
Tea party (1)

The morning was sunny. As Amelia awoke to rays of warm light that filled the room through a crack in the curtains she almost forgot of the cold winter temperature outside.

Even though it was still fairly early in the morning the duke was nowhere to be seen.

'Probably working' she contemplated.

Amelia on the other hand did not feel like getting up just yet since the tea party wasn't being held until later that afternoon. She stayed in bed for a while longer, trying but failing to fall back asleep.

After eventually having her breakfast in the duke's room she returned to her chamber to prepare, and already waiting for her there was Olivia, Sophia and a brown haired maid that Amelia had seen a few times before but didn't know the name of.

Sophia had chosen a youthful, light sage colored dress for her to wear and when Amelia entered her chamber it was already dispayed beautifully on a clothesrack in the centre of the room. Although the design was simple the subtle detailing on the bodice and sleeves made it seem befitting for the occation.

Following her bath the maids assisted her with fitting the corset and putting on a heavy petticoat that was requiered to wear under the dress. After having her makeup done Amelias hair was curled and braided back with a matching green ribbon made of silk, and to finish it all of her ears were adorned with a set of simple yet elegant pearl earrings that Gordon had prepared.

Strangely enough Olivia appeared to be in a bad mood the entire time. She was unusually quiet and didn't engage in attempts to make conversation.

"I will help the miss with the dress, so you can go take a rest" she suddenly said when the maids finished with Amelia's hair.

This took Amelia by surprise since her snappy way of saying it seemed so out of character and judging by the tense atmosphere that followed it seemed like the others thought so too.

The brown haired maid and Sophia looked to Amelia and she nodded as confirmation and thanked them for their help.

After they had left the room was silent for a while, the only sound coming from the crinkling of the dress.

"Are you really going?" Olivia eventually asked with a sullen voice, fumbling her hands as she buttuned Amelias dress.

"I have already confirmed that I will so I have to" she responded, beginning to get an idea of where the conversation was headed.

"No one will blame you if you sent a message that you are ill" Olivia stated curtly, almost sounding annoyed.

Amelia lowered the maid's hands from her collar.

"Will you tell me what is wrong?"

Olivia turned her head and did not say anything in response.

"Is this in any way related to your sister?"

It was likely a shot in the dark, though somehow Amelia felt that it was the reason for Olivias unusual behavior. At her inqury the maid's body seemed to tense up and she tightened her lips so hard that they assumed the shape of a straight line.

"Never mind that, you don't have to tell me" Amelia sighed, immeadiatly regretting the question. She'd had no intent of pressuring the maid about telling of her past, but Olivias attitude had made her impatient and frankly a little irritated.

The silence that followed, although short lived, was heavy. A feeling of guilt grew in Amelias chest but before she could speak up to apologize Olivia finally met her eyes.

"I'm sorry" she said.

Unlike she had before the maid looked more concerned than she did annoyed.

"I seem to be projecting my own guilty concience onto you. I keep remembering how noble society affected my sister and how I didn't do anything to help her, but I realise that this is no reason for me to act this way towards you as your maid..."

Amelia felt inclined to ask Olivia whether or not her sister was illegitimate like her, but decided not to. Considering the way she spoke of her it was at the very least clear that their situation must've been similar.

Olivia sighed and leaned against the back of the sofa, appearing to be lost in thought.

"It's not like I don't trust your capabilities and judgement. And I understand your desire of wanting to make friends" she said.

"I just don't want you to be anymore hurt, given what you've been through."

The previous irritation that Amelia had felt washed away at Olivias words. She smiled softly and held the maid's hands between hers.

"Thank you for worrying about me."

She could not think of anything better to say to convey her feelings, but her words seemed to have been enough. Olivia returned her smile, though a look of worry and sadness still lingered in her eyes.

"To tell you the truth, I'm actually not attending simply to make friends. I have you and that's more than enough for me. I am fully prepared for whatever welcome I may recieve by the other ladies so regardless what they may say to me I will not be hurt."

Olivia looked at her but did not say anything, though it appeared like she to want to ask Amelia something.

A knock sounded on the door and from behind it Paul announced himself.

"It seems I should go now. If it's alright with you, will you tell me more about your sister next time? I'd like to know more about you, if you're comfortable with telling me?"

Olivia nodded and hummed in agreement. She aided Amelia with putting on a heavy, white coat with fur lining and then accompanied her to the door. Before opening it though, she paused.

"I too consider you as a friend" she stated, before placing her hand on the doorhandle.

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