
Dousing the Flames


She pulled her head back to meet his eyes and whatever she saw there convinced her. She let her legs drop and he placed her on her feet, took her chin and kissed her then whispered, "Don't move."

"Etan, what—"

He turned from her, shook out his jacket and laid it on the bench where she had sat, then urged her to sit on it.

She blinked, but did as he asked, staring at him, wide eyed.

He leaned over her, kissed her deeply, then let himself drop to his knees as he kissed his way down her neck, and back to her breasts.

"Oh, Etan," she sighed, leaning away slightly to press herself into his mouth. But he knelt on the ground before her and began to tug up her skirts. When he pulled way, she made a tiny noise. "What—?"

But he dropped, pulling her skirts over his head and groaned again when he found her, knees open, and completely bare.

"Etan, what are you doing?!" she hissed.

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