
The End?

---Chapter 16: The end?---




From the ground multiple zombie's arms started coming out from the ground, shattering the ice and penetrating into the surface.

The horrible screams and screeches from the zombies soon echoed all around the cave, This caused some people in the cave to start trembling from fear.

Even I was nervous in front of so many monsters.

I could have taken care of one or two at the same time. However, the amount of zombies that were popping out of the ground was absolutely horrendous.

Fourteen zombies.

We had to fight against fourteen zombies, and although we were supposed to be having a numerical advantage, The people behind me didn't felt confident in the slightest, neither I.

Opening the entrance of the cave to flee was not an option, once it was opened, we could be attacked by the zombies and demon eyes from the outside.

So we only had one option.

To fight inside this cave for our survival.

And the surrounding people knew that too, so they took their fighting stance as soon as they noticed the gravity of our situation.

Once the zombies saw us, they started running at an astonishing speed towards us.

The HP of these zombies was very variated, mostly depending on the size they had, however, the average was between 240 and 300 of HP.

The crazed look in their eyes, combined with the blood falling from their bodies and their raging screams for food made my back drench in cold sweat.

However, i didn't back down in the slightest. Like hell i was gonna be killed by the weakest enemies in the game after all these years of preparation and training!

I readied my sword and attacked the joints of the nearer zombie.

[You have dealt 14 damage.]

[You have dealt 13 damage.]

[You have dealt 11 damage.]

The zombie fell to the floor, unable to walk anymore, however, it still crawled in my direction at full speed.

When I was about to start stabbing it until it died, I heard a horrible scream from behind me.

I looked behind and i saw a warrior and an archer being shredded apart by a small group of zombies with just pure strength.

The blood and the horrible screams from those people made me fall into an enraged state.

I quickly took my torches once again and began burning every one of the zombies on the way while dodging their attacks.

When the group of zombies attacking the people noticed me, they started running towards me while shrieking and screeching in a disgusting manner.

I activated my perceptive state and began dodging their attacks at my full speed.

Although currently I was really perceptive and had incredible reflexes, dodging al the attacks of six zombies at the same time was impossible for me. Luckily I still managed to just get superficial wounds while fighting them.

The screams for help from the surrounding people didn't help me to concentrate either, and my body was starting to feel more tired due to the continuous dodging.

The amounts of mental and physical pressure I was suffering was starting to affect me, at this rate the only option of survival could be to escape from the cave

It was then...

When I looked around me, I noticed the horrible situation I was currently in.

There were corpses everywhere laying on the ground, all of them covered in a pool of fresh blood.

Everyone had already died, and I was the last one standing, the other zombies that were busy eating were starting to finish their food.

If I kept fighting, the number of zombies could just increase, and I could be surrounded easily.


My only way to survive was to escape and avoid every monster and demon eye in the outside

I took out my pickaxe and ran towards the entrance of the cave.

I dodged every zombie that tried to attack me while I was running, however i still got some light wounds on my arms and face.

When I arrived at the entrance, I smashed it with my pickaxe, and it crumbled away almost instantly.

There were zombies everywhere, and once they heard the commotion inside the cave, they looked at me straight in the eyes.

Oh, for the love of-!

Once they saw me, they started running wildly towards me while screaming like madmen.

I had no more options but to run at full speed to leave behind those f*ckers. So I drank a swiftness potion, and started running At full speed.

I dodged every zombie in front that threw themselves to me with the intention to bite me.

It was until I felt an imminent danger on my back that I dodged to the side.


An explosion happened behind me after dodging whatever tried to attack me

When I gave a quick look to what tried to hit me, I saw that it was a demon eye that crashed on the ground after failing to hit me.

The place was devastated and even had some spiderweb like cracks on the place it hit.

Holy sh*t...

If that thing hits me with one of those dashes, I think I won't be able to move for a few hours.

I dodged every of it's attacks, and then continued running with the hope that the sun appeared soon and drove away these monsters.





My legs hurt, and my lunges as well...

I don't know how much time have I been running without stop.

At some point, I left the mountains and entered at a forest...

The amount of monsters increased too.

Currently, I was being pursued by dozens of monsters at the same time.

That was why I forced my body to continue running nonstop, Because if i stopped even by a second, they could reach me.

However, my body had a limit.

And my luck seemed to had one too, because in the end after all that running I ran into a dead end when I ended entering at the bottom of an enormous cliff that blocked my path.

When i noticed that the tall walls of stone were blocking my escape, I knew that I couldn't run anymore.

I did my best to not fall to the ground powerlessly in exhaustion and turned around to face the monsters running behind me.

"Huff... huff..."

My breath was rough, I was sweating like crazy, and I was on the verge of falling unconscious due to my exhausted body.

Even after all my preparations I still failed.

I felt powerless and angry at myself for being so weak.

The story was repeating itself again.

I thought I could have been able to survive in this world with this amount of preparation, however, in the end... all it took to kill me was a night...

When the zombies and the demon eyes noticed that i stopped running, they approached me slowly, like enjoying every second of it.

Their prey finally stopped running, and was now unable to escape anymore.

Seems like I gave them a lot of trouble huh?

I looked at my status window one last time, more specifically at a certain message.

The message that the goddess sent me when I was born.

[This shall be my gift for you young soul, as a way to amend our error you have been given a new life in a new world, one in which I hope you find the happiness that you were not able to achieve in your past life, This world is similar to that game you used to play "Terraria", my blessings will protect you from the harm and lead you to glory in this life. Without more delay I wish you luck in your journey]


"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!" I laughed aloud at seeing such a stupid message.


What gift you F*cking goddess...?

This was torture.

I wonder if this b*tch was currently somewhere else laughing at my misfortune.

Enjoying every moment I felt despair.

Making me her toy.

Just imagining it made me clench my teeth and my fists in rage.

So I'm going to die here?

So be it.

There's already nothing that bounds me to this world.

No family.

No friends.


Humans are scared of the unknown, however, I have already died once, so I already know what's afterlife.

I don't need to fear death...

I clenched my fist in front of my face and started smiling brightly.

I might as well end this life of mine with a fight, right?

I couldn't move my body anymore, but I could still use my magic.

After calming myself down I leaned on the walls behind me, and began chanting my magic.

Soon, a lot of fireballs appeared in front of me and flew straight to the faces of the zombies and some demon eyes.

The screaming of rage and fury of the zombies soon echoed all around the place.

I fired more and more fireballs at them, igniting various monsters that tried to approach me, and that ended screaming in pain. Some demon eyes tried to dash forward, however, my fireballs stopped them right before that happened.

This continued for a while, however, my physical state kept worsening with every second that I spent fighting.

My mana kept being drained, and I was on the verge of falling unconscious.


I fell to my knees and tried to maintain my conscience.

The pain and the exhaustion were overtaking my body...

And in the end, my mana ran out, a zombie near me noticed that, and lunged at me with ferocity.

What i didn't expect was that the walls I was behind me, could suddenly crumble apart due to the impact of the zombie and me crashing against it, revealing a small cave with a very deep hole on the floor.

We rolled on the ground for a bit, but in the end we ended up falling throw the hole.

The zombie couldn't hold on to me and ended up crashing to the walls while we were falling.

"Huff... Huff..."

My eyelids started closing on its own while I was falling through the hole.

I don't know how much time I kept falling.

But before I could reach the floor, my mind shut down.

Give me your Power stones or else you will receive a minute of bad luck.




My godly powers just allows me to give you one minute of bad luck.

Either way, give me your power stones.

Jarron7creators' thoughts
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