
Chapter 14: Family

"Jasmine over here" Grace said with giddiness while dragging me across the street to a quiet little cafe


'Not again' I thought 

For the past 20 minutes she has been bringing us all over the marketplace to find a good place to eat. I told her I wasn't picky, but she seemed to take it as showing me all the places and having me decide on my favorite one.

It's nice being able to have a choice, but who knew it was so difficult. I would rather have someone order me to eat at a certain place so I don't have to decide.

Sometimes it's easier to do something when you're told to do it, instead of having to make the choice on your own.

"How about this" she asked 

I looked around at the comfortable and relaxing atmosphere. I put a hand on my chin to think before slowly nodding.

Grace smiled with joy and brought us to a table against the wall

By the time we sat down a waitress arrived

"Welcome, what can I can start you two with" She asked holding a notepad and a pencil

"I'll have a coffee" Grace turns to me "what do you want?"

I turn towards the waitress and stare her down

She fidgeted a little under my intense gaze


"Hot chocolate" I turned back to Grace " with whip cream"

"Y-yes!" She scrambled off

'I think I did good communicating' I thought proud of myself and nodded in satisfaction

Grace smirked and her eyes danced with amusement like she understood what I was thinking

"Good job" Grace reached out her hand and patted my head like congratulating a child well done

I was frozen from surprise and my head face downwards. My mouth was in a firm line and I slowly reached up my hand and touched the spot she rubbed.

'Th-that doesn't feel too bad. I remember when I first arrived at the orphanage after the accident that all the older kids would rub my head to make me feel better or to congratulate me on something' I reminisced before standing up

Grace watched me curiously when I stood and dragged my chair besides her. I snatched her wrist and put her hand on top of my head while leaning into the touch. 

Grace was shocked at the sudden action but slowly smiled and started stroking my hair.

"Hn" I looked up at Grace through my eyelashes and my eyes revealed how pleased I was.

'What the? Why am I seeing a tail and ears on her?' Grace thought seeing a happy tail swaying and ears twitching

"Excuse me" The waitress came back with the drinks and placed them down

"Are you ready to order"

"Huh? Oh we'll just have some chicken and chocolate cheesecake" Grace smiled and turned towards me for an okay but I was in a daze so she just shaked her head with a sigh and smiled.

Once she left Grace grabbed my drink and placed it in front of me.

"Drink" Grace told

I internally pouted and sat up straight rubbing my tired eyes and leaned against the table and drinking my hot chocolate

After the food came we chatted for 30 minutes about random things like events going on and about ourselves.

"Family" Grace paused while she leaned her head in her palms and absentmindedly played with her straw, "it means everything to me. Having someone you can trust and depend on without any conditions, unconditional love"

I just sat and listened to her speak. That's what I'm best at. Listening. Letting the other talk about something that has weighed them down. I'm not amazing and can't give advice, but to some people just talking about it makes them feel better. So if that helps my new friend then I'll listen.

I'll always listen

"The best thing about family is that they don't always have to be blood related. Just the relationship itself can be stronger than blood" Grace smiled sadly like she was rethinking an old memory

"But when you trust someone so strongly it's heartbreaking when they turn their backs on you and betray your trust" Grace laughed bitterly while her eyes looked shattered" But I know you'll have to take risks. Just because a couple bad things happen doesn't mean you should stop trying completely. That's why I love family, because if the risk grants a reward then you'll be surrounded by amazing people"

Grace grew quiet

'Grace is strong. The novel didn't mention anything about the Vale's background except the hint of an event that led to Gabriel being protective of Grace. Seeing her like this makes my chest hurt' I thought holding my hand to my heart and stared at the scene with confusion

'I feel like I want to help, b-but I don't know what to say' My thoughts swirled with different things

"Jasmine" Grace's voice broke me out of my thoughts

I looked at her to see her smiling face, but her real emotions right now don't go unnoticed by my trained eyes. 

I stared at Grace with slightly narrowed eyes causing her to tilt her head in question

I reached out my hand and took hers in mine


"Huh?" Grace furrowed her brows in confusion

What I didn't know then was this one statement would change the lives of many

"I'll be your family"

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