
Shocking Decision!


16 chaps ahead on Pat.reon: pat.reon.com/MonkeyGodking


Hiro brought his Tiramisu to the judges table and gave the last one to Fuji before stepping back. The judges looked at Hiro's Tiramisu and Milly said "At least you made it simpler this time." Christopher cut off a bit with his fork and smiled "Right through, very good. I also like the around design and the flower Strawberry."

Senzaemon cut off a bit and ate it. The rest of the judges did the same and their eyes widened as the cake hit their taste buds. The cream melted in their mouth and covered the lady fingers in their sweetness.

The cocoa powder mixture slapped them with the bitterness of dark chocolate and the lady finger dust propped up the actual lady fingers from the cake portion, kicking them with the bitter taste than mellowed out into a sweet one.

Milly covered her mouth and chewed while looking at Hiro with an unreadable expression. Christopher blinked and said "Did you use Chianti Classico for this, kid?" Hiro nodded and Christopher laughed before relishing in the Tiramisu with a blissful expression.

Senzaemon was silent but his clothes exploded, just as they did for Fuji.

Akira licked his lips and said "The tartness of the Aged Chianti compliments the bitter espresso very well!" Milly was still looking at him silently before putting down her fork and staying quiet. Hiro was confused, did she like it or not?

Senzaemon smiled and continued eating the Tiramisu as he said "Very good." Fuji looked at Milly, who hadn't said a word. Hiro and Fuji noticed a tear on her clothes and a button missing from her shirt, revealing her cleavage.

They opened their mouths in shock and looked at Senzaemon, who shook his head.

Akira cleaned his mouth after having one bite and threw a coin into a bowl labeled 'Fuji'. He looked at Hiro and said "It's good, but not good enough. You're too young to challenge the first seat especially a 3rd year."

Christopher threw his coin into a bowl labeled 'Hiro' and grinned "I loved it! The use of the Chianti in the espresso was genius! The fact that you didn't dunk, but brushed also gave a lighter taste. All in all, you have my vote."

Fuji looked at Hiro and smiled, as he took the Tiramisu and ate some himself. His eyes widened and he just stood there in a daze, thinking about something.

Milly, who had been silent up until now, finally looked at Hiro and said "You have improved tremendously since the last time I saw you, unfortunately. It's not enough. Your use of the Wine in the espresso was very good and the brushing was a smart move to endure the lady fingers didn't get soggy. The cream is the lacking factor, it's too sweet for the rest of the dish. Even by only a faction of a miniscule percentage, it threw the whole dish in the trash."

She was very harsh and added "Once again, you have made a Tiramisu look-a-like. The cream was too sweet, the lady fingers weren't soft enough, the dark chocolate shavings hidden in the powder overwhelm the delicate balance of the bitter and sweet scale. It's very good, but it's not Tiramisu." as she threw her coin into Fuji's plate.

Hiro was just stunned and felt frustrated, Senzaemon looked at him and sighed "Kid. This is leaps and bounds better than what you made that last time. The look of the dish is miles better than what it was before. The excess creativity that you showed the last time is gone and this is what it should look like. The Strawberry flower is a nice touch, but ultimately it's useless, as it's only for decoration and doesn't add anything to the dish as a whole."

He poked at the half eaten Tiramisu and continued "I disagree that it's not Tiramisu, but Fuji has simply overwhelmed you with his experience and expertise. It's not a gap that's easily closed, you came very, very, very close. It's so close that I am struggling to make a decision but I have to be impartial..."

He moved to put the coin in Fuji's bowl and Hiro's face turned white. He honestly couldn't believe it. How could he fail! AGAIN!? He was extremely frustrated and angry, what did he have to do?!


A hand stopped Senzaemon and they looked at Fuji, who had an empty plate. He sighed and said "There's no need, I forfeit." the judges were stunned and Hiro looked at Fuji in shock.

The audience were stunned and gasped in shock.

Fuji explained "His creativity and ideas are way above me, who just made a normal Tiramisu without changes." he shook his head and added "Had I not had 2 extra years of experience, I would have been beaten miserably. Thus, I forfeit." He put his plate down and Hiro blinked.

What should have made him feel good, made him extremely angry instead.

He frowned and grabbed the coin from Senzaemon before throwing it in Fuji's bowl as he said "I don't need your pity. Don't insult me." before leaving all his things and walking out of the arena. He even left the cabinet and his own knives behind!

The arena was dead silent and stared at the scene in shock, who could've guessed this development!?

Fuji was also stunned and Senzaemon sighed, he looked at Fuji and said "Do you truly forfeit?" Fuji came back to earth and nodded firmly "Yes." Senzaemon stood up and announced loudly "Due to the circumstances and events that transpired, this Shokugeki has ended in a draw!"

Shocked and stunned exclamations burst out like an uproar throughout the crowd as they just couldn't believe what they witnessed!

Zerotwo went to the stage and cleaned up from Hiro before grabbing his things and walking away with a worried expression, she knew her Darling was upset, she didn't like seeing him upset. She was going to go talk to him when she got back.

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