
Chapter 72

Jen or Hephaestus's genderbent version was tied up with magically enhanced shackles, while Alex, Kol, Hope and Davina we're sitting opposite to her.

Hope spoke up"This is important,the prison you created for your father and family is not safe.Someone is looking for them."

Jen was bored looking around,while Davina seeing Kol is getting cut in"You know how dangerous your father is,so cooperate with us on this."

Jen then turned to the group and with a fake smile replied"I am not going to give away the coffins of my power hungry family and father to you."

Alex sighed and said"We are not looking to gain anything from your father,nor are we trying to free him."

Kol had enough and turning to Alex said"Just turn her and use the potion."

Alex nodded and waved his hand and saying"Into a human"

There was a shimmer of magic, while Jen felt her powers or godly magic disappearing from her body, so with worry she questioned"What did you do to me?"

Alex was able understand his magic even effects gods,while he was not sure about affecting the gods from Percy Jackson or Supernatural,since those are from a whole different level.

Kol seeing this so called goddess was afraid answered"He made you a normal human."

This shocked the hell out of Jen, while Alex took out a vial of Veritaserum and was about force Jen to drink it as Alex said"Sorry about this,but we cannot let anyone free your family."

He understood what vial is for and quickly spoke up"I will guide you there, since there are multiple defenses present."

Alex looked at Kol and said"She already hates her father and most of her family, I don't think she will do anything to help him."

Hope seeing Jen's confused look added"He can read your mind, since you are now human."

Jen had look of understanding and asked"You can kill my father, mother and even some of my siblings. But there are some among them, who are not power hungry and really harmless."

Alex could tell from her memories the ones who are dangerous where Zeus, Hera, Ares, Poseidon, Athena, Dionysus,Aprhodite, Artemis and finally a surprise Kronos, who seems to be alive unlike the myth.

The rest like Hades,Demeter, Hermes,Apollo and Hestia are easy to get along with, but if we kill Artemis chances of Apollo going revenge crazy is huge

Alex gave nod saying everything she said is true,while Hope and Davina decided to give Jen a chance,while Kol shook his head and said"We can't trust her."

Hope cut in"Maybe,but she pretty much imprisoned her family.So they don't cause issues for the whole world."

Davina nodded added"We could make sure to keep an eye on her and Alex could easily read her intention."

While Kol seeing both of them are not stuck in there decision, so Kol gave in.

All of them followed Jen to her vault,where she kept the coffins of her family.

She was turned turned to her god state,while still being on shackles.The whole vault had wide range of locks,which were unlocked one by one.

Then Jen opened the Vault door,which led to Alex,Hope,Davina and Kol to hear a growl.Which made them step back and all of them saw it came from lion-like creature sporting either antlers or horns.It was huge as horse, while Jen slowly held her hand out and said"Nice to see you Gulltoppr."

The lion like creature recognizing Jen, slowly nuzzled into he hand.As Alex recognizing the name asked"Gulltoppr as in  Heimdall's mount."

Jen looked back with smile and replied"Yes."then looking back at the creature added with slight sadness"My father went to war with Asgard pantheon and he pretty much slaughtered them.He didn't like having other gods sharing his domains and I saved Gulltoppr from the whole thing and he has been helping me guard the coffins."

Alex nodded and knew Zeus had went to war with all the major Pantheons.Now only some remnants of those pantheons are alive,but even those are fading away with each passing year.

Alex then asked"So now we get the key from your nephews stomach."

Jen winced and said"Yeah, I put it there and pushed him inside Malivore hoping that would stop anyone from finding it."

Kol sarcastically replied"It didn't and when we destroyed Malivore,your nephew popped out too.From what we understand there are quite a few individuals,who are looking for sarcophagus in hopes of getting a favour from your father."

Jen ignoring the sarcasm said"Well they are out of their mind and don't know my father, who will bring the whole world to his control now that Malivore is gone."

Alex sighed and muttered"Yup, it is crazy."

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