

The next day, Syryn stepped out of their home bright and early with Lucien and Akida. Riaku had left it to the surly avian to act as Syryn's bodyguard and tour guide.

"Syryn, when do we get to visit the inverse waterfall?" Lucien asked him. The little boy had been asking the same question to the avian guard when Syryn had been away lecturing.

"We can go this evening," the alchemist answered. He didn't think it would take too long for them to treat the patient. If the disease was one that Syryn could not deal with, he would cut his losses and move on to the next one.

"And why are the trees called sun trees?" Luci pointed to the yellow-leaved branches that spread out like a fan above them. "Is it because the leaves are yellow in colour?"

This time, Akida answered. "It's because the fruits of the sun tree grow vertically. They grow on branches that face the sun at all times."

"Can we taste some?" Luci asked.

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