

[Are you alright, Ace?]

The boy is hunched over, head resting on the edge of the table, sighing deeply as he pressed his temples, scrunching his face up in pain.

"I should be fine with some aspirin." He mumbled, trying to get the ringing out of his head. "Do you happen to have some laying around?"

[I apologise, Ace. I don't think there are such things as aspirins here.] 

"Damn it." He mumbled, pressing his temples before getting to his feet, slightly unsteady. "I think I should go home for the time being." 

[I would suggest that to be best as well.]

"Ugh." He almost fell over, managing to hold onto the wall for support before anything too bad could happen. "I hate it when this happens." 

Walking down the stairs, Ace sucked in a deep breath, mumbling something to himself over and over again. 

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