

Yeonwoo woke up with a heavy body. He touched the side of the bed and figure out that Hee-Ryang was not beside him. His eyes irritatedly opened and sat down on the bed, instantly his face rather turned due to the pain on his lower part.

That jerk! How can he leave him after eating too much last night?!

Apparently, Yeonwoo's concert was finished, and he doesn't have any schedule this time. He stands up from the bed and went to the bathroom to wash his face. Many red ambitious marks appeared on his white skin that was not covered with the fabric he was wearing right now. The clothes were very big, and he knew that this silk was originally worn by Hee-Ryang as it exudes manly aroma. He sighed and continued washing his face.

"Are you up?" Suddenly a low voice sounded at his back.

Hearing this, Yeonwoo only frowned and rolled his eyes in disbelief. He did not turn his head towards him and cleaned his face repeatedly. In his peripheral view, he saw how Hee-Ryang displayed his satisfied grin as his eyes landed on the few marks on Yeonwoo's body. This made the hermaphrodite angry and furious. He finally turned his head against him and pointed out his fingers, glaring intensely.

"You are a mad dog! Do you know if manager Yan will see this marks I will still able to escape from his wrath?!"

Only Hee-Ryang's smile widened and approached the angry youth, gently coaxing, "I already knew that you don't have any schedule this month. You don't have to worry."

Yeonwoo closed his eyes for a brief moment. He doesn't know how can a shy puppy turned into a shameless man in just a few weeks. He really underestimated this jerk.

Thus, Yeonwoo finished washing his face and changed into a new set of clothes brought by Hee-Ryang. His body was still sore due to the wildness of the beast last night.

And Hee-Ryang who was responsible for this, was attentively arrange all his needs. And Yeonwoo was very satisfied by this.

"So whose house is this?" Yeonwoo asked as he threw a mouthful amount of food to his mouth, slowly chewing.

Hee-Ryang smiled and took a sip on his black coffee before answering, "I bought this years ago."

"Then who's living here? You have a dozen of maids, but I know you don't live here. Don't tell me this place will be a hideout from your mistresses in the future?"

A chuckled sounded and was replaced by a deep low voice, "I bought this...when my mother and aunt Taeha both told me that I will be engage to you."he grinned, and his sharp face softened indescribable, "The house was huge yet unfinished. I plan to tell you this after we hold our engagement party. Apparently, this house has one master bedroom, two guestrooms and one normal room. The maids were hired by my mother to maintain the cleanliness of the house."

"So you already plan all along, huh?"Yeonwoo narrowed his eyes and pursed his lips, "What if I reject you? Then your effort will be in vain."

"Reject? Sorry baby, I have many ways to make you surrender to me." answered by Hee-Ryang with a wide grinned.

Yeonwoo rolled his eyes and displayed an arrogant face, snorting faintly, "How can you act like a smitten fan and also an overbearing character? I was deeply fooled by believing such a face with a harmless attitude."

Hee-Ryang only chuckled, but when he remembered the suspicion words of the youth yesterday, his expression darkened.

"Last night...you thought Jiyeon kidnapped you. Why do you think of this?"

When Yeonwoo heard this, his expression did not change for a bit. More on, his countenance was like that he already expected that Hee-Ryang will ask about this.

"Jiyeon was a very ambitious man. I will not lie to you that this is not the first time that Jiyeon has done several deeds just to cut me off."he answered honestly, although it was needed, he doesn't want to lie to the man who he gave his body with. And with the fierce and powerful identity of Hee-Ryang, he will only gain fewer troubles.

But the result was divergent to what he anticipated, as Hee-Ryang's face completely turned dark. His body muscles tense unintentionally and the surrounding air produced a very dominant aura. If Yeonwoo don't know Hee-Ryang, he will possibly collapse by this terrifying ambience.

Hee-Ryang lifted his eyes and was met by the calm gaze of Yeonwoo. He restricted the desire to destroy someone and urgently calm his self and asked, "How many times does this situation happened to you? Why didn't you tell me about this?"

Yeonwoo pursed his lips and put the utensil down at the table. His eyes deeply face the blazing sight of Hee-Ryang, "I only noticed this last month when I returned. The reason of his unholy deeds towards me was because he aims for my family's company."

"I will help you deal with him completely—"

"There's no need."Yeonwoo interrupted. Regardless of their relationship was no ordinary, he doesn't want to put all the work on anyone. The change of temperature of Hee-Ryang was perceivable, so he continued, "My brother was already working with this matter. There is no need for you to help us."

The precise yet honest words of the youth broke the stone heart of Hee-Ryang. Albeit the words was not meant to differentiate their relationship, in his perspective the youth still not put his heart on him.

"Okay." he responded half-hearted.

Yeonwoo smiled and leaned closer to Hee-Ryang lips, "There is really no need for you to pitch in." then his sweet lips landed on his lips.

Hee-Ryang only sighed and pulled the youth closer to him.


A loud vase reverberated in the whole quite house. The butler wiped the blood on his forehead and the pain was normal for him. His skin was numb from any kind of pain as he experienced this in his common life. He then cleaned the scattered pieces of the vase on the ground and turned his gaze on the angry young master.

"You are all useless trash!" Jiyeon shouted loudly as he received the message that Yeonwoo escaped from his scheme.

He threw all the papers on his desk and glared intensely at the old butler. Only two of them was present in his room and his anger was directly vent on the butler. But his heart can't feel any slightly bit of ease. Something was really wrong.

No matter what he thinks, the present events was different from what he expected and calculated. Sobin was supposed to be foolish and stupid yet all the traps that was prepared by Jiyeon for him was not working. And his reputation on the company only broaden.

Thinking about this, Jiyeon's face only turned ugly. He once again lifted the only vase left on his desk and ruthlessly throw it on the butler. The sound of crashed was very loud and thunderous, but Jiyeon was still not satisfied by venting his anger.

He turned his eyes again on the paper that was left on the desk and his gaze was severely burning in fury.

All the proposal and projects that he created has been rejected without telling him the real reason. And Sobin, that wasteful idiot, was now assigned to his suppose to be predicted projects. His heart can't help but sour.

He was really deceived by believing that Yeonwoo, that bitch was working behind his back and was eyeing on the company. He spent all his effort and time to observed all the movements of Yeonwoo and finally forgotten Sobin who was escaping in each trap he conducted.

If Yeonwoo...was not planning to inherit the company...then his intention was to mislead him about the circumstances?

Suddenly, a scary laughed escape from Jiyeon's lips. He leaned on the chair lazily and his eyes was closed for a short moment.

He really was deceived!

Yeonwooo...and Sobin was definitely working together behind his back.

It's a pity that all the chess pieces has been put together.

Jiyeon's eyes was flashed with interest. No matter how many times they tried to stop him.

The success will always be his.

The butler with a bloodstained face left the room. His face was dyed in red as the towel did not able to removed all those stains. His clothes were also stain.

The pain on his wound was very uncomfortable but as he, himself, did not try to resist and escape the wrath of his young master. For him, Jiyeon was his benefactor. And to be able to serve such as good master give a slight tingling itch on his heart, even though he will be beaten badly.

"You were beaten again, am I right?" When he reached the hall, a familiar maid approached him.

The butler wiped the blood on his forehead and turned his head to encounter the teasing eyes of the young hermaphrodite. He frowned, "It's none of your concern."

Hans gently narrowed his eyes and moves forward to the butler, he leaned closer to his ears and whispered, "I told you, abandon young master Jiyeon and change your side."

The Butler pushed the maid away and turned around to find if someone was watching them. When he did not saw anyone, he returned his eyes on the maid, angrily sneering, "Do you know what you are talking about? I am not like you!"

"Oh, gladly, I am also not like you. I'm not masochist."

The butler face turned entirely ugly. His wrinkle forehead with fresh wound was very unsightly, the same with the words of the young maid.

In the house, although Hans was young, they shared the longest time being the spy of Jiyeon. They both work nonstop and obeyed the demand of Jiyeon. But these days... Hans instantly changed completely. He turned his back on their young master and become the subordinate of Yeonwoo. Because the butler and Hans shared a deep relationship, the Butler did not reveal the betrayal of Hans. But he was not also a good person to begin with. If Hans do something to his young master, he will be the first one to eliminate him.

But seeing the proper treatment that Hans received, his heart can't help but to filled with envy.

Yet he was fully devoted, "I will pretend that I did not hear what you said." he did not wait for his response and hurriedly left.

Hans watched the departed back of the butler. An annoyance light flashed in his eyes. The hands that was place below his hips was clenched repeatedly.

He remembered what Yeonwoo asked him to do.

"Convince all the servants of house to change side and become my subordinate instead. If you manage to do that, I will grant you the life that was not inferior to a rich young master."

That was the deal he needs to fulfill. And as a very ambitious himself, he will do anything that can make his dream come true.

In present, he managed to convince half of the servant. And the hardest one was the butler. But seeing him always hurt and wounded this past few days, Hans' heart was filled with uncontrollably desire. It will be a matter of days before he can completely convince the butler.

And his dream...will come true.

He smiled like crazy as he found his way down to the corridor. But when his eyes paused on a certain person, his step stopped.

"Relle what are you doing here? You are supposed to clean the entrance hall!" he asked suspiciously.

The maid turned his eyes on him and Hans can't help but stiffened. The eyes that was gazing directly at him was a lifeless pair of eyes. His aura discreet him from the rest, as Hans himself noticed this at the beginning.

The one who was called Relle smile nicely, "I was walking absentmindedly, I did not notice that my feet brought me here."then his voice turned different, "Soul Scanning Operation. 3....2....1.... Ding. Soul was normal."

Hans was no idea if the robotic sound was just his illusion or not. But when his consciousness came back, Relle has long gone on his front.

He suddenly recalled the warning of Yeonwoo.

"You can convince anyone, except for the person...who was called Relle."

At first, he was confused, but he did not ask any question and was about to execute his command but was stopped by the added words of Yeonwoo.

"Because he was not a person to begin with."

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