
- A phonecall

**Naomi's point of view**

- We left these two (Peter and Naomi) off at the car, after she went to find Adrena at Lorenzo's apartment.


''So?'' Peter asked, with a curious look on his face. He had been waiting inside the car, as I got in.

''So, here's some news for ya – I didn't make it to his apartment, since his name wasn't there. But right as I was about to leave, this lady – probably a receptionist – told me that she'd seen someone that I'm pretty sure was Lorenzo, with someone whom I'm pretty sure was Adrena, two days ago!''

I patiently waited for an applause for my incredible detective work, but never got it. Instead, I was met by a disappointed face.

''Is that all?'' He asked, with a frown.

''Wait, what? There's a lot to go with, mr. ''FBI'', from my amazing investigation, and here you are, saying ''is that all''? Did you find anything better while I was gone, huh?'' I snapped, as I stared him up and down. He didn't even blink, he was that careless.

''Not yet, but I have an idea for our next move, so please behave.'' He replied, as he gave me a cheeky smile. It made me blush.

''Okay, officer. Please elaborate me then''

He cleared his throat, and started the car meanwhile. In less than a second, we were driving. A silence filled the car for a brief moment, before he spoke.

''I just have a feeling that Dimitri is somehow involved in all of this. That video tape of her talking with him haunts me.'' He paused, and fixed his hair. ''What do you think?''

I thought for a second. ''He could be.. But, what's your plan?'' I asked.

''I have his address right here-'' he replied, while tapping the pocket in his jeans. ''Up for another adventure?''

''Abso-fucking-lutely,'' I replied, as I put on my Versace sunglasses. ''Where does he live?''

''In Millburn. Nice sunglasses by the way-'' he added, as he speeded up.

We weren't far, perhaps only ten minutes away, so it wasn't a long drive. I had a feeling that neither of us had an actual plan. Like, if Dimitri is actually there, then what? I don't know taekwondo, combat or anything like that, but I can do a hell of a high-kick – when I dance…

I was more terrified now, than I was twenty minutes ago, when I looked for Lorenzo. Cause at least his rumor doesn't include killing women, but with Dimitri, I wasn't too sure.


He turned his head for a quick moment to look at me.

''Do we actually have a plan? Like for real?'' I asked him.

He thought for a second, while returning his stare to the road. ''I always have a plan.''

The smile he gave me afterwards, calmed my nerves a little.

We arrived to Millburn, eight minutes later. ''It's right down this street.'' Peter stated, as he slowed his pace. ''Shit, do you see all that smoke?'' he added, as his eyes widened.

''Fuck-'' I gasped, as I saw it. A huge cloud of smoke warned us ahead. From a distance, I could see the blue lights from police cars.

''Dimitri lives in Millburn. And it happens to be at his address, that there's a fire. Do you think that's just a coincidence?'' Peter questioned. My mouth dropped, and what he said, left me speechless.

''Naomi?'' he added. ''What's going on inside your head?''

''I-i.. What if Adrena is there? Maybe she's hurt, we have to go there, NOW!'' I panicked, unable to control my trembling voice.

''Calm down, I'm sure she's fine! Besides, why would she be there, if she was seen with Lorenzo?'' he asked out of stupidity.

''I don't know, I'm not the detective?''. My breathing got heavier. ''But I am her friend, and we need to go there now, HURRY!'' I shouted.

''I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been so thoughtless,'' he replied, as he speeded up. ''But we have to be careful.''

We were now only a few meters away from the house, where huge flames were catching on. And that's when I saw him.

''DAD!'' I yelled, as I struggled to take off my seatbelt. My father was standing right outside the house, with three other men, holding a fire hose. As I opened the car door to get out, Peter grabbed my shoulder.

''Naomi, wait!'' he shouted, as I stepped one foot out of the car. I didn't listen, and managed to get out of the car. I slammed the door behind me, and ran towards my father.


He turned around, and I saw how his face was covered with black coal. He looked surprised to see me.

''Nao? What the hell are you doing here?'' he yelled, as he let go of the fire hose. One of his other colleagues took over, as my father ran towards me.

''Dad, I didn't know you would be here!'' I shouted back, as I met him in a hug. He gently pushed me away, and grabbed both of my shoulders, as he looked in my eyes and said: ''What do you mean? I left a note this morning? Isn't that the reason why you're here?''

Fuck. He didn't know anything about Adrena's kidnapping, Dimitri or Lorenzo. And I felt like now would be a bad time to tell him. From the corner of my eye, I could see Peter leaving his car, and running towards us. I had to come up with a good lie, and fast.

''Yes, that is actually why I'm here. I uhm, was worried.'' I stammered, as I looked down at my feet. Normally i'm good at lying, but i was caught off guard.

He didn't have time to answer, before Peter was standing right next to me. ''Who's this?'' my father asked, as he looked at Peter.

''I'm Peter, sir. I'm helping Naomi find-''

I quickly interrupted him. ''He helped me find you! I read the note, went to school and then got worried because I read about the fire in the news. He's a student at my school, and offered to drive me here.''

Peter opened his mouth to protest, but I quickly placed a hand on his ass, and squeezed it to keep his mouth shut. He gasped.

''Nice to meet you Peter. And thank you for driving my daughter, but I think it's best if you both leave. It's not safe for you to be here.''

''What happened?'' Peter asked.

''All we know is, that someone intentionally started the fire. We've been trying to put it out, all morning. It's really bad.'' My father said, as he scratched his beard. Small pieces of ash fell out of it.

''CARL, WE NEED YOUR HELP!'' someone shouted from behind us. It was one of the firefighters, who struggled holding one of the fire hoses alone.

''We'll talk at home, Nao. You have to go, both of you,'' he shouted, as he ran back to the house.

Peter and I stood for a moment, and glanced at the fire. ''Why haven't you told your father about Adrena?'' he asked, as he removed my hand that still had a firm grip on his ass.

''I don't know.. He's a little neurotic, so I don't want to worry his precious heart. Adrena is like a daughter to him, and even if I told him, he wouldn't be able to do a thing about it. And he sure as hell wouldn't allow our little 'cooperation','' I said, as I began to walk back to the car.

''Naomi, you have to tell him!'' Peter shouted, as he followed me.

''Shut up Peter. If I told him, then he wouldn't allow me to see you. So unless that' what you want, then lets agree not to tell him, okay?''

''Okay. For now. Let's go back to my place – I can call some of the guys from NYPD, to get some details about the fire.''

As we drove back to Peters apartment, I thought about the meaning behind Millburn, and found it funny and rather tragic. I know Adrena would have thought the same.

We arrived at his apartment. I waited in the couch, while Peter talked with the police. He talked with them for about 10 minutes, before he returned to the living room, with a frown in his forehead.

''So, I talked with the police..'' he said, as he seated in a chair across from me.

''Yes? What did they say?'' I asked, as I leaned in, towards him.

''Four bodies were found inside the house, three males and one female.'' He took a deep breath, and led out a sight.

My eyes teared up, and my heart was racing. My whole body was trembling, and I felt like I was about to faint. ''Who's the female? Wh-who-who is it?'' I stammered.

''We don't know yet, she's yet to be identified. Naomi, calm down, I'm sure it's not Adrena!''

I led out a scream, and fell to the floor. All air inside of me, disappeared, and I struggled to breathe. ''She's dead.. She's dead, she's dead, she's dead.. No-no-no-no-no-no-no''. I covered my ears with my hands, and felt how my body crouched together. Seconds later, I could feel hands on my back. It was Peter, who carried me, so I could lie on the couch.

''Naomi, please try and listen. It could be anyone, there's no proof that it's Adrena.''

Only a few seconds later, my phone rang. It was in a small pocket in my pants, so I quickly reached out for it, and grabbed it.

''Unknown caller'' was displayed on the screen.

''Who is it?'' Peter asked.

''I don't know,'' I mumbled, as I sniffed. I was in shock, so I wasn't able to decide whether to pick it up or not.

Peter knew, so he took the phone out of my hand, and accepted the call.

''Naomi's phone, Peter speaking. Who is this?'' he said, as he got up.

I looked up at him, and saw how the color in his face changed. He gasped silently, and looked like he'd seen ghost.

''Where are you? Are you safe?'' he asked with a resolute voice.

''Who is it?'' I asked, as I pulled myself up, so I could sit up straight.

''Yes, she's here-'' Peter said, as he handed me the phone. ''Who is it?'' I asked again.

He walked towards me, and put the phone in my hand. ''You'll see in a sec.''

I put the phone up to my ear. ''Hello?'' I said, with a shaking voice.

''Nao? Is that you?'' someone said on the other line. It sounded like…


''ADRENA? IS THAT YOU?'' I shouted, as I got up in excitement. Tears were rolling down my chins, and I wasn't able to stand still.

''Yes, it's me! I don't have much time, but I'm okay. I just wanted you to know. Where are you?''

I couldn't believe that she was actually calling me. That she wasn't dead. That she was okay.

''Adrena, where are you? I can come and pick you up right now! Just tell me where you are!'' I shouted, as I ran towards the hallway where my shoes and jacket were. I used my shoulder to hold on to the phone, while I put on my sneakers.

''I can't tell you Nao, it's not safe. I'll try and call you again in a couple of days, but don't try and look for me. Promise that you won't look for me!''

I didn't say anything. I stood in the hallway, with one shoe in my hand, and the other one on my foot.

''Nao, promise me!'' Adrena continued. I could hear someone In the background saying something to her, but I couldn't hear what he was saying, only that it was a man.

''Adrena, is that Lorenzo? If it is, then tell him that I will kill him when I find you!''

''What? Nao stop! I promise you, it's not like that. He's not dangerous. But someone is looking for us, and if they find us, then they will ki-''

The line was disconnected. Did she hang up? Or did he?

I fell to the ground, and hit the floor. Peter came running, and picked me up. ''What did she say?'' he yelled. I wasn't able to answer him.

''What did she say, Naomi?'' he continued.

''Someone's looking for her, and I think someone wants to kill her,'' I sobbed. ''We have to find her Peter. Can't you track the phone number she was calling from? Please Peter, please!''

''I can try, but I'm guessing that she called you from either a burner phone, or a phone booth. Lorenzo is a professional, he would never allow her to call you from a regular phone.''

''But we have to do something? We can't just let this one go, can we? She called me for a reason, maybe it was a cry for help! I could hear him right behind her!'' I cried.

''Naomi, we need to be careful, if we want to find your friend. We'll find her, but we have to do it our way, okay?'' he said, as he cupped his hands around my face. He dried of a tear, with his thumb. ''God, you're even beautiful, when you cry.'' He added. He reached for my hand, and dragged me towards the kitchen.

''I'll make you some dinner. We'll figure it out, Naomi. I promise.'' He said, as he took out a pan.

What do you think?

I promise - a lot more romance will evolve in the future, but i like to see it as a real relationship - sometimes it takes a little time and effort, but when it happens, it feels like the world stops <3

if you guys have any suggestions for the book or any ideas you'd like to tell me about, please share them with me in the comments! I'd love to involve y'all a little <3

(and don't worry, that doesn't mean that i myself has lost my motivation to write, quite the contrary)

calfikydracreators' thoughts
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