
Being Ahead Without Getting Started

'It's fun to revert to a more youthful state. Unexpectedly, this exchange of witty words somehow felt delightful. Perhaps, the heavens may have given me another chance to experience this sort of joy,' Sofia mentally noted after sharing an easy smile and giggles with Stephen. With her last life focused on academics and business seminars and training, it was rather a dull yet, far more satisfactory life. On the other hand, she thought that in this new life, she had finally gotten the chance to appreciate the normal life of a teen.

Another thought suddenly crossed Sofia's mind. 'If it was me in my last life, let alone having the kind of conversation, I would never allow myself to engage in small talk. In my last life, it just felt that it was a waste of time and complete nonsense. But with my present state, I finally realized how wrong was I.'

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