
I will make them pay 2

Duke Wu's residence.

it was already dark when Lu Yaozhu returned to his family's residence, by then everyone had eaten their dinner and was preparing to go to bed. Lu Yaozhu walked to his residence with his servant Yu Tao holding up the lamp, lighting his way to the residence.

Light reflected from the previously quiet courtyard belonging to his younger sister Lu Yiling. He could faintly hear the sound of a soft feminine laughter from the courtyard. Lu Yaozhu slowed down his pace, turned slightly and asked in a low tone "is Xiao Ling back home?".

Yu Tao nodded "Yes she is, young Miss got back a few hours ago".

Lu Yaozhu lips curved up and he increased his pace, he had on this silly younger sister, he was very fond of for a close to a year. Lu Yuling was spoiled by everyone, she was the youngest in the family and the only girl.

Even though she was a little naughty, Lu Yuling was very soft-hearted and kind. Lu Yuling was closest to Lu Yaozhu since she was a child, back then she always followed him around. Even during his battles and campaigns around the grasslands, Lu Yuling always kept in touch. She even visited him a few times, which always made their mother worry.

His mood got lighter as he got closer to her courtyard. He called out her name fondly as he walked into her courtyard " Xiao Ling!!!".

Lu Yuling, who was seated by the window rushed out as soon as she heard her brother's voice. She ran into his widespread hands and hugged him tightly. "Second Brother!"

Lu Yaozhu looked down at her fondly and he hugged her, patting her back gently. "Hello little troublemaker, how was your trip back".

"It was good" she replied rubbing her cheek on his chest. She stayed that way for a few minutes before unwrapping her hands from around him.

Lu Yuling pulled back slowly and looked up at her brother's smiling face. "I missed you so much, staying at the hometown with grandmother and the third branch family was so boring. All the young ladies are so proper, talking to them was like talking to a palace Etiquette Mistress".

"Then it was a good idea sending you to learn under third aunt Xu," He said his mouth hooked up.

Lu Yuling on the other hand felt wronged by his words, she hit him on the shoulder, pulled out of his hands and stood back. She folded both hands on her shoulder and pouted "Hey! I was just fine in the capital you know. Mother didn't have to send me away to the countryside for a year. It was so boring there".

"Hmm" he placed his hand on his jaw thoughtfully "it didn't seem that way in the letters you sent. They were always filled with a full recap of your adventures with Xu Yicheng."

"It was boring before Brother Yicheng came. That reminds me, I must thank you for sending him over, I was starting to get suffocated by all of third aunt's rules" she said her chick getting brighter as her lips curved up.

"There is no need to thank me, I didn't send Xu Yicheng to accompany you. He was there to gain more experience and protect the borders".

"Yes! Yes! that must be true" she replied.

"You!" Lu Yaozhu flicked her forehead playfully. He stayed back to catch up with his sister before returning to his courtyard.


The next day at The Finance minister's residence.

As Su Liya led a group of maid's to the latest Madam Princess Bai's courtyard. They were transporting the offerings for Princess Bai's memorial ceremony. All hands were on deck for Princess Bai's memorial ceremony, which was in two days.

Zhu Fengyin was in charge of the entire ceremony from the guest list down to the offerings. This year was the fifteenth anniversary of Princess Bai's death so the ceremony will be celebrated in a big way. Minister Zhu invited two Monks from the imperial monastery to host the ceremony.

Princess Bai was Minister Zhu's first wife and the Emperor's Maternal cousin. The author had described Princess Bai as a beautiful kind-hearted woman who didn't believe in social ranking. She treated everyone equally and was well-loved by everyone.

Back then she had shocked everyone by marrying the scholarly fourth son of the noble Marquis family Zhu Yawen. The couple had been so in love that they were dubbed the immortal family.

Princess Bai was born with a weak body so she was very delicate. When She got married the imperial physician informed her that because of her weak body, she would have difficulty having a child.

However four years after their marriage Princess Bai gave birth to a baby girl named Zhu Fengyin. However, a year later Princess Bai had a relapse of her old illness and died.

Minister Zhu was so heartbroken that he locked up her courtyard and never allowed anyone to move in. Apart from Minister Zhu, Zhu Fengyin and Princess Bai's nursemaid that was in charge of taking care of the house, no one was allowed into the courtyard.

The courtyard was only opened to others only during the Late Princess memorial ceremony. Su Liya led the servants to the courtyard and after placing the offering at the altar, orders them to leave. Su Liya followed them behind.

As she walked past an empty courtyard, her hand was grabbed and she was pulled into a small garden. Su Liya Slapped the hand away "Let go of me!"

"What is wrong with you, when did you get this rough" a cold male voice said

Su Liya suddenly felt cold, goosebumps appeared on her skin as she looked up at Zhu Faye. Even though he smiled softly, she could see a certain coldness in his eyes.

Su Liya took a step back "Third young Master, I apologise for my actions. I didn't see you there". she said softly head bent down.

"Liya there is no need to worry, we are close after all. I didn't take it to heart" he said gently pulling a loose strand of her hair behind her ear.

Su Liya shrank back as his hands got closer, she saw his smile slip and replied quickly "I recently caught a cold, you shouldn't come closer so as not to catch it".

Zhu Faye stepped back quickly and rubbed his hands on his dress like he touched something disgusted but pretended to get something from his coat. "You seemed to be getting sick often these days. You should take care, I still have something to do. I will get going" He said and walked away quickly.

Su Liya sighed and turned around to leave but ran into none other than Zhu Fenfang.

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