
Chapter 278

(AN: Leave a comment and a review, your feedback helps me a lot.)

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Yeah! Here's the new chapter!


The remainder of the trial proceeded without problems or interruptions, and in the end, with all the evidence, testimony and Pettigrew's own confession, the jury and the Wizengamot decided that he was guilty of all the crimes they were accused of.

Mrs. Stoppard still gave Pettigrew a chance to try to defend himself, but all he did was whine and try to make up some excuse for his actions, so it was no surprise that he was silenced again... for the third time.

When Mrs. Stoppard initiated the vote to decide Pettigrew's fate and whether he was guilty or not, no one, not even the dark faction members tried to speak in favor of him, and in the end unanimously everyone will vote yes for his arrest.

However, some people were still dissatisfied, wanting Pettigrew not to be arrested, but given to the dementors to receive the kiss, but since even someone like Bellatrix did not have that fate, Mrs. Stoppard decided that life in Azkaban in a maximum security cell was punishment enough for him.

Sirius obviously didn't like her choice, as for him Pettigrew deserved a slow and agonizing death, but Andromeda reminded him that this was a losing battle, and that he should be content with the rat being arrested and with his recent freedom.


-Outside the Courtroom-

"I-I... I still can't believe I'm really free..." Sirius said still a little dazed, afraid to blink and open his eyes only to discover it was all a dream.

"Believe me my friend, you are a free man now" Nick said with a smile, placing a hand on Sirius' shoulder in a supportive gesture.

"Yes, a free man who needs to trim his beard a little, but a free man nonetheless," Penny teased, and Sirius touched his beard offended, with Nick chuckling at his expense.

"And this would not have been possible without your help" Andromeda said with a grateful look, smiling at the two immortals.

"Well, that may be true, but the reason we came this far and the reason we were able to prove Sirius innocent is someone else's credit.," Penny reminded everyone.

"Yes, we have Ethan to thank too" Andromeda said with a nod, "Without your mind and brilliantly frightening plans none of this would have been possible"

"I agree, and I can't wait to see his reaction when he knows everything worked out," Sirius said, already imagining Ethan's excited reaction.

"He'll probably shrug with a smug look" Nick said with an amused look.

"Absolutely" Penny chuckled lightly, with an affectionate look.

She then shook her head and looked back at Sirius, "But speaking of children, have you thought about when you're going to talk to your godson?" she asked.

And that question made Sirius stop in his tracks, and he thought about that question for a moment before he sighed helplessly.

"Actually, I have no idea how I'm going to interact with him after everything that's happened," he said, rubbing his eyes wearily, but a hand on his arm snapped him out of his musing.

"Don't worry, we'll find a way" Andromeda said, smiling softly at Sirius, who smiled back at her.

"Thanks for supporting me" he thanked her.

"No need to thank me" Andromeda waved her hand in disdain, "After all, if he's your godson that makes him kind of like my nephew" she said a little excited at the thought of having more members in her family.

"Heh, I guess you're right," Sirius said, but he couldn't shake his worries about Harry's reaction to seeing him.

'I just hope he doesn't hate me' he thought fearfully.


-Outside the Prisoner Cells of the Courtroom-

[POV – Ethan]

When I felt people rise to their feet in the courtroom I knew the trial was over, which meant it was time for me to start my plan.

I didn't think much about the trial results, as I could feel Sirius' emotions, and they already told me everything I needed to know about what the jury's final verdict was.

Now getting back to the point, I approached the door that led to the cells that were where prisoners were kept after trial before being transferred to Azkaban.

Looking around I noticed that there was no one around me or watching the door, and not sensing anyone in the room yet, I nodded to myself, and using an unlocking spell I had learned from Nick I opened the door.

Quickly and stealthily entering the room, I closed the door behind me, and looking ahead I noticed a long corridor with many cells separated by cold and dirty concrete walls.

And looking at the opposite wall of the cells I saw a black door, and I knew that this door led to courtroom ten which was adjacent to the room I was in, and using my senses I felt 3 magical signatures approaching, with me recognizing one of them.

And not wanting to reveal myself I waited in a corner still under the Disillusionment Charm.


"Man, today was a busy day" a brown haired and tired looking man who was wearing the Aurors uniform said, opening the door and stepping inside.

"Yeah, I can't wait to go home so I can rest. Having to stand on standby for almost 3 hours sucks" his fellow auror, a young blond man with blue eyes grumbled.

These two Aurors who were talking were dragging a short, chubby man who was handcuffed, and that man was obviously Pettigrew, who was whimpering silently, and I looked at him confused until I realized that he was silenced.

'Ripping his tongue out would have been more practical, but I guess that works too' I snorted.

I kept seeing the two Aurors escorting Pettigrew to a cell, and silently I started to slowly approach them from behind.

"Get in there and be quiet!" the blond Auror said, distastefully pushing Pettigrew into the cell.

"Yes, because of you I'm going to have pain in my legs for a week" the other auror said with a grimace.

"Oh, now you're just being dramatic Connor" the blonde said rolling his eyes, and Connor glared at him.

"Shut up Myers, you can't say much since you were complaining more than I was," he said.

"As well as being dramatic you're also delusional" Myers snorted, "As I recall it was you who—"


And before Myers could finish his sentence they heard a sound coming from inside the cell Pettigrew was in, and turning around they saw Pettigrew lying motionless on the floor totally paralyzed.

""Huh?"" they looked at each other confused, until they both felt a hand touch their chests, and looking down they didn't see anything, but the feeling was still there.

But before they could do anything two blue flashes appeared and they were thrown each to one side, with both falling unconscious to the ground.

"This was easier than I expected" I thought with a strange look, only now understanding why it was so easy for the Death Eaters to invade the Ministry in the fifth book.

But my gaze changed to a frown as I looked down at my right hand where I had touched the blond guy named Myers.

The reason I was frowning was because as soon as I touched him I felt a nasty, bad feeling, which I only felt when I was close to something or someone that had a strong connection to black magic.

And looking at Myers and using my senses I was able to confirm what I suspected. The magic around Myers and in himself was so vile and disgusting it made me grimace.

"A bloody future Death Eater, I'm sure of it," I said, reminding myself that there was a pureblood family called the Myers that had a track record of supporting blood supremacy.

But knowing I didn't have much time I decided to drop that subject, and sighing I looked back at Pettigrew.

"Well, time to test this spell" I said to myself, and stretching out my hand to Pettigrew I thought of the spell I had created, and using the process of imagination and intention I muttered the incantation.

"{Veranimagus}" and a purple ray came out of my fingertips, hitting Pettigrew, and before my eyes I saw his body start to twitch, until he ended up turning into a rat.

This spell I had created precisely for times like this, when I needed to force a witcher's transformation into his Animagus form.

I used the concepts of the animagus reversal spell and the animagus spell that is used along with the potion to complete the transfiguration into your inner animal, and since I already had a solid base on the subject it wasn't that difficult to create my spell.

Nodding satisfied to myself, I reached into the inside pocket of my jacket, pulling out a miniature cage.

With the cage in my hands I cast the Engorgement Charm on it, making it return to its normal size, and right after that I grabbed Pettigrew and threw him inside the cage.

'That was the easy part of the plan, now the hard part begins' I thought, getting ready to leave.

But when I took a step towards the door to exit the cell room I stopped, and turning I looked down at Myers' unconscious body.

Even though I didn't want to, I could still feel his corrupted and dirty magic, and with each passing second my feeling of disgust and contempt grew.

'I can't just leave someone like him here' I thought, and then looked down at the floor where a wand was lying.

Reaching for the wand I took it in my hands, and with a quick inspection I realized that the wand belonged to Myers himself, who had probably dropped it when I stunned him.

The wand was infused with Myers' magic, and I looked at it with a wry look.

"Who knew, the wand you used to do so many bad things will now be used against you" I said with a slight sarcastic snort.



(End AN: In addition to having a headache, I have to listen to several children running and playing around the house while making noise, with my neighbor deciding to choose today to turn on his drill.)

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