
No Smile

Neko suddenly realized a drop in the noise outside, a calm she recognized. The chief was most likely around. She squeezed the note into the back pocket of her jeans, closed the drawer and quickly snuck her way while still low to the door, opened and got out, apparently just in the nick of time.

Farouk noticed the chief's door close just as the chief himself appeaerd from the opposite side of his eyes.

The confusion made him shake his head before heading to his boss to submit some files as he entered his office.

Neko rushed into her office, surprising Pius.

"You acting like you have a hypertension. What's wrong?" Pius asked her. Neko sighed.

"If I told you, you'll just laugh. So, it's best I work alone on this one. Also, I'll be closing early today. So take care." Neko picked up her handbag from her table, and left the office. Pius' surprise became shock. What Neko was up to he wondered. Neko left work early that day.


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