
First day of school! ... Again!

Hiro continued building the shop with a theme in mind as the night passed and the day came.

Isabella got dressed in her new school uniform and wore a backpack. Hiro gave her a thumbs up as she left through the front door quickly, hoping that Hiro wouldn't notice Mittens hiding in her backpack.

They came up with this strategy last night.

Hiro did notice.

She made it out alive and walked to school with the directions Hiro gave her. After a bit of walking, she stopped in front of a giant school building. She was awed by the different style of buildings, it was completely different than anything she's ever seen before!

She hummed to herself and skipped into the building, getting a sheet of paper telling her where her class was. She nodded and thanked the girl, who was a little depressed because of yesterday's rejection, before walking to the class.

She walked into a classroom, looking at the paper in her hands. Everyone stopped and looked at her in confusion, someone mumbled "Cute!" The teacher said "Ms. Eien?" Isabella looked up saying "Eh? Oh, um, yes."

The teacher nodded and looked at the class saying "Everyone, we have a new student today. Would you like to introduce yourself?" Isabella put her paper away and smiled sweetly "Hello! My name is Isabella, nice to meet you!" the class responded "Hello, Isabella."

One kid said "What's your quirk?" the rest echoed this question, curious about the new girl.

Little did they know, if they even stepped within 10 miles with malicious intentions they would disappear from this world forever.

Isabella touched her lips and said "Quirk?" trying to remember what Hiro told her yesterday, no magic, no ninjutsu.... what was the last thing again?

The kids visibly changed their faces and said "You don't have a quirk..." then they lost interest. The teacher seemed to lose interest as well, and they all thought the horns were just little decorations. He said "There's a seat over there." not really paying any attention to Isabella anymore.

Isabella was stunned, what was this situation? She didn't even say anything and she was despised! She shrugged it off because 'Ain't nobody gon get this princess down!' and walked to her seat.

She sat down and took off her backpack, opening it to reveal Mittens! Mittens looked at Isabella, who looked at her and they both giggled with smug looks.

Damn baba, I'll take Mittens with me everywhere!

Suddenly, the boy next to her said "H-H-H-H-H-H-Hello, m-m-my n-name is I-Izuku Midoriya." Isabella looked at him, he had messy green hair, freckles, and green eyes. She thought he was kinda cute! She said "Hello, I-Izuku." Izuku was startled and looked down.

Isabella said quickly "I was joking! Please don't be upset!" Izuku visibly relaxed and said "Sorry, I get bullied a lot because I don't have a Quirk..." he quickly looked determined and cheerful "But I will become the Greatest Hero!"

Isabella and Mittens clapped, Isabella smiled saying "I think you can do it!" Izuku was stunned and said "Really!?" Isabella nodded and gave him a thumbs up, Izuku blushed a little bit and said "Thank you, Isabella..."

Isabella smiled sweetly, Izuku asked "Do you not have a Quirk?" Isabella frowned and said "I don't even know..." she punched her palm and said "That's what he said! Damn it!" Izuku was confused and Isabella said "I do..." she quickly comforted Izuku saying "I know tons of people who don't have quirks and are super super strong!"

Izuku was stunned and said "Super super strong? No Quirk?" Isabella nodded and said happily "But nobody is stronger than my Baba and he doesn't have a Quirk either!" she looked extremely proud that Hiro was her father.

Izuku didn't really believe her, he couldn't imagine someone without a Quirk being stronger than someone with one. So he changed the subject, asking "Who's your favorite Hero?" Isabella blinked "Hero?" before quickly explaining "I just moved here, I don't know too many things. Who's your favorite?"

Izuku said immediately "All Might!" before pulling out his phone and showing her a video of All Might saving a town, Isabella watched the video with Izuku. The teacher apparently didn't care about the two at all.

He thought they were both Quirkless and had no future, so he just left them alone. The students around the two clicked the tongues at the duo and the spiky blond haired kid in front of Isabella was getting angry at their whisperings.

Isabella looked at All Might and was awed as the video of him saying people and punching hard enough to blow away a group of people. She was a fan! Izuku showed Isabella all his All Might stuff and Isabella showed him Mittens, who said "Hello!"

Izuku almost had a heart attack from the talking cat. Isabella explained that Mittens was a special cat. Izuku thought at first it was a quirk person, but Isabella said that Mittens was a cat through and through. Other wise, she wouldn't keep a dwarf in her backpack.

Lunch rolled around

Isabella looked at the food and patted her pockets saying "Um... I don't have any money." Izuku said "I'll pay for you!" Isabella cheered and they sat together, eating lunch and talking.

While they were talking, the spiky blond haired hair slammed his hand on the table and said "Two Quirkless losers sitting at the same table, why am I not surprised?" Isabella frowned and Izuku said "K-Kacchan!"

The kid glared at Izuku and said "What!" Izuku stayed silent and looked down and the kid sneered while the two behind him laughed at Izuku. Isabella frowned and said "What's your problem?" the kid looked at Isabella and his palm exploded as he said "What did you say to me, loser?" Isabella asked "Are you deaf? Maybe your stupid hairstyle is blocking your ears."

The other kids gasped and the kid grinded his teeth in anger saying "Who the fuck do you think you are?" Isabella growled "Why don't you beat it before I beat you." the kid laughed and got in her face saying "Why don't you make me?" Isabella punched him in the face and sent him flying into the kids behind him.

Izuku was stunned and Isabella grabbed his hand, pulling him away as she said "Let's go, Izuku. I'm not hungry anymore." Izuku was dragged away, looking at Katsuki as he left with Isabella, who snorted.

Who had ever talked to her like this? She was a princess, know your place!

The event exploded around the school and the other kids looked at Isabella in pity. She wasn't going to get away with hurting someone with a quirk, that's for sure.

Sure enough...

Hiro got a call from the school and said "I'll be right there." before explaining the situation to Zerotwo who frowned and said "She beat up another kid?" Hiro rolled his eyes and said "Do you really think she would randomly beat up another kid?" she said "I'm coming with you!" He nodded and they left the shop.

A while later

The duo arrived at the school and walked to the principal's office. Hiro saw Izuku standing around nervously near the door. He passed him by and walked into the Principal's office to see Katsuki with his mom and Isabella sitting in front of a desk with a man behind it.

Hiro and Zerotwo sat down and the principal looked at Zerotwo before saying "Your daughter beat up another student today, and on her first day too. This doesn't bode well for the rest of the year." Hiro crossed his arms and watched the farce play out.

Zerotwo wasn't so polite and said "I know my daughter wouldn't just attack someone else like a wild animal. Do you have all the details or not." the principal was startled and Isabella said "He made fun of my friend and then me! I just punched him in the face, I don't see the problem."

Katsuki's mother, Mitsuki, looked at Katsuki and said "Is that true?" Katsuki clicked his tongue and looked away, she sighed and rubbed her temples. Hiro looked at the principal and said "So she was provoked."

He smiled and continued "I'm sure as the Principal of a school, you should know that the kids are short tempered and likely to react if they are insulted..." he chuckled "I mean, if you didn't maybe you shouldn't be in charge of an entire school of kids. How about instead of calling me for nothing and wasting my time, you handle it yourself next time?"

He lost his smile and said "I have a lot of things to do during the day and I don't need to come to my daughter's school when literally nothing happened. The kid got a little nosebleed, she didn't cripple him or break his nose. Obviously, she held back by quite a bit." he tapped on the chair and said "Next time I come her, if a kid isn't hospitalized or dead, I'll make sure you will be."

He leaned forward and glared slightly saying "Understand?" the principal gulped and nodded saying "Sorry sir!" Hiro leaned back and said "Hopefully you really do understand." before getting up and patting Isabella's head saying "Good job, kid. Don't let yourself be bullied."

He looked at Mitsuki and smiled "Sorry for wasting your time with this farce." before leaving with a satisfied Zerotwo. Mitsuki was a bit disgruntled by Hiro's lack of an apology for her kid's bleeding nose, but in the end she left it alone. Katsuki was in the wrong and Isabella didn't hit him that hard anyway, she was angry at Katsuki however.

How many times did she tell this damn kid to stop bullying other kids. She even beat his butt until he promised not to do it anymore. She looked at him with a sharp glint in her eyes, looks like it's time for another butt beating.

Katsuki shivered all over and Isabella said "Sorry for punching you." before leaving the room. Mitsuki gave him a smack and said "She's such a cute girl too! I'll never have grandchildren with you!" Katsuki choked.

Hiro and Zerotwo walked out and passed Izuku, who was still nervous in the hallway. Isabella walked out and Izuku said "W-What h-happened?" Isabella gave him a thumbs up saying "Nothing! Hihi~" Izuku looked visibly relieved and Hiro frowned, what is this closeness? He didn't like it at all.

Zerotwo pinched his waist, knowing exactly what he was thinking. She looked at him and he clicked his tongue and turned his head, Zerotwo smiled and said "Isabella, we're going home." Isabella waved and said "Okay! Bye!" before walking away with Izuku and talking.

Zerotwo froze and Hiro sighed "See?" Zerotwo straightened out saying "We need to do something." Hiro sighed "What are we supposed to do? She's flying away from the nest." Zerotwo pouted and Hiro smiled rubbing her stomach as he said "We'll have another one soon."

She smiled to herself and nodded, rubbing her stomach as they left the school, going back home. Hiro got back to work while Zerotwo relaxed on the side, feeling really tired for some reason. Hiro smiled at her and continued building.

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