

"Breaking news! The massacre of Red Fang and different mercenaries band that happened the last week is---"

Aegis muted the news after hearing the same thing again and again.

Nobody knew who did it or why. Well, everybody had their own opinion, and some of them were too close to Aegis likening, but still, even if the public know he was the one who did it, they wouldn't have evidence as he made sure not to leave anything to point to him...

Aegis had a busy week, running a company that spawned an entire civilization, managing Mantle as its major, speaking with council and Ironwood, and making it all of that, so he still has time for his family did drain his mental capacities...

Still, every time he made Weiss and Harriet smile, some of his stress left him, and every time his mother hugged him made him more relaxed...

Winter, well, she wanted to come back as she probably knew that he had done it and wanted to be there for him...

Surprised? Aegis made sure that all moves Ironwood made against him and his family are known to Winter, who even though he had a very unhealthy focused on all of that military structure where they preach that they must follow generals lead, was still able enough to see how much Ironwood did to undercut Aegis methods that would help the Altlas and that just because he was paranoid and addicted to his power...

Or rather how Aegis said it to her when Winter called him about it and said that generally belong to the category of people who lived by code of Greater Good...

But for whose Greater Good...

After that, Winter was more reserved, and even if she didn't leave the academy and was still hoping to be a specialist, she started to double-take everything they taught her...

Aegis did know that she would come immediately if he wished so, but he did tell her to stay and wait for the weekend.

Then there was a matter of breaking Hazel Rainart, which was easy after using some hallucinogens and photos of his dead sister.

After that, Aegis made sure to know everything he could, and that was why he was now so exhausted...

Maidens with magical powers...

Gods who wield powers of destruction and creation like some toddlers would wield guns...

Immortals who play a chess game with entire civilizations...

To say Aegis gets a lot more headaches would be underestimating...

Bot, for the most Aegis, was both disappointed and angry...

Disappointment for the Immortal that led humanity.

And anger for the reason of that entire conflict.

Aegis was angry with Ozma, or how he was now named the Ozpin Headmaster of Beacon Academy.

He was angry that Immortal, with so many experiences and power, could not come with a better plan than to play war of attrition between mankind and endless hordes of Grimms!

Aegis now knew that Salem, the Immortal witch that led Grimms, is Immortal and cant be killed, at least with not standard methods.

But there are many different ways to defeating her and make sure she would no longer pose any threat!

A man who lived multiple lifetimes and had magical powers couldn't come with a method of imprisonment beyond Aegis logic!

From what Hazel said, Ozpin sealed with magic the four artifacts, so even the Salem couldn't get to them without maidens.

So why Ozma or Ozpin, who supposedly slew Salem multiple times just for her to regenerate didn't SEAL HER IN SOME CAVE?!

Why couldn't Ozma seal Salem and not relics is beyond Aegis's understanding...

No, the so wise Immortal rather play chess with his toy huntsmen.

But at least now that Aegis know what was happening in the shadows, he could plan and act to make their chess play a very harrowing experience.

But now, at least Aegis knows what did make Atlas fly, to think it would be some magical trinket made Aegis crack his coffee mug from the memories of annoyance he had from trying to find out the reason for Atlas floating...

And another thing.

Leonardo Lionheart...

Aegis will make sure to visit him discreetly and make sure to made him understand what consequences of betraying his people are...

Yes, Aegis would betray everybody if it meant to save his family, but even if it hypocrisy from him, Aegis was not happy that he crossed his people just because he was a coward.

As Aegis was musing over his new steps, he looked at the old message he did get from Ozpin about wishing to meet him in person.

No need to say that now that Aegis knew about that Immortal made it very complicated as Aegis was sure he would try and strangle that bastard even if he was Immortal. Aegis would do that just to spite him.

"Big bro?"

Aegis recovered from his thoughts and looked at his uninvited visitor, who was now standing on her feet and fidgeting little.

"Yes, Harriet?"

Aegis asked but didn't get a response as he saw the little girl still fidged nervously.

Sighing in defeat, Aegis rose from his chair and walked to his adopted little sister.

"What it is, my little witch?"

Aegis asked her using the new nickname she gets from Weiss and Pyrrha after Harriet displayed strange abilities...

Now that Aegis knew about magic more, he was sure Harriet was truly a magician, but he was not knowledgeable enough to do something about it, and he was now willing to risk asking Ozpin about it...

Harriet, who heard her new nickname, just pouted as she knew that they didn't use it in a hurtful manner, but instead, they called her that goodnaturedly and tease her with it.

"Weiss and Pyrrha are sleeping."

Harriet said and looked at her big brother as if waiting on something...

Aegis knows where this comes from, just sighted and takes the little girl in his arms, making her burrow into him.

"Arent you old enough to go without cuddling?"

Aegis asked softly as he was running his nad through Harriet's untamed hair and patting her softly.

"Nobody is old enough to stop cuddling!"

Harriet said in a weak voice as she started to fall asleep.

Aegis looking at her, just sighted but had a slight smile on his face.

After Harriet's twelfth birthday, she asked not for a present but for the right to cuddle whenever she wants. To say Weiss was outraged would be taking it lightly.

Aegis knowing or suspecting that the poor girl never gets love from people who take care of her before, was not able to reject such request, and as such, it became common for Harriet to come to him from time to time just to cuddle with him and sleep on his body...

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