
Terraforming Menagerie

Apparently Benjamin had been waiting outside Ray's house since I had teleport to his location , his reaction to seeing me appear suddenly in front of him made him fall on his butt and release a yelp , this reaction brought the attention of the Ray who had just feed his mother the potion I gave him and witnessed as his mom went from a pale rabbit faunus to a completely healthy woman , she even seemed to have become a bit younger. When they heard the man's yelp they opened the door and when Ray saw me he ran to me and hugged me while smiling happily "Mister , mister the red juice worked , thank you so much" and I just patted his head with a smile , Ray's mother smiled at her child but when she looked at me I could only see cautiousness and a bit of fear. That was to be expected since in this bloody kingdom her people where treated like slaves just because they had animal features.

Seeing the ears she had I knew she was a rabbit faunus but this made me confused has Ray only had a black tail but I could ask her that later , while looking at me she said "Thank you for helping us lord , I am sorry to say but we don't have the money to pay for such a fantastic medicine." I continued to pat Ray's head and this time he had turned to listen to his mother and the woman seeing me patting Ray's head stayed silent for a bit before her eyes changed into fear and she said "P-please lord don't take my child , he is just a 10 year old. You can take me" this surprised me but I understood after a bit , she thought I wanted little Ray's has payment after seeing me patting his head. I looked at her before saying "You don't have to worry I don't want payment.

I just helped because I wanted , oh and you don't have to worry about food and all other stuff since the King declared that all faunus are now equal to people so no more slavery and hunger. They will even give you a house" when she heard my words she looked at me with an expression that said 'You expect me to believe that?' and I just smiled before taking out my scroll and showing the recording I had extracted from the king's A.I. chip , this recording was only in audio but when all of them saw my scroll they were surprised such a machine existed since here they didn't have access to scroll yet since they wouldn't work here in another continent. Even thought they looked surprised none of them questioned and just continued listening to the voice of the king and by the end of the message she sat on the bed for a minute before saying with tear of happiness "We are finally free".

This made me smile and even Benjamin had a smile on his face , Ray seeing his mother cry he ran to her and hugged her before saying "Don't cry mommy" and this scene almost made me tear a bit but I didn't. After giving the mother time to recover I said "Miss what is your name?" and she said with a smile "My name is Lori , I thank you lord for helping me and delivering this message to us" I just nodded with a smiled before saying "Well now that you are cured my work here is done so I shall take my leave , I hope you guys live happily and take this. It has an instruction manual for you and when you use it it will become invisible to other's eyes" I gave them an enchanted scroll that had been enchanted to shrink and change form. This new scroll was a new prototype I was testing and it was supposed to only be given to people that had high ranks in the guild or people I trusted a lot.

After that I left the pair of mother and son but not before saying to Benjamin that kept staying guard outside the house "Benjamin you will take care of these 2 , I want you to give them the best and comfortable life." after I said that I took out a mini system injection and injected him with it , when he saw that he was shocked and asked me "Lord w-what is that?" and I said to him "That it a little tool that will help you a lot in the future if you do all I say , but if you don't it will slowly and painfully kill you. If you where to ever have malicious intent towards those 2 it will blow your head up." He looked really scared by the end and just nodded at me , I left him and flew south east , I wanted to make Menagerie a place the faunus could live peacefully since that would stop the White Fang creation.

So I flew to the future Kuo Kuana , when I arrived there it was mostly still desert since vegetation only started growing a few years ahead. I scanned the whole island with my magic and found 1 giant grimm pool which I figured it was the reason there were grimms in the island , so while my scanning was still active I ordered all the grimm in the island 'Return to the pools' and then there was a giant movement that made the other animals living there run away in fear of the grimm. After half an hour all of the grimm inhabiting the island had returned to the pool they belonged to and I flew to it's location and devoured the pool since it was a pretty weak one compared to the ones I could create and I was surprised when I got EXP and the [Telepathy] skill that came from one of the grimms and the pool itself. Apparently the island was the home of a new type of grimm and this one was a telepathic one which meant that it could affect the mind of people.

This grimm apparently had lived for a very long time and it had remained in hiding which explained why the soldier and explorers of the Kingdom of Mistral didn't find it , the grimm had a high level of intelligence since it used it's telepathic abilities to manipulate the mind of the people. I really got surprised when I saw it's memories and this made me think 'How could such an intelligent grimm be affected by my skill? Maybe because my title says I'm their king...welp whatever at least it gave me some decent EXP' so after cleaning the grimm I flew back to my previous position while scanning once again the island and this time I couldn't sense other grimm so I sighed before I created a barrier around the island that served as a natural protection. I started terraforming the island with a tool I created with arc , this tool would speed up the evolution of a location while leading it to the best condition the location could ever achieve.

Now instead of just a simple semi-deserted island , it had grown into a vibrant location full of vegetation and wildlife , I had made that the evolution on wildlife wouldn't be affected to a point they became dangerous to the people that would be living here. After I was done I looked at the beautiful island full of vitality and created a tool that could build houses for the people to live in and after another hour I had created a giant city that had the best houses that could be made in this current time , this town had self supplying energy so there would never be blackouts , another thing I made was making the town mother nature proof so that no matter the natural disaster the people could always seek shelter in their own houses. These houses could change their interior to fit the person that was living in it which meant that even if the person had 8 children all of them would live comfortably.

Each house in this town had it's own source of water which meant that there would be no thirst but with food the wildlife that had been created with in the process of evolution would do as they would never go extinct , I knew that this little heaven I created for the faunus would be coveted by many in the future so I made an A.I. for it too so it would control all that including the anti grimm barrier , the entrance of all people and their intentions , the resources being circulated since apparently there were Dust mines in the island now , that and apparently many type of metals and resources had been born with the use of the evolution tool and this impressed me and made me thought 'Maybe I should use this in all kingdoms so they would stop coveting each other's resources but I will have to be really careful or else it will ruin the commerce between the kingdoms since they would have all the resources'.

And after I was done with the A.I. and setting the town I made a dungeon tower so the people could strengthen themselves going along with the school I made there , different from the other schools this one would be managed by the A.I. and it would teach all the children , adults and old people thus dispensing the use of teachers. Another hour passed like that , I had created various facilities like hospitals , shops and etc , after I was done with those I noticed that there wouldn't be enough space and that would be bad since it would lead to the same situation in the show so I made a tool that could increase the size of the island by creating more land , flora and fauna. This could be achieved with the use of runes but then I would have to come back every some years to renovate the runes since it would eventually start to break when a lot of people entered and exited.

So with the tool Menagerie went from a island to a big continent the size of Sanus but I made it so it would expand to the opposite side as to not disturb the continent of Anima , the tool created or replicated the fauna and flora through the across the new continent thus sparing me the job of having to terraform it again but I had to expand the town and this time I made it a big kingdom and I was sure it could house all of the faunus in the world of Remnant and the ones that would come in the future years. Now all that was left to do was to send the faunus here , at least the ones that would want to come since not all Kingdoms where like Mantle that used the faunus as slaves. Leon's kingdom , Vacuo , had no slavery and all the people , faunus or not , where treated equally which was one of the reasons I liked it there. Now I just had to go to the Kingdom of Mistral to introduce them to the alliance and connect all humanity. The plan was coming along well fortunately.

Here is the chap fams , tell me if there are any mistakes or things I should correct in the comments. I'm pretty tired so I'm crashing.

Have a good night and reading fams

LeylinTheFifthcreators' thoughts
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