
BNS Chapter 8 — The sweet End

Alan walked the streets of Ponyville looking for Rarity's boutique.

On the way, he stumbled across other clothing stores, but none of the assortment on offer caught his attention. But all equestria clothes were of warmer and brighter colors, in a kind of retro style, which Alan found too cartoonish here.

He wanted something not too bright, with more muted tones. Al had always loved dark colored clothing, and so he wanted to find something that would remind him of the clothing he wore in his homeworld.

A loose navy blue blazer with a stylish black shirt or T-shirt underneath. On his feet, he wore black jeans, the main feature of which was freedom of action in case of active body movements, such as running, fighting, dancing, etc.

«I'm unlikely to wear jeans in this world, but a long jacket, or maybe even a raincoat, is quite an option. With a black shirt or T-shirt, there should definitely not be any problems. And also...»

Alan looked at his bracelet and thought.

«The mayor noticed how I used the bracelet, as it always glows when I draw the magic. I think it will not be superfluous to purchase something like a wristband, or cuffs on the hoof, in order to cover it for the first time. So far, I don't want to spread information about this too much.»

Continuing along Ponyville, Alan finally found Rarity's boutique. He looked at him with a slightly odd smile as he could finally visit one of the most emblematic Ponyville locations on the show.

— Heh, who would have thought that one day I would become a client of this place.

With these words, he entered the Carousel boutique.

Inside, the entire room was in burgundy and pink tones, and the store's space was rounded. Along the edges near the walls, in addition to mirrors and seating, there were pony mannequins, some of which demonstrated the proposed outfits.

Almost all of these outfits consisted of women's dresses and hats of various shapes and colors. Alan was extremely surprised looking at this heap of various colors surrounding him.

«like a carousel indeed.»

— Oh, good afternoon! Welcome to my Carousel Boutique.

Alan turned in surprise and saw a charming white mare with a purple-blue mane and a cutie mark in the form of three blue diamonds. She elegantly walked up to Alan, welcoming him with a charming look.

Of course, Alan immediately recognized her, because it was Rarity. She was also surprised when Alan turned in her direction, because he was a very attractive stallion after all, which you usually do not find in Ponyville.

She immediately thought that he might be from some wealthy family in Canterlot, so she quickly pulled herself together and introduced herself in a friendly but businesslike manner.

— My name is Rarity, how can I help you?

Alan, seeing her businesslike approach, smiled affably, and said in a measured and well-delivered voice.

— Nice to meet you Miss Rarity. My name is Alan. I came to your boutique, because only the outfits that came out from under your beautiful hooves can evoke positive emotions in me. So I was hoping for your professional help in choosing clothes for me.

Rarity was flattered by such a high assessment, and a compliment in her favor. She does not often receive compliments from such stately stallions. Rarity raised her hoof to cover her slight laugh, and then answered.

— Oh, of course I'll help you, Mr. Alan. A stallion like you definitely needs a good outfit. In my boutique, you can easily find something to your taste. Follow me.

Alan nodded and followed Rarity.

Walking over to a small dressing room, Alan sat down on an ottoman while Rarity collected various outfits for him.

She returned a few minutes later holding a stack of different outfits with her magic. Then she carried several empty mannequins and put the clothes on them. As Alan expected, it was quite bright, colorful, and with various pompous decorations.

— Here are some of the best outfits currently available in my boutique. I am sure that you will look great in them. Do you want to try it on?

Flapping her eyelashes, Rarity asked with great enthusiasm.

Alan just smiled tightly and answered.

— These are definitely wonderful outfits, Miss Rarity, but I have my own criteria for choosing clothes that do not very much coincide with what you showed.

— Oh, is that so? What didn't you say before? Then, what style of outfit would you like to see?

Rarity was a little surprised at first as she showed off the best of the outfits that various aristocrats and high-ranking ponies usually wear. But as there are always exceptions, she did not take it personally. Alan thought a little and said.

— I like clothes with calmer, maybe even darker tones. Gray, dark blue and black are the main colors for me in clothes. Sometimes a dark red color can be used. I would like to know if custom tailoring is possible with you?

Rarity smiled and answered.

— Of course, darling! If you describe to me what kind of outfit you want to see, then I am sure that I can do everything at the highest level.

Rarity spoke with absolute confidence, like an outspoken specialist and skilled salesperson. Alan was impressed with her ability to communicate with customers.

After thinking for a moment, he realized that it would be difficult to explain exactly what he wanted, and therefore decided to offer another option.

— It won't be easy to explain my idea, Miss Rarity, but I have one idea. Could you lend me some sheets of paper and a couple of pencils?

— Um... Although this is a bit of an unusual request, darling, but so be it, give me a moment.

Rarity was baffled by his request, but she went and got some papers and pencils. Having received them, Alan realized that he did not know how to use a pencil. In the show, earth ponies have used their mouths to do this, but he doesn't have any practice in this yet, and he definitely won't be able to do what he intended.

He thought for a while and with a difficult expression turned his serious gaze to Rarity.

— Lady Rarity.

Hearing his serious manner and the change in atmosphere, Rarity became wary.

— Y... yes?

— I know that today is our first meeting, but I still want to ask you something important.

— Um, okay…

The mare was a little intrigued and cautious at the same time. Alan loved this atmosphere of mystery that he accidentally formed, and he could not keep his childishness and not continue to inflate it even more.

— Right now I want to use something very unusual, and I would like to keep it a secret. So my question is very simple. Can I trust you with one of my secrets?

Rarity was dumbfounded upon hearing Alan's question.

Many thoughts began to rush through her head, and one of them sparked her curiosity and imagination. She began to think.

«Oh my stars! It's just like in my romance book I recently read! Hot and mysterious stallion Roberto, with a mysterious past, who is forced to entrust his secret to a simple but beautiful mare, and later falls in love with her! Am I going to be part of an incredible story worthy of my own book? And maybe at the end we... Eeeee!»

Rarity excitedly rejoiced inside herself, lost in her fantasies, which slightly surprised Alan. He looked at her strangely and thought.

«What's wrong with her? I overdid it with pathos? ... I remember that she loves to dramatize events very much. Is this one of those moments?»

With a raised eyebrow, Alan waved a hoof in front of the mare's face and said.

— Lady Rarity? Are you okay? I am still waiting for an answer.

— Hah? What?

Rarity emerged from the world of her fantasies, and seemed to slightly forgot where she was. Looking at Alan, she shook her head, quickly regaining consciousness, and then began to chuckle in embarrassment.

— He-he-he... Yes... I'm fine Rober... I mean, Mr. Alan, I'm just a little lost in my thoughts.

Coughing slightly to hide her embarrassment, she continued to speak with clearly more enthusiasm and excitement than she had at the beginning.

— Mr. Alan, you can trust me completely.

Then she slowly walked over to Al, and sweetly flapping her eyelashes said softly.

— Your secret will remain completely safe. You can tell me "all"... your secrets.

She said the last part slowly, gazing into Alan's eyes, using all her charm. Alan was even a little embarrassed by this.

«Damn, this seductress clearly knows her strengths and doesn't hesitate to use them.»

Alan quickly pulled himself together.

Responding to her charming smile with his own, he said.

— Then, Lady Rarity, I will put my secret in your beautiful hooves.

Hearing this, Rarity abruptly turned away and squealed something happily for a while. Then, just as sharply she returned her gaze to Alan, only with a joyful smile and a slight blush.

Alan just laughed to himself, pleased with his performance, and went to the table, on which lay pencils and sheets of paper. Taking a look around all the nearby space, he used his bracelet and pulled a small stool towards him, while taking a pencil in the air.

— Huh?

Rarity stood with her mouth open and watched Alan use magic. At this time, Alan had already sat down on a stool, and began to draw something on paper.

Rarity with a surprised face walked over to Alan and stood next to him. She examined his bracelet curiously, and her eyes lit up.

— What a useful accessory! Where did you get it?

— Heh, search the whole of Equestria, but you can't buy one.

— Why?

— Because I made it myself.

Rarity gasped again, and then said in surprise.

— This is an amazing work, you definitely have the necessary skills to surprise a lady.

As she said this, she admired her reflection in the bracelet, examining herself from different angles. Finally, she turned her gaze to what Alan was doing, and her eyes widened again in surprise as she saw how he was creating blueprints for new clothes right before her eyes. And they were utterly unlike what could be found in Equestria.

Although Alan was not very good at drawing, he could make a plan and a sketch for clothes without any problems.

He took his favorite brands from his old world as a basis, and tried to fit their design to the body of a pony. As a result, he drew designs for a jacket and T-shirt that were similar to what he wore in the human world.

He also drew a small pair of cloth cuffs for the front hooves to cover the bracelets. When he finished his work, he looked at the surprised Rarity.

«Handsome, cryptic and incredibly talented... He really is very mysterious. It might be even better than in my romance! Come on Rarity, play it cool!»

Rarity looked at Alan with a spark in her eyes.

Glancing back at the drawing, she said.

— Although it's usually rare in Equestria to make clothes with such a dark, or even gloomy palette, there is something about your design that makes me think it would look great on you, Mr. Alan. Give me literally an hour and I'll place your order.

After her proud announcement, Rarity began taking measurements from Alan's body, and judging by her smiling face, this process clearly gave her pleasure.

After finishing the measurements, Rarity went to another room to start working.

Time passed, and Alan sat on the couch in the store, and was killing time looking at local fashion magazines. He caught himself thinking that all this time he did not realize that for some reason, he could read in the local language. Previously, he did not even think about it, but now it seemed to him a rather strange thing, because in fact, he could see the difference between letters from those that were in his world, but he still read them as if it was his native language.

«It's strange. How did I not notice this before?»

After a certain amount of time, a little filly flew into the boutique with a cheerful smile. She was a white unicorn foal with a lilac-pink mane.

And of course, Alan recognized her, because it was Rarity's younger sister, Sweetie Belle.

She did not notice Alan sitting in the corner on the couch, and when she reached the center of the store she suddenly screamed.

— RA-RI-TY!!!

After her scream, a sound came from the room where Rarity was, as if something had fallen. Then Rarity's slightly annoyed voice sounded from there.

— Argh... Sweet Celestia! Sweetie Belle, don't yell at the store like that! It's uncivilized.


— Oh my stars...

Rarity sighed and began to mutter something under her breath. When she finished, her voice came from the room again.

— Wait a few minutes honey, I'll finish soon, I have an important project here.


Sweetie Belle was more energetic than ever.

After a noisy conversation with her sister, she went to her room and waited impatiently for her at the entrance. After a few minutes, Rarity finally left her room, holding a magically folded outfit. On the way out, she met Belle.

— What's wrong, Sweetie Belle?

The filly smiled and answered.

— You won't believe what Scootaloo told me today! She was molested today by a pony aristocrat named Coins Fly and...

The unicorn continued her story, and with every second Rarity became more and more angry with Coins, but when a pony appeared in the story that stood up for Scootaloo, Rarity was delighted, and when she heard exactly how he reasoned with Coins, she even laughed.

«I didn't know that such a pony lives in our town.»

At the end of the story, Rarity was clearly delighted with the pony in the story. In the end, she could not resist, and asked.

— It's an incredible story, Sweetie Belle. I'm wondering what the pony's name was?

Sweetie Belle first went into a stupor, and then hitting herself on the forehead with a hoof, she said.

— That's right, I completely forgot. Scootaloo said his name was Alan.

Sweetie Belle thought that her sister would be glad to know his name, but suddenly she stood up with her mouth open. And then she turned her gaze to the side, looking directly at Alan, who was smiling modestly, scratching his head with a hoof. Belle did not understand what was wrong with her sister, and tilting her head to one side, asked.

— What's the matter, Rarity, are you okay? Just don't go back to your fantasy land, I still need your help!

Rarity returned her gaze to Belle.

— Help?

Sweetie Belle jumped on the spot with a smile, and said.

— Right! I would like to meet this Alan, as Scootaloo wants to help him with his cutie mark. He will be our client, but we don't know where to find him. And since he moved to live in Ponyville today, Pinkie Pie will definitely throw a party for him, which means that you will automatically be invited. So I want you to take me with you.

Rarity was overwhelmed by the flood of information, and her brain was already struggling to cope with all this. Of all that Sweetie Belle said, Rarity was most surprised by one piece of news.

«Is he moving to Ponyville? Really? Now this is definitely better than in my book!»

There was such a dreamy smile on Rarity's face that Sweetie Belle began to shake her sister to bring her to her senses. When Rarity finally turned her attention to little Belle, she said.

— Oh, darling, there is no need for your request. After all, the one you are looking for is right there.

Saying that, she pointed to an embarrassed Alan, who was sitting on a sofa in the corner of the store. Sweetie Belle looked at him in confusion at first, but then ran up to him, smiling broadly.

— Nice to meet you Mr. Alan! My name is Sweetie Belle, best friend of Scootaloo and a member of the Cutie Mark Crusaders team!

— Nice to meet you Sweetie Belle, my name is Alan, or simply Al.

Belle smiled contentedly, and said.

— I would like to thank you for helping Scootaloo! I'm sure we will become good friends. And yes...

She looked at Alan's cutie mark and nodded in surprise.

— You have a very unusual cutie mark indeed, Mr. Alan.

Alan laughed and said.

— We're friends now, aren't we? You can just call me Al or Alan, without "mister".

The filly smiled happily and answered.

— Yes, of course, Al! And then you can just call me Belle.

— Of course, Belle.

While they were exchanging pleasantries, Rarity came up to them and said.

— My little sister's friend - My friend. You can also just call me Rarity.

Looking fondly at Alan, Rarity said.

Al returned her smile and answered tenderly.

— Of course, Rarity, I will be glad to have such a charming friend like you.

Hearing this, Rarity smiled like a little schoolgirl.

Sweetie Belle suddenly objected.

— Hey, what about me?

Alan was surprised at first, but then he laughed and patting Belle on the head said.

— Of course I'm glad to have such a cutie as Belle as my friend.

Belle was very pleased with his words, and like a cat with a contented face, she substituted her head for Alan's stroking. Rarity gazed warmly at her pleased sister, and shifting her gaze to the stallion, she said.

— So, Alan. I want to let you know that I have finished working on your design, and I must admit that this is one of my best work on clothing for a stallion.

Alan received a bag of clothes from Rarity, and immediately opened it.

When he saw what was inside, he was slightly surprised, as the T-shirt was not the color he described in the drawing. He looked questioningly at Rarity.

— Oh, dear, I know that you asked to make a black T-shirt, but it seemed to me that the ruby ​​color would be much better, besides, it would perfectly fit your eyes. My instinct told me that it would be much better.

Alan once again thoughtfully looked at the clothes and nodded with a smile.

«Well... Let's try it and see how it looks.»

A minute later, Al walked out of the fitting room in new clothes. Although Rarity did this outfit herself, when she saw him in new clothes, she was even speechless for a moment.

Alan was wearing a navy blue, comfortable and loose jacket, a red T-shirt, and a pair of black ruby-colored cuffs on the hooves. He looked very solid, and at the same time stylish, creating a kind of new feeling for Rarity and Belle, because it was literally a fashion from another world. Little Belle was the first to speak.

— Wow! Alan, you look really great. I have never seen such clothes on any stallion. My sister has surpassed herself!

Alan laughed slightly and answered.

— I agree, Rarity did an incredible job.

Rarity finally got out of her stupor, and said with a silly smile.

— Oh, y... yes! You look very ho... I mean, gorgeous! You look very gorgeous!

Rarity was embarrassed that she had lost her composure.

Belle laughed seeing her sister so unusually absent-minded, and Alan just smiled serenely.

At that moment, Belle remembered about some additional business and took off in an unknown direction, leaving Rarity and Alan alone.

Alan finished examining his outfit in the mirror, turned to Rarity.

— You were right, Rarity. With a ruby ​​T-shirt, this suit looks good on me. How much do I have to pay?

Rarity thought, and looking at Al answered.

— Actually, I would like you to accept this as a gift from me, to welcome you to Ponyville, and to thank you for helping Scootaloo. On top of that, I would like to ask your permission to use your design as a basis for a variety of other costumes. I'm sure they definitely have a chance to be the new refreshing chic of modern fashion!

After hearing the last part, Alan began to question whether the real reason for her gift was her generosity or her business acumen. He appreciated her gesture and said with an inward smile.

— Thank you very much for your generosity, Rarity. You can use my blueprint as much as you like. If anyone can make the latest fashion out of this, then it will definitely be the beautiful Lady Rarity.

— Ooh, you embarrassed me. But I will definitely do my best. While working on your cloth, inspiration came over me and a lot of great ideas came up. I can't wait to get to work. I hope you will visit my boutique again to see what outfits I will make based on your design.

Turning around, she began to walk away in a slow manner, wagging her alluring hips from side to side profusely, clearly showing off her body shape.

While she was leaving, she turned around and, looking at Alan with her beautiful eyes, added.

— And yes, don't worry, your secret is complete safety with me. Perhaps next time, we could discuss it in a more relaxed and intimate atmosphere.

Giving Alan a smile, she turned away towards the room, slightly swinging her tail for a split second, opened the slightest part of her sweet spot, and then quickly went into her room.

If Alan could see her face at that moment, he would have noticed that she had an embarrassed smile and a slightly flushed face.

«What a devil, she knows how to lure. I will definitely visit you again, be sure.»

After that, Alan finally left the Carousel boutique.

It was already evening on the street, it was the right time to go to the meeting place with Maud. Having memorized most of the streets of Ponyville, he easily found the place he needed.

Along the way, many ponies paid attention to him, because in addition to good looks, he was now wearing beautiful new clothes, which gave his appearance many points.

Arriving at the fountain, he found that Maud and Pinkie Pie were already waiting for him. Maud seemed a little tired, and Pinkie was a little brooding.

«What's with them? Did I miss something?»

— Hey, how are you there?

Hearing Alan's voice, Maud seemed to perk up a little, and turned her gaze to him. But as soon as she saw him, she slightly opened her mouth, looking at his new image. Pinkie also hesitated a bit before greeting Al. She was the first to speak.

— Hey! Great outfit! Have you been to Rarity's?

— That's right, she helped me sew clothes to my taste.

— It definitely suits you!

Saying this, Pinkie disappeared from sight, appearing here and there, examining Al. It was very difficult to keep track of her, so Alan simply stopped trying.

At this time, Maud finally came out of her stupor and said.

— It really suits you. I was amazed.

Although she said so, her expression and tone of voice do not show it. But Alan and Pinkie knew that she was telling the truth, because they understood her quite well.

Alan smiled at Maud, and asked.

— Thanks. So, how did you guys go?

— Not bad. I met an interesting pony named Starlight Glimmer. But…

At these words, Maud looked at Pinkie, shimmering around Al, and said.

— My sister was a little... intrusive.


Pinkie heard Maud's words and stood in front of her with a shocked face. Maud turned her gaze to Pinkie, who continued to resent.

— But didn't your walk go very badly? I tried to help you make a friend, and...

Maud sighed, and interrupting her sister said.

— Pinkie, I like Starlight, and apparently, she was also happy with my company. Usually, other ponies don't spend all day with me if they don't like me. I would be glad if she became my friend, but... It's not easy when you constantly interrupt our rapprochement.

— Aaaahhhh!... (Deep breath in surprise)

— R... Really? You liked Starlight, and I all the time... And I... This... This is my fault…

Pinkie was very upset to realize what she was doing all this time. She turned her wet eyes to Maud and said.

— I thought I knew everything about making friends, but I didn't even know my own sister! I forced you to do things my way, but my way isn't your way!

Maud listened to Pinkie in silence, looking straight at her.

After a pause, removing the tears from her eyes, Pinkie continued.

— Maud, I thought you couldn't make a friend without my help, but it turns out you couldn't make a friend "with" my help. I underestimated you, and I'm sorry.

Pinkie finished lowering her sad gaze to the ground.

Maud raised her hoof, and touching Pinkie's chin, lifted her face.

Looking at her, Maud said.

— I know you did it out of love. You're my best sister friend forever.

After these words, Pinkie sat down on the ground and burst into tears.

Pinkie screamed through the raging emotions.

— Oh, Maud! I love you bigger than all Equestria!

Then she hugged Maud, still bursting into tears.

Maud hugged her back and answered monotonously.

— And you melt my heart more easily than sodium-rich plagioclase feldspar.

Pinkie pulled away from Maud, wiping away her tears, and then she said.

— I don't know what that means, but please, please-please-please PLEASE give Ponyville another chance! But more importantly, give ME another chance... to leave you alone.

Maud looked at Alan and asked.

— What do you think, Alan?

Alan looked at her strangely and answered the question with a question.

— Give Ponyville a chance?

Pinkie looked at Alan and said sadly.

— Maud won't stay in Ponyville unless there are good places to explore the rocks.

— Was there such a chance?

Alan asked with a smile, looking at Maud.

Maud smiled faintly and answered.

— There was, if I hadn't met you.

— In other words, you didn't tell Pinkie anything about it, did you?

Maud nodded and spoke in a monotone.

— Couldn't find an opportunity.

Listening to all this, Pinkie's eyes darted between Maud and Alan, filling with more and more joy. She finally got rid of her tears and said.

— So you will not leave Ponyville? It's true?

— Truth. Although such a thought occurred to me today. So say "thank you" to Alan, otherwise, tomorrow I could leave for "Ghastly Gorge".

Without hesitating a second, Pinkie flew up to Alan and hugged him.

Alan nearly fell from such a sudden attack.

— Thank you, thank you, thank you! I don't know what kind of magic you used, but if Maud said that you helped her make a choice, then it is.

Alan looked embarrassed at Maud's slight smile.

After a little thought, he smiled slyly, and slightly winked at Maud.

Then, he hugged Pinkie in his arms and spoke softly.

— Hey, I almost did nothing, and I am sure that your sincerity played a huge role, because even I can tell what a good and sweet sister you are. So you shouldn't thank me so much. But I definitely don't mind standing like this a little longer, because cuddling with you is definitely the best reward for me.

As he spoke, he hugged the mare to him.

Pinkie felt his embrace, and an unusually new feeling enveloped her.

— Wow! You are really good at hugging, I have never felt such an enjoyable hug.

Alan laughed slightly, and stroking her mane said.

— Well, the best hugs, for the best mares. By the way, I still remember that you promised me to arrange a tasting of the best Ponyville sweets. Can I count "you" as one of them? Because so far you are one of the sweetest things that I have seen here.

Pinkie was very embarrassed, but at the same time she was very happy with Alan's words, her smile was so big and happy that it was difficult to hide it. And from the surging new emotions, she slightly moved her hips, and at the same time her tail, like a happy puppy.

Although Alan thought that what he said was a little corny, he thought that someone like Pinkie would be pleased to hear it. And it looks like he was right.

She looked Al in the eyes and answered with a slight blush.

— This is the sweetest thing I was told. He-he-he. I really promised you a Ponyville sweets marathon, so you can consider this hug a little upfront.

Pinkie said happily, and then dropping her eyelids halfway, creating a rare flirtatious look for her, she added.

— But know that this is not the sweetest thing I can offer you.

Alan could only guess what she meant by that.

Looking at all this, Maud shuddered slightly, clearly excited by the show shown. Pinkie finally turned away from Alan, her face bathed in red, mixed with a joyous smile. Maud gathered herself and went up to Alan and said.

— Alan, Pinkie invited me to stay overnight, do you have a place to stay?

Alan scratched the back of his head and said.

— To be honest, I'm not sure. I met a couple of ponies, but I would not want to impose on them on the first day I met.

— Alan, Pinkie invited me to stay overnight, do you have a place to stay?

Alan scratched the back of his head and said.

— To be honest, I'm not sure. I met a couple of ponies, but I would not want to impose on them on the first day I met.

When Pinkie heard about this, she thought deeply, weighing the pros and cons. After a while, she looked first at Maud, then at Alan and said.

— I think that Alan could stay with us for the night. You don't mind, Maud?

— I'm all for it. There was a chance that I wouldn't stay with you if you did not offer.

The answer was extremely unexpected for Pinkie, but she nodded happily and looked at Alan, expecting his answer. Alan only said with a smile.

— Of course I agree. So I don't have to go to the hotel.

— Woohoo! It will be so great!

Pinkie was much happier when Alan agreed. Looks like she was taking it like getting ready for a kind of pajama party. Having decided this, they headed towards Pinkie's house.

Along the way, Maud clung to Alan's side, and he didn't seem to mind. Pinkie was beginning to suspect something, as well as a little envy, because she still remembered Alan's pleasant hugs.

Pinkie was not a complete fool, and she realized that part of this came from the fact that Alan was a very attractive stallion, so she, without hesitation, also settled down on Alan's other side, feeling this pleasant feeling again. So they walked the rest of the way to Pinkie's house.

Walking into Sugarcube Corner, Pinkie introduced Alan to the owners of the establishment, who fed the guests, and then began to close the store for the night.

After that, the three headed to Pinkie's room and started getting ready for bed. Pinkie and Maud were going to sleep on Pinkie's big bed, and Alan was on the sofa on the opposite side of the room. And so, after a little chatter, they turned off the light and went to bed.

Although Alan got a sofa, it turned out to be very spacious and comfortable. He lay there, thinking about today and planning his actions for the next. After a while, he heard a strange rustling. Turning his head, he saw Maud come up to him, looking at him with a slightly dull look.

Alan immediately understood what she was thinking and spoke in a whisper.

— Hey, Pinkie is sleeping next to me. You don't think to be naughty right in front of her, do you?

At first Maud was silent for a while, then turned her gaze to the bulge from under Alan's blanket, and said with a slight smile.

— I've been waiting for this all day. And something tells me, you too.

Alan looked at his tight crotch and thought.

«Damn, bro, I certainly understand that today we have seen too many exciting things, but this is really a very dangerous time. Why are you setting me up like that?»

Under the overwhelming evidence, Alan had nothing to argue with. He sighed dejectedly and whispered back.

— You caught me Ms. Officer. But I assure you, I have nothing forbidden.

Maud licked her lips and whispered back.

— Then I suppose I should conduct a detailed search.

With these words, she pressed to his lips, releasing her passionate tongue. Along the way, she stroked Alan's body over the blanket with her hoof, scanning all its parts, gradually reaching the bulge from its trunk.

Alan enjoyed both her tender hoof and her kiss. Maud gradually climbed on top of Alan, pressing closer to him and deepening the kiss. At this time, her hips have already begun to move slightly, rubbing her lower place against Alan's little friend.

The breathing of both partners began to intensify, but they carefully tried not to make a sound, which was extremely difficult.

Maud sank into lust, playing with her tongue with Alan's.

Over time, she pulled back, bestowing kisses on his face and neck, gradually descending lower and lower, and slowly dragging the blanket along with her. When she got to the bulge, she licked her lips and pulled the covers off completely, freeing Alan's huge beast to freedom.

It was at this moment that they heard an excited sigh and then a squeak from the side. When they turned in surprise in the direction of the sound, they saw Pinkie, slightly flushed and trembling, with her face sticking out from under the blanket, lying on the bed on her tummy, with her back raised, and looking at them. When she realized that she was noticed, she just smiled stupidly and said.

— Oops…

Then she quickly, embarrassedly, hid her face under the blanket, as if hoping to be forgotten. Maud and Alan looked at each other, pondering what to do next.

Maud got up and walked over to Pinkie's bed. She grabbed the blanket and pulled it off, revealing the sister who was hiding there. But both Alan and Maud were in for surprise when they saw that Pinkie's raised back was soaked with lustful juices. Moreover, one of her hooves was also wet, which made everything very obvious.

Alan clearly didn't expect that their little debauchery would not only be noticed, but also the observer herself would take advantage of this to satisfy herself.

Maud smiled slightly at this, and turned to her sister.

— Pinkie, you don't have to hide under the blanket to have fun. I am sure that Alan is ready to lend you a hoof of help, and maybe not only it.

Hearing this, Alan's eyes widened, because although he knew that Maud was aroused by the idea that he was flirting with other ponies, he didn't expect that she herself would try to involve another mare in the process, especially her sister.

Pinkie herself was shocked, she lifted her surprised face and looked at Maud. Light tears came to her face and she said.

— But… but aren't he and you… together? You are not angry that I satisfied myself thinking about your special pony? I thought that you would be angry with me, and curse me. You…

— I don't mind.

Maud responded quickly, interrupting Pinkie.

Then she approached her face, and stroking her head, added.

— You're my best sister, friend forever, so I'm ready to share with you. And while I do think Alan is my special pony, and as you might have noticed, he is "too" special. And you know, the main thing for me is that he also considers me special, and we really enjoy being together. So the rest is not important to me.

Pinkie turned her gaze to the surprised and confused Alan, with a huge tense barrel, and a little mesmerized by this show, she spoke.

— He... really is, Very special... and delectable... hee-hee.

Maud seemed even more aroused, and biting her lip turned her gaze to Alan's face, and said.

— How about getting comfortable on the bed?"

Alan just swallowed, and turned to look at Pinkie, but she only drooled looking at his tense trunk. With a shrug, he got up and walked towards Pinkie's bed. As soon as he climbed onto it, Maud threw him on his back, and looking at Pinkie, she said.

— Pinkie, are you going to watch, or will you take what you want?

Without waiting for her sister's answer, Maud pressed her lips to Alan's dick, profusely lubricating it with her tongue. She seemed to have completely forgotten about her sister, and completely plunged into lust, licking his cock with such enthusiasm, as if this is the tastiest popsicle on the planet. Looking at this, Pinkie finally could no longer hold back, and tried to join her sister, but Maud suddenly stopped her.

— Pinkie, although I do not mind you joining, but I would like you to start gradually, feeling at first the same warmth that I felt. I think it will be right.

Pinkie shuddered and nodded, looked Alan in the eyes with slight embarrassment. Alan smiled and told her.

— You're incredibly adorable, Pinkie. And although I don't know if I can make you happy, I promise to put as much effort into this relationship as I did for your sister.

With these words, he pulled Pinkie to him and hugged her tightly.

The pink mare flinched, feeling the warmth from his embrace again, and her eyes clouded slightly.

She rubbed her face against his chest, feeling his heart beating fast. She was finally able to calm down, and a new surge of emotions began to fill her mind.

Pulling herself up, she began to reach for his lips, connecting with him in a gentle kiss. It was so gratifying that she did not want to stop it. Alan began to caress the mare with his hoof, getting close to her wet spot to start caressing it, giving the pink mare pleasure.

At the same time, while Pinkie and Alan were passionately kissing, looking at this situation, Maud got hotter and began to wield her tongue with great zeal, clasping his trunk with both hooves, she began to drive her tongue over the head of his dick.

She was so immersed in this process that she did not notice how she swallowed more than half of it, which was her new absolute record. Alan even groaned from this, which forced Pinkie to interrupt her kiss.

She licked her lips and said with a perky smile.

— You turn out to be as sweet as strawberry jam pies!

Alan just grinned and continued to enjoy Maud's work. Pinkie turned her gaze to Sister and saw how much she was absorbed in the process, and how much emotion she was showing.

Pinkie was extremely curious why her sister was so horny, so she, too, began to go down to her to sit in parallel with her, in front of Alan's cock. Maud stopped her work and smiled at her sister and allowed her to join. Pinkie with dripping saliva stared at Alan's cock in fascination.

This time, she wasn't going to let Maud stop her, so she quickly pressed her face against the cock, smelling its arousing scent. She began to slide her tongue along his trunk and her eyes began to widen.

The longer she did it, the more she liked it. She, like her sister, began to drown in this strange new feeling, surrendering to lust.

Looking at her sister, Maud smiled, and also joined her in polishing Alan's barrel. Both girls from both sides caressed his dick with their tender tongues, rising to the head, then dropping to the base.

Looking at this unforgettable sight, Alan became even more excited, because the mares worked with their mouths so eagerly that he was ready to cum at any moment.

Soon they began to take turns swallowing his head, not forgetting to envelop it with their tongue along the way. While Maud was swallowing his head, Pinkie licked his trunk and balls, then they changed roles. Alan was so pleased that he put his hooves on their heads to guide them harder towards his cock.

Their swallowing became deeper, and from an overabundance of lust, they began to caress themselves with their hooves. They rubbed their faces on his cock greedily licking all the juices coming from it.

Finally, his wet head began to twitch, signaling the impending climax. Both sisters concentrated their tongues on his head, arranging an abundant caress of every millimeter of it.

And then, after a few seconds, Alan groaned from a huge orgasm, spewing a sea of ​​semen on their faces and into their mouths. Maud greedily devoured his seed, and looking at this Pinkie also decided to try it, but after a second she became like her sister, and also greedily licked everything she could find. After they cleaned his entire trunk, Pinkie with a red and lustful face said.

— Now I know... why Maud decided to stay with you. Having tried this cream, I would not want to let you go either. He-he-he.

Pinkie laughed merrily, while Maud regained her breath and her usual expression. She looked at Pinkie, and noticed that a drop of Alan's semen remained on her cheek, she approached, and licked it, surprising Pinkie. But the pink mare was not taken aback, and finding a small speck on Maud, she did the same. Then she laughed and looked at Alan.

— That's not all, is it? I am still...

Pinkie showed how she was dripping with love juices, and looked at Alan with a pleading look. The Maud was also extremely wet. But she didn't even bother to ask, as she knew about his insane stamina. Maud just climbed on top of Al and plunged his cock into her pussy.

Pinkie looked at it with her mouth open and then screamed.


Maud just looked at her and said with a slight smile, pointing her hoof at Alan's face.

— The first time is better to start with something not that big. There is still one free space.

Pinkie looked in the direction of her hoof, and immediately knew what she was talking about.

— Oh, that's right!

Pinkie, following the example of Maud, without any hesitation jumped on Alan's face, lowering her dripping pussy to his mouth. Alan was not at a loss, and immediately began to work with his tongue. Sensing his skillful tongue, Pinkie groaned in pleasure.


The mare did not restrain her emotions, and enjoyed every moment from Alan's skillful tongue. Maud sat down on his cock, plunging back into frantic lust. She, too, began to slightly skip light moans. Both sisters moved their hips for more pleasure. Unless Maud moved them harder.

Pinkie watched how much her expression changed, and she couldn't help but be moved by it. This is the first time she sees Maud so emotional, and all this is the merit of Alan. Looking at her sister, and at her feelings, Pinkie thought.

«He's really... special...»

Maud and Pinkie began to come to an end, as Alan felt their trembling, and began to move both his pelvis and head, bringing his partners' climax closer.

Pinkie let out a very depraved moan, pressing her pussy tighter to Alan, raising the level of pleasure, and bringing the rolling orgasm closer. Maud also rode on the stallion's trunk, letting out languid groans of pleasure.

She already rolled her eyes, completely forgetting about everything, and only continuous ecstasy beat in her head. From time to time, some incoherent phrases even slipped from her.

— Mmm... Yeah... So... long... hot... ah…

And so, Alan made the last effort, hitting his head in the very womb of Maud, and with his tongue penetrating to the maximum depth in Pinkie. This action finally broke the restraint of the mares, and at the same time, with a loud cry, they finished, pouring their juices all over him. Alan also threw a bunch of semen at Maud, which made her shiver with pleasure, and then slipped off him, allowing Pinkie to get the rest of his semen.

Finally, the three of them lay on the bed, and regained their breath. The sisters didn't have any strength, and they began to gradually fall asleep. Alan, as the only one who still had energy, spoke gently before falling asleep.

— Good night, sweet sisters.

«This is what I call - the sweet end of the day.»


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This chapter gradually introduces us to the characters, and at the same time lays out the strings for future events. And of course, there will be even more of this. I hope you enjoyed the lemon at the end, and the chapter itself as a whole.

If you want more chapters, then visit my раtrеon, and read the sequels to all my fanfiction before anyone else.

Silent_Dudecreators' thoughts
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