

Hiro was teaching Orihime and making her practice using her powers, making Ulquiorra see an illusion of the canon events every time he came back, and boy was it a lot. He just kept coming back over and over like, doesn't this guy have anything else to do?

It's a miracle Orihime was still alive.

Anyway, it was seriously pissing Hiro off.

He continued teaching Orihime and flickered out of the room, sending a shadow clone to grab Rukia and feed her an Ultimate Healing Potion. She recovered from her life threatening wound immediately and Hiro disappeared.

He appeared above Chad and sighed, Nnoitra said "Who are-" Hiro waved and erased his memories saying "Be thankful I'm not slaughtering all of you. How dare you speak to me, disgusting creature." he snorted and healed Chad's wounds, feeding him a healing potion before disappearing again.

He appeared over Ichigo and fed him a healing potion as well before returning to the room.

Hiro came back to two hollows threatening Orihime. He smiled and closed the door, alarming the two. Hiro chuckled cruelly and said "I haven't had any toys to break in a long time..." he released a hint of extreme blood thirst and maliciousness, paralyzing the two hollow girls. One of them even pissed herself.

Orihime was spared and said "Huh? What happened?" Hiro smiled and said "We just got test subjects, Orihime! These two have volunteered to be erased from the world! Isn't that great?" he waved and two exact copies of the girls appeared, Hiro grinned "They won't even notice you're gone. Hehe~"

That was even more scary to the two girls as they backed to the wall saying "No! Stay away!" Hiro said "Ehh? Didn't Orihime say that before? What happened to you beating her up? That's what I heard." he crouched in front of them and grinned maliciously "I'm going to make you wish you were never given intelligence..."

He smiled sweetly "Survive till the end, okay?" he patted their cheeks and looked at Orihime saying "I want you to focus on their fingers, make a small barrier with Ayame's duo and reject the skin." Orihime said "B-But!" Hiro said "But what? If it wasn't for them, Ichigo wouldn't ha-" he covered his mouth and Orihime looked frantic "What happened to Ichigo?!"

Hiro said "N-Nothing." Orihime started tearing up and said "W-what..." Hiro sighed and said "He was injured because of these two distracting him during a tough fight. He could be hovering between life and death right now, but I saw that he was winning until these two interfered."

He narrowed his eyes slightly and Orihime trembled. In what, Hiro couldn't tell. He assumed it was sadness, but it could have been anger as well. Orihime clenched her fists and said "Ayame, Shun'o! I reject!" the barrier went over the two girls' heads and the barrier lit up, the girls' heads slowly shrank before turning into nothing, leaving only headless corpses.

Hiro smirked and said "Good job! I didn't think you could do it!" Orihime was breathing heavy before vomiting. Hiro patted her back and said "It's okay, Ichigo's fine. I healed him. He's still fighting."

Orihime started crying and Hiro said "Oh, Orihime. It's okay, come here. You want to go see Ichigo? Let's go." he waved behind him and destroyed the corpses bit by bit before making them completely disappear forever.

Yami whistled and jumped onto Hiro's shoulder as he held Orihime on the other shoulder and kicked down the door. Grimmjow was standing outside the door and blinked at Hiro, who said "Hey!" Grimmjow said "Who are you!?" Hiro said "Do you really care?" Grimmjow chuckled and grabbed his Zanpakuto.

Hiro clicked his tongue and grabbed Grimmjow under his arm, locking him in place as he walked flickered away with all of them. Grimmjow said "Where are you taking me!? Hey!" Hiro complained "Do you ever shut up?" Yami added "You should like the grandma next door. She never stops talking."

Grimmjow growled "Shut it brat! I'll rip you to shreds!" Yami spat out his tongue and blew a raspberry at him, saying "In your dreams, blueberry hair!" Grimmjow seethed "It's light blue, you little!" Hiro chuckled and they arrived at Ichigo with a hole in his chest that was slowly closing.

Orihime jumped off and started healing him, shedding tears and tears... of love~


Orihime healed Ichigo and Hiro picked up Nel saying "Hey! You're pretty cute!" Nel spread her limbs and cheered "Yay!" Yami muttered "Not as cute as my Ruru..." Hiro chuckled and threw Nel in the air before catching her.

He did the same for Yami and then Grimmjow as he juggled the three in the air, one was laughing, the other was smiling, and the last one was shouting angrily. Hiro laughed and the wall exploded, Hiro sent Grimmjow at him saying "Grimmjow, I choose you!"

Grimmjow attacked Ulquiorra and exploded the building, Hiro put up a barrier around the group as Orihime was 100% focused on Ichigo at this time. The building exploded and Grimmjow did, what Hiro could only describe as, banishing Ulquiorra to the Shadow Realm.

Anyway, Grimmjow banished Ulquiorra to the shadow realm after making his Life points go down to zero. When he was done, he packed up his deck, unsummoning Slipher the Sky dragon an-


Wrong Fic, sorry.

Grimmjow looked at Ichigo, who was at 100% and whispering sweet nothings to Orihime. Or something. Hiro wasn't sure what he was doing actually, but it looked very heartwarming. Grimmjow challenged Ichigo saying that unless he wins, Grimmjow won't let him go.

Ichigo had no other option than to fight and he reassured Orihime that everything would be fine. He even moved her hair behind her ear gently. Hiro was stunned, what happened to Ichigo? Did he suddenly realize his emotions for Orihime?!

Yami said "New developments!" Nel added "Oh!" Hiro chuckled and pulled Orihime back saying "Easy, let's continue practicing." Orihime gave Ichigo one last look before nodding as Ichigo went to fight and Hiro taught Orihime in a clear barrier that could even see through the enemy of any anime watcher, the fucking god damn dust.

Powerstones... or else.

Monkey_Godkingcreators' thoughts
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