
Enrolling is so much trouble

By the time that Apryl had come back out from spending time with her mom and siblings, her Aunt was in living room sitting with her mate. Brian smiled at her.

"Hey, I didn't know you had gotten back." Lydia commented as Apryl chose to sit in one of the chairs opposite of where the sofa.

"Yeah, I got not that long ago, but I was visiting with my mom." She told her aunt as she took off her shoes and stretched her feet. They were fairly sore after so many hours of wearing something that she wasn't used to.

"How did it go." Brian asked, he grabbed his mate's hand affectionately.

"Enrolling in college is so much trouble and I have hardly started." Apryl sighed as she reached into her pocket to pull out of the pieces of paper she had left in there. She didn't want to take it out as she was worried if she left it somewhere she would end up forgetting where it was. "I got the paperwork filled out today, but there's so much that I still need to do before I am done." She uncrumpled the piece of paper in order to review what was on it again.

"Is it a lot?" Lydia asked as she reached out her hand to see what her niece was looking at it.

"It seems like it to me. I need my ID still and once that's done and I am accepted, I need to get my student ID and that requires a picture as well." Apryl whined as she handed the note to her aunt who looked over it with her mate.

"This isn't too bad. I can help with most of this. We can get this done today and then once you hear if you're accepted, we can plan on getting your ID the same day that you have to take your picture for the student ID. That way you only have to deal with photos once.

"Thanks, can you show me what to do? I realize that there are a lot of things that I still need to learn to do in order to get ready for college." Apryl replied. Brian nodded his head before he spoke again.

"Who did you get to help you? This seems rather thorough."

"His name was Keith. I bumped into someone who worked at the campus and they directed me to him as he was used to helping new students get enrolled and make sure that they know what they need to do. He's a werewolf as well, but he doesn't seem to be anyone to worry about." Apryl replied. She didn't miss the way that Brian and Lydia glanced at each other when she said this. "Is there something that I need to be worried about?" She clarified.

"Not at all. It's just unexpected that you've already met another werewolf on campus." Lydia laughed. "I guess it has changed a lot since I went and sent my children there. Of course there were werewolves on campus back years ago as well, but probably not as many as there are now." Apryl kind of believed what her aunt said, but it still felt like there was something more going on.

"What matter is that you've already found someone who's going to a good support to help you through this process. Make sure you stay in touch with him until you need a larger social circle to hang out with."

"I would prefer to stick with myself if as much as possible." Apryl murmured back.

"It's hard at first, but you'll get used to it, and once you actually start taking classes and spending more time on campus, you'll be grateful to have a group that you can rely on. Especially since your mom will be having her hands full soon." Lydia told her.

"How's she doing?" Apryl asked, mostly out of concern but also as an excuse for changing the topic away from college since she had a feeling she was going to be quite busy tonight making sure that everything was in order for going back to college tomorrow.

"She's doing alright. I'm trying to get her to do less around because of how far along she is in the pregnancy. We have everything we need here to take care of her when she goes into labor as long as everything works out properly. I think by the way that she's going that she'll probably end up going into labor earlier." Her aunt explained.

"Is that bad?" Apryl asked feeling her anxiety raise.

"Not really, she's going to need more of her own space as the days go by, but when stress and other events are taken into consideration, it's not unusual for us to go into labor earlier in response to such things. She just needs to make sure that she's resting."

"Do you think yet you can convince Oreo and Timid to be willing to step outside of that space before she has the pups? She'll tolerate them she has said without a problem, but I think she would do well for the first four weeks to have less wolves around her that aren't family." Apryl made a face when Lydia asked this question.

"I don't know. Oreo was finally willing to shift today, but it was short lived because the pups got too interested in him and he got nervous so he shifted back. Timid won't even think about it, she just ends up hiding behind him and refusing to even try because she's still scared."

"We have a bit more time, but we really should have a plan in action in case they can't stay there." We have one more room here, but it's not the safest for them to stay in all the time." Brian told her. He actually sounded more like he was annoyed about the situation than Lydia was.

"Don't worry, I will get something figured out. I can shift rooms if I need to or work something out with one of my siblings that we can share space if we need to." Apryl replied. He didn't want him to end up resenting them because her family was taking up so much space. One of the reasons she was pushing so hard to get into college.

"We'll get it figured out. Right now, let's get what needs to be so you're enrolled in college. I am sure that will take away some of the stress off your mom knowing you're getting on a good track. Then we can maybe get your siblings convinced to follow after you." Lydia told Apryl as she patted her mate's hand to let him know he didn't need to stress about anything right now.

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