
Because I trust you

Soon after Ashur said that she could come in, Athena entered and looked at the now changed Ashur.

"Now, can you tell me everything?" asked Athena as she looked at him.

Instead of answering her right away, Ashur decided to lay down on the bed because his body was still in pain and it was still taxing to sit up, not to mention getting changed.

As he lay down, Ashur looked at Athena before he said "I can't tell you everything, but I'll try my best to explain what I can."

Athena looked at him with scrutiny before replying "Fine, I'm okay with that."

"Okay here's the gist of it," said Ashur as he began explaining.

He explained that he found some kind of artifact that he thinks that its origin is not something that the gods created and that it fused with him as soon as he picked it up. It also started steadily draining his divine power after this, and it was about 50 years before it made him fall unconscious 50 years later.

He also told her that after he awoke, he noticed that all his divine power is gone and that there was nobody there when he awoke.

Athena looked at Ashur with shock, she would have never expected something like this, what she expected that Ashur caught some kind of unknown illness that even affected the gods and made him fall unconscious, even though gods can't get illnesses.

"Hey, now that I explained why I fell unconscious, can you also explain a few things? Such as where's Hephaestus?" asked Ashur, as he wanted to know where Hephaestus is.

"Hephaestus is now in the lower world," said Athena.

"Lower world? They actually made it? Could you tell me about it? Just the general outline is fine," said Ashur in interest, as he wondered what the lower world was like.

"Alright, let me sit down first as it might take a while," said Athena as she grabbed a seat from the side and sat down.

Athena then began to explain the general outline of the lower world. Starting from familia's, falna and blessings, status, geography, skills, abilities and races.

What attracted Ashur the most was the various races, such as cat people, chienthropes, renards and elf's.

As he was thinking of the girls of various races he could meet, he suddenly had a crazy idea and brought up the system inventory and stared at the 'Body creation tool' displayed on the screen.

He then turned to Athena and said "Actually Athena, I left out a part of what I told you"

"Hun? You left something out?" asked Athena, confused.

"Yes, the artifact seems to have given me a gift for awaking it."

"Gift? Wait.... It's ALIVE?" screamed Athena suddenly.

"I'm not sure, but it seems it might have some very basic intelligence, but I don't know enough about it to be sure."

"So? What's this gift it gave you?" asked Athena with interest.

Ashur stretched out his hand and reached into the blue screen and pulled out a card.

To Athena, it looked like Ashur reached out, and suddenly, a card appeared in his hand.

"You got some of your powers back?" asked Athena as she thought that the reason a card appeared in his hand was due to him using his powers.

"No, that was because of the artifact power," said Ashur as he corrected her misunderstanding.

"Oh..Sorry" said Athena before asking "So what does that card do?"

"If I use it, it seems that I can create a body," said Ashur.

"Create a body?"

"Yeah, a body of any race and any bloodline inserted, and it has perfect compatibility with the user of this card"

"Perfect compatibility?" asked Athena, as she did not know what he meant.

"It means that it can even create a new body that it can even house a god's soul, and maybe it might be able to have children," said Ashur.

"WHAT?" screamed Athena as this was a big shock to her.

'It might even be able to have children!'

This was one of the gods biggest wishes, to be able to have children, and every god would jump to get the chance for this.

"I'm starting to think of using this card to create a new body for me," said Ashur as he held up the card.

"Create a new body? Really?" she asked.

She could understand him if he really did it, as even she, at the possibility of having children, she would even choose to do so as well.

"Yeah, I plan to start a new life in the lower world," said Ashur.

"A new life?"

"Yeah, once I use this, my soul will be gone from my body and people will think that I have died and that why I have a job only you can do."

"A job?" she asked.

"Yes, I want you to prevent the gods in heaven from finding out my death as long as possible, only you can do this"

She could understand him for doing this, as if he really transferred his body and the other gods found out, they could start a war of unimaginable proportions just for the chance of having children.

"Why me?"

"It's because I trust you, the only reason I am telling you all this, is because of my trust in you," said Ashur.

Athena felt a bit touched about how much trust he had in her, and replied "I'll do it"

"Thank you," Ashur said.

"I want you to come and find me after they find out."

"Sure, I've waited for millions of years, what's a few more?" said Athena, as she was just happy that he had awakened.

"Then, why don't we start using this card?" said Ashur, as he held the 'Body creation tool' card up.

"Sure, what do we need to do?" Athena asked.

"Nothing much, just need a drop of blood for the bloodline, could you grab a small iron knife? there's probably some in the kitchen," Ashur asked.

After hearing what he wanted, Athena then sprung up and quickly ran to the kitchen and soon returned with a small kitchen knife and passed it to Ashur.

After he received the knife, he used it to prick his finger and drop a bit of blood on the card.

Soon After he dropped the blood on the card, the blood started absorbing into the card until there was no blood left.

After Ashur finished setting its bloodline, he started setting the race, gender, and looks.

He made it so that it looks a little like him but not as handsome as his looks would catch the eyes of almost everyone and he doesn't want the gods to instantly find out that it's him.

He soon finished everything up and after following the card's instructions, slowly crushed the card until it turned shards of light and floated away to his bed and combined to form a.....baby?

This was a little unexpected as he was expecting the new body to be an adult one instead of a baby.

Athena looked at the newly formed baby in amazement and went over and looked at it.

The baby had ash grey hair and it was lying down on the bed as it let out soft breaths as it laid there.

But what attracted Athena's attention the most, was that it had tiny pointed ears.

Yes, that's right, Ashur made his new body an elf! or more specifically, a high elf!

Ashur was not really attached to the concept of 'Human' and did not really mind not being one, and thought maybe he didn't have to be a human in his next life.

So after thinking for a bit, he settled on ether becoming an elf or a cat person, but ultimately settled on becoming an elf, but if he decided to become an elf, why not go all the way and become a high elf?

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