
Thank you, Lily

        The gun the man was holding fell down on the floor. Nina Anderson reached near the gun hurriedly and picked it up.

"Thank you, Lily."She uttered and pointed the gun at the man lying on the floor.

"Get up."Nina Anderson growled. The man shocked to see the gun in her hand.

"Hey,i...it is not a thing to play with. Keep it away. It is fully loaded."The man said in a worried tone.

"Isn't it good that it is fully loaded? Now let us go. I want to meet with your leader."Nina Anderson said in a cold tone and pointed the gun at one of the guests present there.

"B....boss is sleeping in his room."

"I don't care. Go and tell him to come out. Remember, don't try to use any trick on me. I have got enough shreds of evidence to send you all to jail. My people are coming. So you as well as your customers can not leave easily."Nina Anderson said in the same cold tone. The man stunned to hear her words.

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