
Chapter 63 : Some game time.

Notice : Hello~ After a little discussion I decided to post 3 chapters for a week as long as I can make it happen. I kind of want to finish this quickly. 😂 And it is my birthday today ( 15th Feb ) so you are seeing this today. For the coming weeks all 3 will come on Fridays itself. Have a nice time reading ~~

Third person point of view

Elijah smiled and stood watching Joshua. He was better than the before round. " You are getting better ". Elijah praised and clapped. " Not so much. It is fun though. Also is there one for moving targets ? " Elijah nodded. He pressed a button and the targets started to move. Joshua loaded and aimed again.

He started shooting and it wasn't going that well. He frowned. " That was fine for the first try ". Elijah said nodding to himself. " Again ". Joshua said glaring at the target. " Again ? " Elijah was surprised. Joshua nodded with determination. This time he focused hard and didn't miss a single one. He put the gun aside smiling.

Elijah gave a thumbs up; totally impressed. " Shall we go out ? " Joshua nodded and they removed the headphones and glasses. They put them aside and walked out. " It really is fun ". Joshua said with a smile. They walked forward and saw another arena which was throwing daggers. Joshua pulled Elijah to it. " You are so violent ".

Elijah said making Joshua roll his eyes. " It is just a game ". Joshua picked up the dagger and threw it. Elijah stood beside him with no interest in playing it. He picked up a dagger playing with it in between his fingers. Joshua finished throwing them all and turned to Elijah. He was about to call him, but noticed Elijah rotating the dagger looking uninterested.

" Teach me ". Elijah looked up. " What ? " " The way you are rotating it ". " It will be dangerous. You might cut your fingers ". Elijah warned but Joshua was stubborn. " I won't. I will be careful ". Elijah was unsure but he did teach Joshua. " Turn your wrist like this ". Joshua observed carefully and did try.

He didn't get any cuts, but dropped it too many times trying to master it. " You are definitely good with knives ". Joshua said admiring Elijah. Elijah smiled with his eyes lowered which held a sad expression. " I am ". Joshua didn't notice it. He chuckled and tried it. At the end he was able to master small tricks.

" It is better if you try with artificial ones first. I will get them for you later and you can try at home ". Joshua nodded. Elijah was scared that Joshua might get hurt. " No wonder you are very good at it ". Elijah rolled his eyes, tired of hearing it so much. " I thought you were over it. You just can't give up on it, can you ? "

Joshua giggled. " Then tell me why you are good with it ? " Joshua asked challenging him. " I did some martial arts, didn't I ? I learnt a few just because it was fun. That's it ". Elijah looked like he really meant it. Joshua nodded. " Why this ? " Elijah looked away with a puff. " I did a lot of them and this is just one of them ".

Joshua shrugged. " Well you do require skills to be a good gangster. Whatever ". Joshua went back to throwing it. Elijah sighed, done with Joshua making him smile. They walked out and sat on the couches placed outside. " It is indeed fun here ". Elijah said to which Joshua nodded. " You want to try anything ? " Joshua asked turning to Elijah.

Elijah looked around and pointed in a direction. Joshua looked in the direction. " Table soccer ? " Elijah nodded. They walked to it. " Let's play ". Joshua said getting in game mode. " With a bet ". Joshua groaned making Elijah smile. " Why are you so obsessed with it ? " Elijah looked up. " I am going to win, so of course I would want some reward ".

" You are so confident ? " Joshua raised an eyebrow. Elijah shrugged with a smirk. " Fine then. Let's play with a bet ". " What do you want to bet ? " Joshua thought for a while and looked up. " Me ". " Huh ? " Elijah was shocked. He opened his mouth trying to comprehend if he heard it right. " You heard it right. I will bet myself ". Elijah nodded.

" I should win this then ". Joshua chuckled. " What about you ? What are you going to bet ? " Elijah couldn't think of anything. He asked it back to Joshua. " You say it. What do you want from me ? " Joshua raised an eyebrow. " Are you sure ? " Elijah nodded. " Fine. I want you to show me the true you ". Joshua said with sharp eyes. Elijah gulped and nodded.

" I will ". Joshua smiled. " Don't go back on your word ". Elijah chuckled. " Shouldn't I be the one saying that to you ? " Joshua scoffed. " I won't ". " Nice. So how many games ? " Joshua tilted his head. " 5 ? " Elijah nodded. " Let's get it started then ". Joshua took a deep breath and rotated his neck. Elijah cracked his knuckles.

Joshua twisted it and pushed forward but Elijah blocked it. Before he could try again, Elijah scored. Joshua stood straight and looked at it with disbelief. Elijah tilted his head smiling at Joshua. Apparently Elijah was the one to win the first match. " Don't get all smug from one. There are four more. Play ". Joshua said and they started again.

Joshua stared dumbfounded as the ball went in again. He didn't know what to say. Elijah stood there looking innocent. Joshua glared grinding his teeth. They went at it again and Joshua put his full effort. " YES ! " He finally won. Elijah chuckled when he saw how happy Joshua was. Joshua cracked his neck and they started the next game.

Joshua did his best again, but.... He stood up straight and stared at the table. Elijah raised his hands in defense. Joshua looked away. He shouldn't have bet so easily. He was complaining, whining, screaming, weeping, crying; all together in his heart. He never knew Elijah was this good at this. No wonder he picked this.

He cursed silently and they started the last game. Joshua threw his hands in the air and scoffed. He didn't know his luck was this bad today. Elijah tried his best to not look smug and suppressed his smirk. " Fine. You win ". Joshua said not even looking at Elijah. Elijah nodded. " Thank you ". Joshua sighed. " You want to play more ? " Elijah shook his head.

Joshua nodded mockingly. " Of course you wouldn't want to. You got what you want anyway ". Elijah laughed. " Don't sulk now. I didn't make you promise something like that ". Joshua nodded. " True. Let's go ". Joshua walked ahead with Elijah behind him. They went up the stairs and Elijah stopped Joshua when they were going up.

" Why are you so moody ? " " I am not ". Joshua looked down. Elijah lifted his chin. " You don't need to if you don't want to ". " I wouldn't if I didn't want to ". Elijah smiled and nodded. They went to the cafe again. Joshua saw a wall which had a lot of scribbles on them. Elijah stood beside him looking at it.

He picked up a marker and handed it to Joshua. Joshua smiled and signed and left a small message. Elijah did it too. Joshua stared at Elijah's signature. He signed it as Elijah S. " You wait outside. I will pay and come ". Elijah said putting the marker away. Joshua nodded. Elijah didn't catch Joshua's intriguing gaze. Joshua gave one last glance and walked out.

Elijah went to the counter. " Sir ". The employee greeted him and Elijah nodded. " Bill ? " " Sir ? " Elijah raised an eyebrow. The employee quickly calculated it and told it to Elijah. Elijah paid and went out to see Joshua standing there. Joshua didn't know but he felt like there was something about Elijah's signature that drew his attention.

He didn't know why or what the reason was. He couldn't point it out either. He kept thinking about what it could be. He was lost in thought when Elijah came out. " Let's go ? " Joshua came out of it when he heard Elijah. " Where now ? " " Let's have dinner. Then we can go back home ". Joshua nodded.

" I know a restaurant nearby. It has really good food ". Elijah suggested and Joshua agreed. The restaurant wasn't far away from the cafe, so they decided to walk. Elijah took Joshua's hand in his. Joshua smiled and held Elijah's back. Both of them smiled at each other. They chatted happily on the way to the restaurant.

Joshua thought that maybe he was just mistaken as he couldn't think of anything. He pushed the matter to the back of his mind. Once they reached the place they sat down and ordered. They finished the dinner and walked out. " It was tasty ". Elijah said as they walked out. " Yeah. It is ". Joshua also agreed. They got a taxi to go back home.


Belated happy valentine's day. I had nothing to do on that day but still. Haha.

So the lesson is don't bet just like that. It can cost a lot. Haha

BR : (looking at nails) As much as back pain and some other pain in the lower body.

Author : (⊙_⊙) Right.

True though. You will see that happen to Joshua in the next chapter. (¬‿¬)

I swear if I have to bet against someone like Elijah who has really good luck I wouldn't do it even if my life depends on it. lol

Elijah : I know

BR : No one asked you for god's sake.

Elijah : (scoffs) I don't think you should say that.

Author : (face palm)

BR : Really ?

Elijah : (shrugs) Anyways want to bet on something ?

Author : (shaking head vigorously)

BR : Do I look like I am scared of you ? Bring it on.

Elijah : (smirks) Are you sure ?

Author : (closes BR's mouth) NO !

BR : (speaking with eyes and asking why)

Author : Listen to me in this one.

BR : (nods)

Elijah : Tsk. You guys are no fun.

Author : I don't think you should say that of all people.

BR : (giggles) Hehe.

Hahaha. I don't know when their rivalry is going to end. I will try to make peace between them by the end of this book. My BR was like it might not end. And asked if I would bet on it. I was like no way. Hahaha.

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