
Chapter 65

For the second time since the battle started, there was utter silence. Shiftry turned to me and gave me a dry look.

"...This kid..." Gary groaned, and I'm sure I heard Hilda face palming from behind me, before the older brown haired teen shook his head, "Nope, not gonna let you sucker me into your game kid. Let's just stop that chlorophyll shit here and now, Wartortle Rain Dance!"

"War!" Wartortle grunted, opening its mouth and spitting a large glowing blue sphere into the air, it collided with the Sunny Day sphere and overlapped it, blotting it from view.

A split moment later, clouds rolled in from above and a cloudy overcast spread out from the blue sphere that began to cast a hail of rain down on us below.

Smart of him to take care of that first. Not that it'll change much, Shiftry is still a complete speed demon even without chlorophyll.

I could just have Shiftry use Sunny Day again, but I won't. For you see, Hilda is wearing nothing but a white tank top under an open black vest. This rain shall surely make it sea through given enough time!

Good friend or not, a nice view is a nice view.

Priorities my lads, priorities.

Well anyway, since he started us off again, I'll one up him, again, "Get in close and take it out with Leaf Blade." I ordered.

"Shift!" Shiftry grunted and then exploded forward in a blur of speed. This time, I could follow him with my eyes, but even still he was just a blur to my gaze.

"Protect!" Gary ordered himself.

Wartortle crossed its arms and a moment later, a large shimmering green spherical barrier warped into existence around it.

Just in time, because a split moment later Shiftry was upon it and lashing out with both hands, the trio of leaves in each of his hands having fused together into a pair of long glowing green blades of energy.

The dual grass slash grinded into the barrier and and it rippled, but held strong.

Wartortle gave a shout and then lashed out with both arms and the barrier exploded outwards. The force of it sent Shiftry flying back through the air, undamaged, but space created between them.

"Aura Sphere!" Gary quickly followed up as soon as the barrier broke.

"Eh?" my eyes widened as Wartortle cupped both hands together and created a glowing blue sphere, and then thrust out both hands and sent it flying through the air like a bullet towards Shiftry.

Despite the speed of the attack, Shiftry easily juked to the side and avoided it, letting it fly right passed him and shot forward towards Wartortle once again.

Only, as soon as it missed, the blue sphere of power halted in mid-air before abruptly changing trajectory and shooting towards Shiftry's back,

"Aura Sphere again!" Gary grinned triumphantly.

Wartortle did just that and before Shiftry could reach it, fired out another Aura Sphere that shot towards his front.

He was pincered now in between both. If he went to any of the sides he'd lose speed and be caught between them.

Only one option then.

"Jump and use Hurricane straight down!" I hastily commanded.

Shiftry to his credit obeyed instantly and leaped straight up high into the air, swinging around mid-air to face down below and cupping his leaf fingered hands together just as both Aura Sphere's changed direction and chased him up.

"Ice Beam!" Gary ordered at the same time.

Shiftry gave a shout and unleashed a massive vertical tornado of wind that roared down and swept up both Aura Spheres through the sheer gale force winds emitted and carried them down towards Wartortle.

At the same time, Wartortle aimed up and unleashed a trio of massive icey blue beams of energy that shot straight up through the Hurricane attack.

Shiftry cried out in pain as the trio of icey blue beams pierced into his body, and a moment later the area shook and a massive explosion kicked up over Wartortle as the Hurricane and twin Aura Sphere's smashed into it.

Shiftry slammed into the ground a later as the smoke began to part. Shiftry wasn't the most tanky pokemon, built more for speed, but with the training I put all my pokemon through, his endurance had increased quite massively since he first battled Pidgeotto.

Still, it was a testament to how powerful that Wartortle was, that from just one attack Shiftry couldn't recover at all in the air and as he pushed himself up, his legs were trembling a bit.

Luckily, he hadn't been frozen at all.

Just then, the smoke parted and another bright blue sphere of power shot out towards Shiftry.

"Razor Leaf!" I quickly countered.

Falling to one knee, Shiftry thrust out both hands and from his leafy fingers, dozens upon dozens of glowing razor sharp leaves shot forth to intercept the Aura Sphere causing it to explode.

"Sunny Day, quick." I ordered before the smoke fully parted and let Gary and his Wartortle see what was going on.

Hopefully, it went on long enough to make Hilda's top go see through. If not, well, it can't be helped.

I can always have Pidgeotto stealthily use Rain Dance later if need be.

Shiftry grunted and did as ordered, conjuring another red-orange sphere of energy in one hand and throwing it into the air.

It overlapped the Rain Dance sphere as it had the Sunny Day one before it and the clouds and rain quickly cleared up.

"Return!" I quickly brought back Shiftry just as the smoke fully parted. Since they didn't attack again, either they were waiting to see what happened or already charging up another attack.

I'll take advantage of that. And give Shiftry a little bit to catch his breath.

I've started uploading stuff a little bit earlier on my Pa--treon. If you wanna see them just that little bit quicker, you can find the links in any of my story descriptions.

0_Jordinio_0creators' thoughts
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