a good thing Fen Hao's leg had completely healed otherwise this long tedious journey would never have been possible.

Jin Lin was the first out of the hole that is after ensuring the coast was clear. It couldn't be that little miss and his weird bodyguard would still be looking for them, right?

Well, they were still looking for them as this was easy money but unfortunately, the two little weasels were nowhere to be found. One can only imagine how pissed off she was.

She was probably angrily destroying the forest. From where they stood they could clearly see clouds of dust from Cream Shot's temper. But they weren't going to stick around to get under her radar so they head in the opposite direction.

Half a day's walk later they emerged out of the thick dense forest unscathed and finally found signs of human interference. It was the same road the trucks had been travelling the previous day before they got ambushed.

The VIP question though was which direction to head in. The trucks were obviously going somewhere but as to how far that somewhere was, they had no idea. If they choose to head back to the base they lived in when they first came to Equino there would be a high probability they would meet that bloodthirsty pair again.

At this point, they would rather take their chances with the unknown so they chose to move forward and hopefully reach their initial intended destination.

While these two were venturing into the unknown the person they came to this godforsaken place for was currently indulging himself with the finest things at the highest seat of the Arogue guild.

This room alone clearly stipulated the vast amount of wealth in this guild. It wouldn't be an exaggeration if one said all Equino's wealth was in this place.

He was seated with his leg casually resting on the armrest of what could only be described as a throne.

The reason why it could only be described so was because it was not only on an elevated platform but behind the backrest was a thirteen-foot structure of a bird known as tharok.

One look at this statue with its wings spread out and you could tell why it was rare. It was a thirteen-foot bird with thin silvery-white metal feathers that covered its entire body.

Its torso and neck were buff making it look like it lived inside a gym day in and day out. What was the most eye-catching though was its head that closely resembled that of a sabre tooth tiger with a blue tear mark like a cheetah running down from its eyes to its body.

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