
Power of attorney

  "I am sorry Miss, but the chairman appointed me as his power of attorney and I am here. I suggest we should not vote now for the position. You should stop the voting process." Mr Martin said in a serious tone.

"What do you mean? Are not you a mere assistant? How can you suggest the board stop the voting? And....and are you his power of attorney? How can he appoint you as his power of attorney? "Miss Lucy Lin asked in an angry tone.

"Miss Lucy Lin. Here you can have a look. As a power of attorney of the Chairman, I have the right to stop the voting for the time being. I suggest you all should wait for at least a few days."Mr Martin replied.

"Mr Martin, my father has only forty percentages of shares of this company. And I and he are also the major shareholders of the company. He is absent from here now also he is sick. That's why we two had decided to vote for the new Chairman. You can not stop us." Miss Lucy Lin said.

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