
Treading Thin Water

****** Finally brought my baby cat to the vet. He said that Potato (my cat) was a little old thats why she might get sick after getting the flu shots. Usually at 3months, kitten should have their flue shots already. but since I was dhort in money at those times, I cannot afford to bring her in. Then I think of my other cats. Theu did not get any flu shots before. the oldest is 6 years old. I can hear the doctor nag me about this.

anyway. Since I was so busy this ehole day (I woke up late as I was catching up sleep and feel so tired always.) when we went to the vet, I thought it wouldnt rain but this damn rain just knows when I will leave. Jist we are going to hail a taxi, the rain oured on us like water from a bucket. Igot wet good thing Potato isnt. And it just stopped when we arrived home.

How great is that right? urgh.

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