She left the news board, still thinking about the mysterious note. Who could be the man that left the note for her? She was deep in thought when she tripped over something and fell.
- Oh my god! Why are so stupid? she mumbled under her breath
Elizabeth got up from the cold pavement when her phone ringed. "God, who is calling me right now?" she thought. She pulled out her phone from the black purse she was wearing and saw that the caller was Emma.
- What are you doing, my darling?
- Getting up from the freaking pavement. I fell down like a cow.
- You know, cows are not capable of falling so easy.
- That wasn't my point. I hate you!
- Love you! Where are you?
- In Hell! And I'm coming to get you.
- I'm waiting for you! How long 'till you arrive?
- Ten minutes. Ow, my foot!
- Be careful! I'm waiting you with a bag of ice and a cup of coffee.
- Forget the coffee, prepare the gin!
- Yes, sir!
Emma hung up and Elizabeth continued walking, a feeling of pain taking over her right foot. The fact that she wore heels didn't help her.
When she got home, Emma was waiting for her on the couch watching cartoons. She always watched them, and when they were having a sleepover, they always argued over what to watch. Elizabeth wanted horror movies and Emma, cartoons. She never enjoyed watching horror movies, especially if it involved clowns, because she was a scaredy cat.
- Hello, my dear darling! You look bad.
- How do you expect me to look like when I think I sprained my ankle, walking on the damn street?
Emma came and took Elizabeth by her arm, helping her walk to the couch.
- Stay here, I'm going to get the bag of ice.
- Where do you think I can go? My ankle hurts like hell. And besides the bag of ice bring the gin, too. I need it!
- Ok! How did things go? Emma shouted from the kitchen
- Good! Elizabeth said with a smile on her face, right when Emma was coming from the kitchen
- What's with that smile on your face? You know I know you better than anyone.
- It's nothing! I'm just proud that I didn't screw up.
- Mmmh... sure Jan! And you think I believe you? Good joke.
- Fine! You know I had to interview this guy, Thomas Gibson. Well, he's handsome, smoking hot call it however you want, and I think we flirted a bit. But, we'll probably never see each other ever again. So, no need to get excited over nothing.
- I think you will meet again, somehow, so imma get my hopes up. she said with a hint of excitement in her voice
- As a matter of fact, somebody left a note for me today at the front desk. But, it has no name on it, just mine.
- Could it be Mr. Handsome?
- If I knew you would act this way, i wouldn't have told you! she said in a disappointed tone
- Hey! I'm your best friend, more like your sister, and you should tell me everything, no matter what. What do you say if I tell you to message the mystery man?
- I will say no and maybe punch you in the shoulder, because my foot isn't helping me kick your ass.
Elizabeth punched Emma in the shoulder, and Emma pressed harder on the bag of ice, making the girl scream.
- You're such a bitch. I didn't punched you that hard. You didn't have to press that bag on my ankle. You're intolerable, I swear to God!
- I am and you still love me. So, will you text him?
- No, what if he's some kind of freak?
- You'll never find out if you don't text him. Maybe he isn't a freak and you'll get lucky.
She was always like this, basically forcing her to text a guy or date someone from work, because two colleagues liked her.
Elizabeth didn't know what to do, because her brain told her to not do it, but her heart told her to do it. She had mixed feelings, not knowing what to do, being scared at the thought that she'll run in some kind of freak. She already had trouble with a past relationship and didn't want any more problems. When she came to New York, her only thought was that she needs to start a new life, leaving all of the problems in the past. But, if she stayed and think about it, never say never.
- Fine! I will text him. But only if you stop bothering me.
- Yes! I knew I'll win. I always do.
Elizabeth rolled her eyes at what Emma said and took her phone from the table. "Why am I doing this?" she thought.
- I cannot believe I'm doing this right now! I hate you from the bottom of my heart.
- You know you love me. And you'd be dead without me.
- Yeah, sure!
Elizabeth started to think about what was the most appropriate thing to say. What could you write to a total stranger?
- You know, I shouldn't do this.
- Yes, you should! And if you're not doing this, then I will.
- And say what? If you come up with an idea then I'm gonna text him, if not, then, I will throw this napkin in the garbage. We're not going to argue about this.
- Fine! Let me think.
- Don't take too long.
Elizabeth tried to got up from the couch, to get another glass of gin, but she fell down on the couch. She started swearing and Emma got up fast trying to help Elizabeth.
- What did you do?
- I tried to get up to get myself a glass of gin, but my foot hurts too much. While you think about what to say to the mystery man, can you refill my glass? I love you!
- I love you too, but, sometimes you're just too stupid for this century! she said and started laughing
Emma got up from the couch, took Elizabeth's glass and went to the kitchen. Elizabeth started to think about who could the man be. "Could it be, Thomas?" , "No, it isn't possible!". But what if the fate wanted them to be together and this was it's way to do it?
Emma came back from the kitchen, with the refilled glass of gin, and told Elizabeth:
- What if you just write a simple "Who is this?"
- You know, this isn't a bad idea. Surprisingly!
She introduced the unknown number in her phone and wrote "Who is this?" . She hoped that whoever left that napkin for her wouldn't answer the message that she just sent. She didn't need, nor want, any complication in her life right now. In this moment the only important thing for her was to work hard and feel accomplished. But you don't always get what you want.