
Chapter 18 Part 5

Chapter 18: Kronus: Aftermath


Part 5



Dominator Cruiser Gryphon

en route to Kronus

Twelve hours before reaching orbit, the battle group concluded a deceleration burn. They continued their approach at a much slower pace. The locals kept bombarding them with hails inquiring or demanding clarification of intent. However, not a single transmission included Inquisitor Vail's codes confirming the place wasn't subverted, much less explanation from the woman herself. They did receive a confirmation from her ship that she was down with a disease, along with almost everyone in Victory Bay. That naturally only made Inquisitor Marat Chandra even more suspicious.

"Daughter, what did I teach you about anything that appears too good to be true?" The Daemon hunter asked lightly.

Captain Anastasia Chandra rolled her eyes from her command throne. Long delicate fingers brushed her ivory locks aside, revealing several implants connecting her with the ship.

"Assume it is, even when you have solid evidence to the contrary. That way, sometimes you might actually be pleasantly surprised." The Captain's musical voice rang clearly over the silent bridge.

It wasn't often that an Inquisitor chose their ship as transport. That was a dubious and dangerous privilege at the best of times. When said Inquisitor simply happens to be your Captain's father, who by pure coincidence was on board when a distress call from the abandoned world came, well, it didn't take a genius to connect the dots.

That was no coincidence. The Inquisitor suspected the nasty kind of trouble and wanted a reliable ship backing him. And what might be more reliable than your own daughter's shop? Well, possibly many things, however no one on board was crazy enough to voice such thoughts.

"Good girl." The Inquisitor spoke softly in clear approval. If someone dared look too closely, they might have even seen a hint of a smile on his scarred face. "Everything we know about recent events on Kronus points at multiple Daemonic incursions, a traitor Invasion, and Xenos running unchecked all over the place." Chandra shook his head in exasperation. "I can ignore the latter. Ordo Xenos is known for consorting with the alien when they see an advantage, it's their job, responsibility, and prerogative to make those choices." As long as we check everyone for technological subversion just in case, he didn't add aloud. Undermining his fellow Inquisitors aloud in such a manner was never a good idea, no matter the company. "The Daemonic incursions on the other hand…" Marat's smile stretched his scars into a grotesque grimace. They were a "gift" from a Bloodletter that managed to get close to eviscerating him, just not quite close enough.

The Inquisitor could almost buy a Daemon of Khorne getting too eager for blood, skulls, and battle, getting over its head and under the right circumstances, getting killed for good. While hard, doing so wasn't impossible, much less unheard of. It was just that, the tools necessary were almost as rare as a nice Dark Eldar and much harder to find intact.

Two interventions by the Emperor himself? On this backwater world? That was the kind of insane reports you laughed at! Then, you went to vigorously interrogate everyone involved, because at best they were insane lunatics, and you had to clean up after them. At worst, the divine intervention they blubbered about was infernal, and then, things tended to get very ugly, very fast.

Of course, this time around, someone was trying too hard, because this had a trap written all over it. Even a brand-new acolyte with no experience could notice it.

Unfortunately, it was a very good trap. The bait was too tempting. Marat had to go down there, investigate and see for himself. Because no matter how remote, the possibility of the Xeno technology being real and working as advertised had to be checked. Doing anything less would be treason.

That, of course, made the trap so effective.

The reports from the Navigators and his Sanctioned Psyker, added credence to some of the reports. However, neither truth nor innocence was proof enough. The two interventions by the Emperor might be indeed genuine. There might even be a real Saint down there, which might make Marat's work a bit simple. None of those potential truths prevented most people down there from being subverted, corrupted, or simply deceived to serve the whims of the Daemonic or the alien.

"We're going in. Keep the transports and their escorts far away from hostile weapons' range. I want your Astropaths ready to transmit messages at a moment's notice, no matter how hard or dangerous doing so might be." The Inquisitor ordered.

"You're thinking about going down there alone?" Anastasia exclaimed.

"With a small security detail. We're going to be bait and spring whatever trap is waiting for us. I have to. Besides, if they open fire on us during our approach, we'll know earlier."

"We can perhaps take out the Imperial ships in orbit. The Xeno battle groups will be too much." Anastasia pointed out again. "I told you so, multiple times."

"If they're all hostile, then we're already dead. The only question is how much we would be able to do before it's over." Chandra chided gently. "We should last long enough to purge Victory Bay at the very least, perhaps strike at the Xeno facilities on the ground." Marat looked at his daughter. "More importantly, we should last long enough to warn the Imperium at large that Kronus has fallen and needs to be neutralized."

"And if for once you're lucky, father?" Anastasia quirked her lips in a way her mother tended to do when vexed with him.

"Then I'll be praising the Emperor because we finally caught a break that might change things for the better."

"Unfortunately, you don't believe that," Anastasia concluded.

"You know me. I have too many bitter experiences to seriously consider that this isn't a trap."


Victory Bay


Last night, the Imperial reinforcements finished their sharp deceleration and continued to approach at a much slower pace. This morning, the Tau finished loading as many people they could on their ships and broke orbit, boosting for the zone that would allow them to safely use FTL.

Most importantly, Amberley finally left surgery and after a few hours of recovery, Karom finally deemed her hale enough to flood with stimulants.

The Cyborg leaned over her hospital bed and poked her in turn with three injectors. Amberley's pale form stirred, shook, and she awoke with a choked gasp. Here wide, wild eyes darted in all directions in panic, and she tried to get as far away from Karom as she could. However, she was still too weak from the operation and could do little more than struggle like a newborn kitten.

"Ciaphas, where are you? Help me!" Vail babbled.

"It's all right. Karom and his friends did good work." I said in my best soothing tone, which wasn't particularly effective if Amberley's reaction was anything to go by.

"The patient will need a few more moments to work through the sedatives effects," Karom explained in a clinical, emotionless tone. "The muscle stimulants will kick in last. That way, she'll avoid injuring herself further." He waved a scanner over Vail, whistled happily, and left. "I have other people to put back together."

"Veil?" Amberley eventually rasped. Her eyes focused on me and I could see a spark of recognition.

"Yes, it's me. Sorry to disappoint, I'm not your boy-toy."

Amberley narrowed her eyes at me. "What are you babbling about?"

"You did want your Ciaphas," I smirked and earned myself a murderous glare promising retribution. "Now that you're awake and in your right mind, we've got trouble."

"What did you do this time? Hired a band of Dark Eldar for the kicks?!"

"Nothing so perverse. I'm not a masochist, much less insane, I'll let you know!" This woman knew how to hit low, damn her sharp tongue! I didn't get into these situations for the fun! "Our reinforcements finally turned up. They're refusing to talk, will be in the range of the planet shortly, and are coming in attack formation. They did demand you talked with them."

"Get me to a communications terminal!" Amberley ordered.

"I have a Tech-priest waiting nearby with the necessary equipment. We also have a group of Temple Ships on the way. They appear reasonable, and that has me even more concerned."

"You have the wings and the Emperor's blessing. You'll be dealing with the Ecclesiarchy. I'll talk with our reinforcements." Amberley raised her right hand and relaxed when she saw her rosary and symbol of office still attached to her wrist with a fine golden chain.

A few minutes later, the Cogboy had a secure transmitter station set up and connected with the General's HQ. From there, Colonel Amudsen and Captain Ignatius facilitated a live feed with the approaching ship. At this distance, there was almost no transmission delay. The Cogboy produced a small hololith, which soon displayed a tiny figure almost completely covered by a thick leather coat. However, the clothing did little to hide the signs of sleek and advanced looking armor protecting the man.

Amberley fiddled with her rosary and looked pointedly at the figure.

"Is that good enough, Marat?" She knew him. Now it was time to see if that was a piece of good news or not.

"Your codes check out, so you likely aren't an impostor." His smile was a hideous thing to behold. I was sure it could give pause to an angry Ork. "Now, Amberley, dear, please try to convince me that you and at least a few other people down there are still sane. The reports I've read are something to behold. They're like something the Propaganda Department might cook up for a Segmentum-wide popular holovid series."

This Marat guy was surprisingly affable for Inquisitor. For that matter, I could say the same about Amberley. Was that an act, I did my bloody luck finally change for the better? Scratch that, the Emperor Botherers will be touching down tonight…

"That was my reaction as well when I got my share of reports while on my way here. Then things happened." Amberley smirked.

"Yes, that. Are you trying to branch out? Is dealing with Xenos becoming too boring and predictable for you?"

"It's all his fault." Amberley jabbed a finger in my direction.

The Cogboy swiped a mechadendrite my way, and presumably, I was on camera now.

I waved at him with a smile, and my wings fluttered happily at the attention. I swear, the damn things had a mind of their own!

"The supposed Saint." Marat looked at me with suspicion, through eyes that had seen too much horror.

"That's not a claim I've ever made, however people keep reaching the same conclusion thanks to these." I pointed at my wings, which spread out covering the wall and ceiling behind me as if preening. "The glow supposedly helps as well."

"Yes," Marat said in a voice drier than the Eres Badlands. "You appear to be sparkling." He kept staring at me oddly. "It's a nice trick, and I would be very happy if you're the real deal. However, even if that's the case, it still doesn't mean you aren't being deceived by either aliens or Chaos. Convince me what you've cooked up on Kronus isn't a threat to the Imperium at large."

"I'll leave it to you." I smiled at Amberley. "You do have a better gift with words than me." Besides, she apparently knew this guy.

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