

Jomel imbued himself with a Sacred-Fire he is holding now the Flaming Soul of the one the feiry Soul-Beast ghost knights that he killed.

Opening his mouth.

Jomel ate on the ghosts knights Soul.

He closed his eyes, the whole flavor spread through his mouth.

The crunchiness the warm feeling he tasted because of the fire is flickering on his very Soul.

The taste is so delicious, it was crunchy because of their bones.

He remembered what this thing tastes like.

It tasted like crispy pasta!

Crispy Pata is a Filipino dish consisting of deep-fried pig trotters or knuckles served with a soy-vinegar dip.

It can be served as party fare or an everyday dish.

Many restaurants serve boneless data as a specialty.

The dish is quite similar to the German Schweinshaxe.

Crispy Pata made whole pork leg boiled until tender and then deep-fried until golden and crisp.

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