

As Ouranos left, Ashur went over to Hephaestus and said "Hey, do you want to help me make the workshop?"

"Sure, let's do that," said Hephaestus

"Alright, let's do that then Hephaestus"

Ashur then looked around the house to find a suitable wall before using his power to destroy said wall.

He then began to stretch out his hand and use his power to make a screen in the middle of the air and a figure could be seen on the screen, then a voice rang out "Ashur you called?"

Ashur looked at the figure on the screen, she had long silky green hair with lime green eyes, she was tall and slim and had medium-size breasts, and wore a mint green dress.

"It's good to see you Physis, I was wondering if I could get some materials because I am going to be doing some new additions to my house"

Ashur asked Physis because she was a goddess of nature and he could get everything he needed from her to build Hephaestus bedroom and workshop.

"Oh, you want materials? them I guess those rumors were true!" Physis said

"Yeah, they're true," said Ashur confirming that he really adopted Hephaestus.

"So your really a daughtercon? I would not have ever known!" Physis said with exaggerated shock on her face.

Hearing this, Ashur was stunned before hr furiously shouted at her "Those rumors are not true! And you know it!"

"Hahahaha, it's just a joke, of course, I just wanted to see your reaction, and I can say it was Hilarious!" Physis said while laughing and holding her stomach.

After laughing, Physis looked at Ashur and said "I'm still a little shocked to see so much emotion from you Ashur, because the last time a saw you, you were like a stone block"

Ashur gazed at Physis for a moment before replying "Yeah, I guess I changed a bit after becoming a dad"

"A bit? you changed A LOT!" said Physis

"Well, I guess parenthood changes people," said Ashur

Ashur then said, "So about the price of the materials....."

"Oh, consider it free for the little prank I did," said Physis

"Thanks, Physis"

"I'll have it done in a few minutes, be ready to retrieve it then, Ashur," said Physis as she then began to end the call.

After a few minutes, Ashur began to receive a message that his materials are ready along with some coordinates.

Ashur then began to use his space Arcanum to travel to said coordinates.

After arriving, he could see giant logs stacked upon each other in a pile, these were high-class materials even in Heaven, to the side of the logs there were various stones and metals stacked up in another pile, also high-class materials.

As he looked at the materials he noticed Physis off to the side, "Hey Physis, is this it?"

"Yeah Ashur, that's all of it," said Physis

"Thanks, it's more than enough," said Ashur as he was getting pumped to build with his daughter

"You're Welcome Ashur, I hope to see you again soon"

"I kinda feel bad about getting all these materials for free, to be honest," said Ashur with a look of distress.

Physis looked at him for a moment before a wide smile appeared on her face as she replied to him

"Well, if you want to repay me, how about you repay me with your body?" She said as she began reaching to take off her dress with a smile on her face.

"W-what?" Shocked, Ashur immediately began panicking.

"I-i have to go back as because Hephaestus is waiting for me, see you" Ashur then began to transport the materials before teleporting himself back to his house in a rush.

"Tch, coward," said Physis as she saw him disappear.

'Well, his reaction was cute at least, I should tease him more next time I see him' thought Physis.


Meanwhile, after Ashur returned home, he could see Hephaestus looking at him.

"Why are you so panicked?" asked Hephaestus, as she was wondering what could make him so panicked.

"Oh, it's nothing Hephaestus, I just thought I was going to lose something along the way but thankfully it's still there," said Ashur as he gave himself a mental pat on the back for his answer.

"Anyways let's start building," he said as he then began to change the subject hoping Hephaestus would focus on building the bedroom and workshop.

"Alright, let's do it!" said Hephaestus as she was pumped to start building with Ashur.

They then began to make the floor by laying stones on the ground and then Ashur began cutting the stones with some spatial blades, one of the few of Ashur's only techniques he has learned to use with his divine power, the reason why is because the old Ashur never really cared for learning things and learned only the common God techniques.

They soon began to put down wood planks for the floor and then four wooden posts to hold everything up, they then began to put up the walls and then finally the ceiling.

They then began to do the same for her workshop and then they began to put the furniture in the rooms.

In reality, this did not even take half an hour to do as with cutting everything and him moving with his space divinity, to Hephaestus designing the room and putting everything together was extremely fast with Hephaestus's divinity of craftsmanship and their teamwork.

It was now noon and as they looked at their finished product, they could not help but smile as this was something they did together and it was also some father-daughter bonding.

As they looked at their finished product Hephaestus looked at Ashur with a smile before saying to him, "Hey dad"

"Yes, Hephaestus?" replied Ashur

"I'm hungry"

"Hi hungry, I'm dad!"

Hephaestus did not know how to react to the sudden dad joke and took a few moments to process and understand it, and as she finally understood it, she could not help but release a small laugh and which Ashur started laughing also witch continued till they were on the floor laughing their asses off.

As they slowly came out of their fit of laughter, Ashur said, "Sure, let's go to eat some food outside then"

"Umm, hey dad, can you wait here for a few minutes please?" said Hephaestus as she looked at Ashur.

"Sure," Ashur said as he took a seat in the living room.

After the living room received his confirmation, she darted into her newly made workshop.

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